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At Miami Ohio in ‘25 not happening, so that’s good. - Fool on the Hill MU - 7/26/24 18:03:31
     I heard awhile ago, this was going to happen. The new game - TampaTiger87 MU - 7/27/24 00:08:42
     Another opportunity for a great trip lost - alzoo MU - 7/26/24 18:09:53
          Oxford, OH is a great trip? (nm) - Hickeytime MU - 7/26/24 18:28:38
               Never been there - alzoo MU - 7/26/24 19:04:35
                    Fair enough (nm) - Hickeytime MU - 7/26/24 19:10:09
@uga it just means more ... - tmcats KSU - 7/26/24 17:14:31
     When half the team gets drafted after two years, - Gary P. MU - 7/26/24 17:31:00
i see texas is favored by some ... - tmcats KSU - 7/26/24 15:04:33
     Irrelevant right now. We'll see how it shakes out. What - Diamond Dave MU - 7/26/24 21:23:08
     lol why do you care so much you feel the need to post here? - mu95como MU - 7/26/24 18:53:41
          Conspiracy theory - he is a dual handle for a TB mod - BurgTiger MU - 7/26/24 19:21:28
          we're just talking sports, relax, have a beer(nm) - tmcats KSU - 7/26/24 18:58:13
     SEC isn't top heavy what are you smokin'(nm) - AWOLTiger KC - 7/26/24 17:21:51
     Media falls for UT bullsh1t every year - Blitzkrieg OU - 7/26/24 16:59:57
          They were pretty decent last year - Genco98 MU - 7/26/24 18:15:27
          RE: Media falls for UT bullsh1t every year - Fire Marshall Bill MU - 7/26/24 17:01:56
     RE: i see texas is favored by some ... - Fire Marshall Bill MU - 7/26/24 16:54:53
     So if Texas sucks in the SEC, you're going to come here - AllThingsKC KC - 7/26/24 16:43:18
          no, i just noted texas is favored and commented accordingly(nm) - tmcats KSU - 7/26/24 17:15:49
     Big 10 goes 3 deep... SEC goes 14 deep...not the same at... - BandG MU - 7/26/24 16:41:24
          this is why i'm intersted to see how the b12 teams do there(nm) - tmcats KSU - 7/26/24 17:16:21
               Teams that dominated the Big 12. (nm) - zounami MU - 7/26/24 18:02:44
                    texas won 3 b12 championships(nm) - tmcats KSU - 7/26/24 18:42:25
               Make no mistake, Texas is good but they have not had to... - BandG MU - 7/26/24 17:54:49
     That is not going to happen - Tiger in STL MU - 7/26/24 15:37:37
          that is what will make their michigan game ... - tmcats KSU - 7/26/24 15:38:44
     Fraud? How many NCs have come from the B12 in the last - HDTiger MU - 7/26/24 15:36:23
          top heavy like the b10(nm) - tmcats KSU - 7/26/24 15:37:15
     6-6 is Nebraska’s ceiling. IMO of course. (nm) - Outsider MU - 7/26/24 15:27:34
          Probably not this year - Genco98 MU - 7/26/24 18:17:37
          5* freshman #1 rated taken from uga qb will get tested(nm) - tmcats KSU - 7/26/24 15:32:35
     go back to your Big 12 boards - FootballRefugee MU - 7/26/24 15:24:16
     I wonder what kind of algorithms they use for those compute - JeffB MU - 7/26/24 15:19:32
     hmm... I don't follow the logic. - bornoncampus MU - 7/26/24 15:12:44
          if texas walks into the mighty sec out of the weak b12 ... - tmcats KSU - 7/26/24 15:34:46
               So to be clear you think Sark is the same as - bcoop199 KC - 7/26/24 16:26:12
                    i believe sark is a fine coach and may dominate next fall(nm) - tmcats KSU - 7/26/24 17:14:07
          he's desperate - FootballRefugee MU - 7/26/24 15:26:32
UGA WR Arrested - cruelty to children - Gary P. MU - 7/26/24 10:09:48
     UGA has been averaging something like one arrest per - Harvey Specter MU - 7/26/24 11:49:19
          The real question is - bagpipertiger MU - 7/26/24 11:57:36
               No - they are professionals now. They lawyer up... - Carlos Rossi KC - 7/26/24 14:00:29
     Spurrier - lol - Genco98 MU - 7/26/24 10:59:54
          LOL. (nm) - Tiger_Claw STL - 7/26/24 11:47:58
          haha(nm) - TigerA MU - 7/26/24 11:11:30
     yikes(nm) - MizzouAstro MU - 7/26/24 10:13:09
Dan Lanning - greendoor MU - 7/26/24 06:51:16
     an even more unimportant fact - McMuffin MU - 7/26/24 14:51:52
          I wonder if Ulysses S. Grant ever stopped in to that Walmart - JeffB MU - 7/26/24 14:55:22
               Don’t know about Grant, but Sherman certainly did. Had to - Fool on the Hill MU - 7/26/24 15:00:13
     I listen to an interview with him yesterday on Sirius radio - mu95como MU - 7/26/24 12:12:15
     One of my best friends played with him at Richmond - TheRoyalTiger MU - 7/26/24 11:42:20
          well, good news then - Fire Marshall Bill MU - 7/26/24 12:17:46
          i wouldn't imagine. he has no connection to mu(nm) - TigerA MU - 7/26/24 11:47:03
     I’ve drank beer with Dan a couple of times - Fire Marshall Bill MU - 7/26/24 09:55:22
          * - Fire Marshall Bill MU - 7/26/24 09:58:24
     RE: Dan Lanning - CPA MU - 7/26/24 08:00:42
     RE: Dan Lanning - sarasotatiger MU - 7/26/24 07:54:25
          You are right. -- it was 1971. - greendoor MU - 7/26/24 08:53:12
               I think that game was played in Fulton. Year of my birth, - Fool on the Hill MU - 7/26/24 12:52:56
               RE: You are right. -- it was 1971. - sarasotatiger MU - 7/26/24 09:01:57
     Also coached at Park Hill South H.S. in KC's northland(nm) - ImpalaSS MU - 7/26/24 07:49:30
          its crazy how fast he rose through the coaching ranks - Joeboo MU - 7/26/24 11:19:17
               prior to his PHSHS gig, he was an elementary PE teacher - ZouDave KC - 7/26/24 14:26:12
     Gotta tramp around the columns anyway so head downtown(nm) - TigerFan92 STL - 7/26/24 17:37:00
     How will Mizzou lose ground without it? (nm) - Hickeytime MU - 7/26/24 15:47:43
          Because colleges and professional entities are building - Lovely Rita UW - 7/26/24 17:43:55
               Disagree (nm) - Hickeytime MU - 7/26/24 19:11:37
     Columbia is an entertainment district itself. - Tiger in STL MU - 7/26/24 15:45:27
     I think you should sink everything you own into - pinkman MU - 7/26/24 14:54:53
     Makes 0 sense for MU to do something like this - tsutiger57 MU - 7/26/24 14:06:56
     I've been to Calhoun's by the River a couple of times - El Zorro MU - 7/26/24 13:29:48
     Columbia already has a lot of great restaurants. - mizzou john MU - 7/26/24 13:10:01
          Not just bars and restaurants. Conference centers, hotel, - Lovely Rita UW - 7/26/24 14:53:55
     Better be some really good bars for 6-7 games and a - Iron DUKE - 7/26/24 09:00:42
          Packers (8/9 home games) bought up the surrounding area and - Lovely Rita UW - 7/26/24 09:50:13
     the geographic location of the stadium is not conducive - MizzouAstro MU - 7/26/24 07:46:23
          RE: the geographic location of the stadium is not conducive - wtk UT - 7/26/24 12:36:06
          The one side of the stadium is right up against the river - OntheMark MU - 7/26/24 11:51:19
Common sense. Keep the beakers off the schedule - pinkman MU - 7/25/24 12:22:31
     history is hilarious sometimes ... - tmcats KSU - 7/26/24 10:04:29
          They were a force alright...a force ku into more debt. Nm - BandG MU - 7/26/24 10:18:16
     Missouri has no rivals. An annual game with Kansas would - Lovely Rita UW - 7/26/24 00:04:29
          RE: Missouri has no rivals. An annual game with Kansas would - sarasotatiger MU - 7/26/24 08:07:41
          RE: Terrible Idea and You're Not Worthy. - Stlmetz ARMY - 7/26/24 07:28:42
          No - FootballRefugee MU - 7/26/24 02:19:18
     Don’t play them unless they give us 12 wins - sfprman MU - 7/25/24 21:18:57
     Correct. It was foolish to schedule them. A no-win situation - zounami MU - 7/25/24 20:32:31
     MU should play kU in football and basketball every year - Catfish MU - 7/25/24 20:30:19
          kU is not my rival, I don't even like this thread being - 90Tiger STL - 7/25/24 22:16:56
          Heated rivalry?? - cybertyger MU - 7/25/24 21:33:05
     ku may not have a choice if b12 goes to 24 team ... - tmcats KSU - 7/25/24 18:38:28
          Perfect - Merlin KC - 7/26/24 10:52:37
          I think all D1 teams will want at least 2 tuneups before - pinkman MU - 7/25/24 19:29:45
               It would also make it impossible to have an inkling how they - JeffB MU - 7/25/24 22:12:34
     maybe to play an interesting out of conference game? - Genco98 MU - 7/25/24 18:11:14
          Preach! (nm) - 90Tiger STL - 7/25/24 22:17:38
          Amen.(nm) - Fool on the Hill MU - 7/25/24 18:39:38
     Well, of course F the beakers - tigersailor MU - 7/25/24 17:13:56
     Scared of ku there Clark.......nm - tigertix MU - 7/25/24 16:40:03
          RE: Scared of ku there Clark.......nm - pinkman MU - 7/25/24 18:04:24
               He's scared, that's his reasoning....nm - tigertix MU - 7/25/24 19:44:06
                    Of course he is so am I - Genco98 MU - 7/26/24 05:42:25
                    RE: He's scared, that's his reasoning....nm - pinkman MU - 7/25/24 19:47:05
     First Tiger game I ever followed was the 1955 Kansas game - ScottsdaleTiger MU - 7/25/24 16:13:58
          RE: First Tiger game I ever followed was the 1955 Kansas game - sarasotatiger MU - 7/25/24 22:38:43
          MU lineman Chuck Mehrer destroyed ku tackle, scored safety - Tigeraja MU - 7/25/24 22:31:17
               Great story - - Genco98 MU - 7/26/24 09:40:03
          Great quote from Faurot at the post game press conference - SSN 780 MU - 7/25/24 17:39:54
          Interesting story/game. Thanks for sharing. - JeffB MU - 7/25/24 16:57:13
     I think we'll have 9 SEC games - Merlin KC - 7/25/24 15:21:24
     RE: Common sense. Keep the beakers off the schedule - Stump Mitchell MU - 7/25/24 14:07:15
          Leipold isn't a pimple on Drink's ass.........nm - tigertix MU - 7/25/24 16:42:44
               RE: Leipold isn't a pimple on Drink's ass.........nm - sarasotatiger MU - 7/25/24 23:19:15
          Having winning seasons and top 20 recruiting classes is all - Outsider MU - 7/25/24 14:47:17
     No desire whatsoever to play them in anything…ever! (nm) - Outsider MU - 7/25/24 13:56:39
          2nd this. Nm - BandG MU - 7/25/24 14:09:01
               I'm okay with the Olympic sports because it is a short - DHighlander NWMSU - 7/25/24 14:21:41
     Stop scheduling them period. The rivalry died when they - DHighlander NWMSU - 7/25/24 13:48:43
          I like the UMass game - alzoo MU - 7/25/24 14:09:17
               RE: I like the UMass game - sarasotatiger MU - 7/25/24 15:06:37
               The Boston part of that trip would be fun, the stadium … - Outsider MU - 7/25/24 14:49:51
               sure - but it was an emergency filler, I think - FootballRefugee MU - 7/25/24 14:27:05
                    SEC teams do not schedule emergency filler road - DHighlander NWMSU - 7/25/24 14:32:47
                         oh ok - FootballRefugee MU - 7/25/24 14:35:56
                              You pay some directional school $1M to come to CoMo, you - DHighlander NWMSU - 7/25/24 14:39:27
                                   well, this wasn't the current athletic director - FootballRefugee MU - 7/25/24 15:04:20
               That game does nothing to improve the program. If we play - DHighlander NWMSU - 7/25/24 14:14:28
     Or, we enjoy beating them like we have for 100 years…… - ClassicTiger MU - 7/25/24 13:45:18
          Lol KC has never been a Mizzou town - redngray MU - 7/25/24 14:30:15
               KC is most definitely a Mizzou town for FB. Beakers - DHighlander NWMSU - 7/25/24 14:36:11
          agree. Its more fun win - SabertoothTiger MU - 7/25/24 14:15:10
               Why? - redngray MU - 7/25/24 14:29:16
     the University and the Athletic Department should - alwaysright MU - 7/25/24 13:28:48
          RE: the University and the Athletic Department should - SatoriTiger JC - 7/25/24 13:42:15
     And give up administering an azz-whoopin? Don't know - HDTiger MU - 7/25/24 13:12:40
     For games already scheduled it might be better to just - JeffB MU - 7/25/24 12:51:06
          I sure hope that’s the approach we take. nm - MATO MU - 7/25/24 13:35:45
     it’s no different than them refusing to play us in 🏀 - Fire Marshall Bill MU - 7/25/24 12:31:52
Aw puddin - Fire Marshall Bill MU - 7/25/24 12:04:33
     He has million$ of reasons to take it, what a loser...nm - tigertix MU - 7/25/24 16:41:48
     RE: Aw puddin - MizzouAstro MU - 7/25/24 14:32:18
          LOL, perfect(nm) - Fire Marshall Bill MU - 7/25/24 14:38:18
     he's no Bear Bryant - FootballRefugee MU - 7/25/24 14:01:53
     What a little ***** (nm) - SatoriTiger JC - 7/25/24 13:41:24
     Drink's role here has changed from HC, OC, QB coach - HDTiger MU - 7/25/24 12:46:24
     3 Things Eli has done... - MizzouTCB MU - 7/25/24 12:42:24
          Drink is doing great. Other than Gregory passing the MO - Iron DUKE - 7/26/24 09:03:19
          I guarantee Drink's recruiting would be even better without - zounami MU - 7/25/24 20:28:01
SIAP - Ohio State spent $20M on NIL this year - El Zorro MU - 7/25/24 08:44:50
     RE: SIAP - Ohio Who - Stlmetz ARMY - 7/26/24 07:30:45
     I have been told (take with grain of salt) that last year's - TheWildcat MU - 7/25/24 09:36:38
          Ohio State's? (nm) - JeffB MU - 7/25/24 10:36:59
               I think he is referencing Missouri's NIL (nm) - Lt. J. Dangle MU - 7/25/24 10:46:14
                    ^^This^^(nm) - TheWildcat MU - 7/25/24 10:50:53
                         Thanks, just checking. (nm) - JeffB MU - 7/25/24 11:02:59
     And yet they had no QB ready for that bowl game - Genco98 MU - 7/25/24 09:16:17
          They thought they did. - alwaysright MU - 7/25/24 11:17:15
          It looked to me like they put all their eggs in 1 basket, - tigersailor MU - 7/25/24 10:55:55
               Agree though he had not played since Sept - Genco98 MU - 7/25/24 11:01:26
               Their issue was OL, not QB.(nm) - Harvey Specter MU - 7/25/24 10:56:33
                    It became Qb after the first one was injured - tigersailor MU - 7/25/24 11:28:59
                         our DL dominated from the get go.(nm) - Harvey Specter MU - 7/25/24 19:47:09
                              We dominated LSU also but lost - Genco98 MU - 7/26/24 06:33:08
          Their QB was ready... Then he got pounded into - Harvey Specter MU - 7/25/24 10:05:46
               He was terrible - he had not played since Sept 9 - Genco98 MU - 7/25/24 10:23:46
                    You need to go back and rewatch. - Harvey Specter MU - 7/25/24 10:44:04
                         The point of the post was the QBs were not prepared - Genco98 MU - 7/25/24 10:55:11
                              But their QB was prepared. Their OL got obliterated - Harvey Specter MU - 7/25/24 10:56:08
                                   I don't agree I guess we are just talking past each other - Genco98 MU - 7/25/24 11:04:38
                                        But weren't they on their 3rd string quarterback? If Cook & - JeffB MU - 7/25/24 13:07:19
                                             Yes they were terribly unprepared - Genco98 MU - 7/26/24 07:54:21
                                                  In our case, getting Horn more playing time wouldn't have - JeffB MU - 7/26/24 14:39:39
          That really isn't that much of a surprise... - Gyro STL - 7/25/24 09:52:23
               I agree to a point but the guys they had - Genco98 MU - 7/25/24 10:06:21
                    True, but we were working out some kinks in OOC schedule - MoGold MU - 7/25/24 17:36:58
                         Loaded with talent this year - Genco98 MU - 7/26/24 18:56:23
               THE SNAKE - El Zorro MU - 7/25/24 10:04:22
               they had nearly a fall practice period (preseason) to prepar - FootballRefugee MU - 7/25/24 09:56:06
     finally disclosing what they've been giving for 100 years(nm) - TigerFan92 STL - 7/25/24 08:46:32
          I doubt it. - JeffB MU - 7/25/24 11:25:30
Official DADGUM Mothball prediction thread - Mothball MU - 7/24/24 17:14:21
     This handle was pretty funny but it has run its course. - TheWildcat MU - 7/25/24 07:43:56
          It was never funny (nm) - BigDave MU - 7/25/24 08:13:47
               Yep its pretty dumb(nm) - catdaddy MU - 7/26/24 10:46:48
               correct (nm) - zounami MU - 7/25/24 14:09:11
               Never found it funny(nm) - Erwin Fletcher STL - 7/25/24 12:34:20
               I am talking in it's very infancy. Like first 2 weeks (nm) - TheWildcat MU - 7/25/24 09:35:52
                    Not for me - BigDave MU - 7/25/24 09:47:06
                         Agree….It’s just stupid! nm - MATO MU - 7/25/24 11:55:04
                         Lol who is it?(nm) - TheWildcat MU - 7/25/24 09:50:32
                              FactsSamOmarBill - alwaysright MU - 7/25/24 11:18:13
                                   no dude - Fire Marshall Bill MU - 7/25/24 18:49:08
                                   I don't think that is him. Could be wrong(nm) - TheWildcat MU - 7/25/24 11:45:36
                                        It's either him or somebody who thinks it's funny to - alwaysright MU - 7/25/24 13:25:50
          He's the Dave Wottle of Tigerboard - samclemens MU - 7/25/24 07:56:45
     Someone should take Mothball's laptop away from him. - BigWally MU - 7/25/24 05:01:14
     incomplete - Fire Marshall Bill MU - 7/24/24 20:21:17
          My new Vizio won't make it through the Buffalo game. - Mothball MU - 7/24/24 21:11:49
               How's the sheet situation looking? - Gary P. MU - 7/24/24 22:10:01
                    I just call it my GOLL DURN ZOUMANI CRAZY QUILT!!!1 - Mothball MU - 7/24/24 22:19:02
We landed another 5*? - withUmizzou MU - 7/24/24 16:53:58
     Not THICC enough for a MIZZOU 5 ⭐ kicker (nm) - TampaTiger87 MU - 7/25/24 08:40:22
     RE: We landed another 5*? - hangman MU - 7/24/24 17:02:35
          He is not a 5*. That is false. (nm) - TheWildcat MU - 7/24/24 17:10:48
               Do you suffer from reading comprehension? Or are you - hangman MU - 7/24/24 17:34:38
                    Different star rating than what’s typically used here. - kmawv8 KC - 7/24/24 17:42:05
                         RE: Different star rating than what’s typically used here. - hangman MU - 7/25/24 08:23:05
                         how many 5 * QBs are there? (nm) - 90Tiger STL - 7/24/24 19:45:38
                         The DADGUM SCIENTISTS AT RIVALS HAVE SPOKEN!!!!111 - Mothball MU - 7/24/24 17:48:33
               STARS!1 SCIENTISTS FOUND THIS KICKER'S ORIFICES IMPERFECT!1! - Mothball MU - 7/24/24 17:20:33
     No(nm) - TheWildcat MU - 7/24/24 16:58:46
Anyone know when Iose will announce? nm - MU-TULSA MU - 7/24/24 13:55:51
     Just my personal take - El Zorro MU - 7/25/24 09:44:00
          In other words, he's given his finalists until the end... - BigWally MU - 7/25/24 05:03:40
          Stressful, because he probably wants to do his own thing.(nm) - shorty MU - 7/24/24 19:36:17
          OLder bro was an early Iowa commit, still a chance with NIL - tigertix MU - 7/24/24 15:22:23
               his dad played for Iowa as welll(nm) - MizzouAstro MU - 7/24/24 16:34:08
                    He has another brother currently on the team. Eric. - shorty MU - 7/24/24 19:39:20
          Thanx, love to get him & Babalola, know that is wishful - MU-TULSA MU - 7/24/24 14:00:54
               Rocky?(nm) - DevilsAdvocate KC - 7/24/24 15:28:47
                    Are u asking about Babalola, the player from Overland Park - MU-TULSA MU - 7/24/24 16:25:22
                         I think he's havin' a little fun with the name. He's talking - JeffB MU - 7/25/24 11:09:00
Oklahoma has a 67-24-5 advantage ... - tmcats KSU - 7/24/24 10:44:35
     thanks for the link, it will be a fun rivalry - Catfish MU - 7/25/24 20:37:25
     yer a sad little pussified dweeb(nm) - TigerFan92 STL - 7/24/24 22:03:39
     What and no comment from you ??? - Nohawks KC - 7/24/24 21:11:13
     Do the numbers 61-33-5 mean anything to you? nm - pinkman MU - 7/24/24 17:58:03
     I see you can’t respond to my post below… - Carlos Rossi KC - 7/24/24 16:58:51
     Oklahoma was smart enough to pay players back then. (nm) - zounami MU - 7/24/24 14:57:04
          while traveling oklahoma back in the 80s ... - tmcats KSU - 7/24/24 15:06:00
               I was watching an old game on ESPN classic - Genco98 MU - 7/24/24 15:30:45
     What conference is kstate in again? - mizzouSECedes STL - 7/24/24 14:37:47
     RE: Oklahoma has a 67-24-5 advantage ... - Frank Poncherello MU - 7/24/24 13:55:29
     Back when only blue bloods could pay players it wasn't - lqf2b8 MU - 7/24/24 13:16:25
          Well, their field is certainly not level(nm) - tigersailor MU - 7/24/24 13:31:17
     According to my calculations, the two teams are exactly - Mizzou Lou KC - 7/24/24 12:51:20
     So Mizzou starts the game down 42? - SatoriTiger JC - 7/24/24 12:48:34
          No. They finish the game down 42. (nm) - JeffB MU - 7/24/24 13:03:51
               My abacus is broken, so thanks (nm) - SatoriTiger JC - 7/24/24 13:09:03
                    👍 (nm) - JeffB MU - 7/24/24 13:29:49
     It's a new era, and a new conference we will be competing - JeffB MU - 7/24/24 12:47:51
     And K-State is 22W-77L-4T all time against... - BigFella75 MU - 7/24/24 12:39:07
          They did beat Missouri like 15 years in a row - Genco98 MU - 7/24/24 17:29:10
     I’m sure it looks same for Nubs - MoGold MU - 7/24/24 12:38:20
     Good for their past. Welcome to the present. Their current - Erwin Fletcher STL - 7/24/24 11:37:53
     The only team that OU has played more than 10 games - MU-TULSA MU - 7/24/24 11:36:33
     We beat you in every single category... - Carlos Rossi KC - 7/24/24 11:30:15
     RE: Oklahoma has a 67-24-5 advantage ... - Achmed MU - 7/24/24 11:04:50
          the piece is about ou and miz, not k-state(nm) - tmcats KSU - 7/24/24 11:06:05
               RE: the piece is about ou and miz, not k-state(nm) - Achmed MU - 7/24/24 12:34:21
               You have serious issues(nm) - redngray MU - 7/24/24 11:06:41
                    Like what? Otherwise, you've told us nothing. Which - GA Tiger MU - 7/24/24 11:08:37
                         What’s your problem? - redngray MU - 7/24/24 11:11:44
                              He's kicked off all of the k-State boards so he has nowhere - Carlos Rossi KC - 7/24/24 11:34:20
                                   chuckling(nm) - tmcats KSU - 7/24/24 11:51:38
                              It's really not that deep. - kmawv8 KC - 7/24/24 11:20:56
                                   Agreed. Why would GAT have his little fit over it?(nm) - redngray MU - 7/24/24 11:23:07
                                        He just asked when is dinner. He doesn't know what is - Carlos Rossi KC - 7/24/24 11:38:17
                                        Maybe they're friends - kmawv8 KC - 7/24/24 11:24:50
     Go back to the poly board....much more your speed. Nm - BandG MU - 7/24/24 10:55:34
          hey, the piece popped up on X and i thought you'd be inter(nm) - tmcats KSU - 7/24/24 11:05:30
               I'm sure you came here as quickly as you could to share - kmawv8 KC - 7/24/24 11:09:09
     and? (nm) - 90Tiger STL - 7/24/24 10:49:26
     Missouri has a 60-34-5 advantage - kmawv8 KC - 7/24/24 10:47:41
          Funny how he didn’t seem know that stat - MoGold MU - 7/25/24 17:41:12
          Lol wow. THat is pretty incredible (nm) - TheWildcat MU - 7/24/24 13:56:08
          won last year, if I remember correctly... : ) nm - bornoncampus MU - 7/24/24 13:43:02
SIAP - SEC Rule Changes for this year - BigMo89 MU - 7/24/24 09:59:42
Mizzou and bama records prior to 10/26 game? - alzoo MU - 7/23/24 17:28:16
     MU 6-1, Bama 5-2(nm) - Erwin Fletcher STL - 7/24/24 09:15:54
     The schedules: - JeffB MU - 7/23/24 23:47:10
          Ala@ Wisconsin is an important game for both - Rabbit Test MU - 7/24/24 10:16:38
               Wisky does not have a soft schedule - cooper12# NU - 7/24/24 11:55:25
               Wisconsin? - 90Tiger STL - 7/24/24 10:29:40
          Worst case scenario is 4-3 for both teams, I'd say the - CoolBreeze22 MU - 7/24/24 06:37:11
               Bama will skull**** Wisconsin(nm) - Fire Marshall Bill MU - 7/24/24 10:25:09
               4-3 would be more disastrous for us than 'Bama given our - JeffB MU - 7/24/24 09:54:39
     I think we each have one loss - Fire Marshall Bill MU - 7/23/24 20:20:38
          MIZ 7-0, Bama 4-3 - bagpipertiger MU - 7/24/24 08:49:51
          RE: I think we each have one loss - sarasotatiger MU - 7/23/24 22:18:38
               And we’ll get no credit for beating Alabama - Hickeytime MU - 7/24/24 09:19:31
                    If we are 8-0 we will get credit for being 8-0. Nm - BandG MU - 7/24/24 10:57:49
                    RE: And we’ll get no credit for beating Alabama - sarasotatiger MU - 7/24/24 10:43:15
               inject it into my veins, sara(nm) - Fire Marshall Bill MU - 7/24/24 06:16:21
     Bama is a bit of a wildcard - bagpipertiger MU - 7/23/24 19:33:00
          agree - they picked up a lot of talent but lost - gamagrass01 MU - 7/24/24 11:40:05
Stephen A Smith - college football expert - Joeboo MU - 7/23/24 11:24:09
     Way past time to silence the doubters. nm - BigWally MU - 7/24/24 10:01:24
     Stephen A Smith is a loud mouth a@@ - fatrat MU - 7/23/24 19:57:22
     still STP. Its good for us that this dbag basically - SabertoothTiger MU - 7/23/24 17:02:07
     The exposure beating tOSU in a big bowl can not be - AWOLTiger KC - 7/23/24 16:36:49
          Big win, and Missouri looked the stronger team in the game! - Ohtiger MU - 7/23/24 16:39:52
     An expert in his own mind nm - pinkman MU - 7/23/24 16:22:55
     Can't stand that guy. Ole Miss is the TN hype machine - Erwin Fletcher STL - 7/23/24 14:23:47
          90% of that is a phony act for entertainment - Genco98 MU - 7/23/24 17:28:03
          RE: Can't stand that guy. Ole Miss is the TN hype machine - sarasotatiger MU - 7/23/24 16:50:36
               If Ole Miss can play a little defense they will be tough, - pinkman MU - 7/23/24 20:08:04
               And Alabama coach is probably going to be like - SabertoothTiger MU - 7/23/24 17:03:25
          I think Ole Miss should be really good. (nm) - TheWildcat MU - 7/23/24 14:34:16
               I agree - FootballRefugee MU - 7/23/24 14:54:56
                    9-3 imo(nm) - Erwin Fletcher STL - 7/23/24 15:15:45
     He's a ****ing moron - SatoriTiger JC - 7/23/24 11:31:58
          Just trying to draw attention to himself(nm) - TigerFan92 STL - 7/23/24 12:42:41
          microcosm of society - Fire Marshall Bill MU - 7/23/24 12:24:44
               I see what you did there.(nm) - Fool on the Hill MU - 7/23/24 15:23:22
               microcosm of all humans, all time nm - gamagrass01 MU - 7/23/24 12:34:23
                    that's "society" - Fire Marshall Bill MU - 7/23/24 12:35:11
                         "society" is the little boy - kmawv8 KC - 7/23/24 13:27:50
                         right nm - gamagrass01 MU - 7/23/24 13:05:17
          He has to be the tv personality I hate the most in sports… - Carlos Rossi KC - 7/23/24 12:15:15
               it'd be between him and Skip Bayless for me(nm) - ZouDave KC - 7/23/24 12:27:13
                    I think SA is Skip Bayless dressed as a white man - MoGold MU - 7/23/24 22:37:23
          No ifs, ands, or buts about that. (nm) - go tigers MU - 7/23/24 11:42:24
          RE: He's a ****ing moron - Ragarm MU - 7/23/24 11:35:29
               He's a carnival barker - SatoriTiger JC - 7/23/24 11:58:12
     HoF coach told me once - JayHoaxH8r MU - 7/24/24 10:30:03
     Ummm, luck is the Nubs' flea kicker or CU's 5th down "win". - BigWally MU - 7/24/24 10:03:04
     “Luck is the residue of design.” — Branch Rickey - tigersailor MU - 7/24/24 08:03:06
     Missing a 61-yarder only sends us to overtime. Doesn’t lose - muwinn MU - 7/24/24 07:23:26
     RE: Good Teams Make Their Own Luck! - Stlmetz ARMY - 7/24/24 06:42:38
     We beat Kentucky by 17 points! - shorty MU - 7/23/24 18:42:49
     Those things...they aren't luck - Mizzou Lou KC - 7/23/24 16:37:28
     That was learning to win - Tigerfish MU - 7/23/24 16:15:36
     i wouldn't agree with "a lot" of our success being - 90Tiger STL - 7/23/24 15:39:09
     Nope...next. nm - BandG MU - 7/23/24 15:26:41
     any successful season for any team likely - tigerinhogtown STL - 7/23/24 14:17:11
     You forgot the Brady fumble against Georgia and the - Outsider MU - 7/23/24 13:54:56
     The season before we went 6-6 and lost almost all of them - CraigS STL - 7/23/24 13:42:50
     even most great teams get a little luck along the way. The - SabertoothTiger MU - 7/23/24 12:22:59
     had many losses in drinks 2nd and 3rd years - Harvey Specter MU - 7/23/24 12:13:18
     The only luck in those 3 games was what bill mentioned - alwaysright MU - 7/23/24 11:33:37
          I remember some bad coaching. Some - SabertoothTiger MU - 7/23/24 12:24:39
               yea, didn't have a handle on things & got a delay of game - JeffB MU - 7/23/24 17:58:39
     We had plenty of talent, but it took a bit to gel. - bornoncampus MU - 7/23/24 11:27:50
     I always worry about that! But last year, I feel like - gamagrass01 MU - 7/23/24 11:19:19
     I believe the luck last year was due - bagpipertiger MU - 7/23/24 11:07:54
     Yes, it reminds of Gates first year. We had some great luck - Delicious MU - 7/23/24 10:39:54
          yes, that's why it's important to not get too high or low - Fire Marshall Bill MU - 7/23/24 10:48:58
     Sounds like you are saying that at times during a CFB - Lt. J. Dangle MU - 7/23/24 10:30:04
     No...Mizzou won despite some coaching blunders... - chi-tiger MU - 7/23/24 10:29:18
          Also - the terrible play calling at the end of the LSU - Carlos Rossi KC - 7/23/24 11:07:49
     no - FootballRefugee MU - 7/23/24 10:27:07
     kicking field goals isn't luck nor is running good plays - TigerA MU - 7/23/24 10:21:03
          what about an opposing player running out of bounds - Fire Marshall Bill MU - 7/23/24 10:37:56
               agree. i think luck balances out over time(nm) - TigerA MU - 7/23/24 11:03:21
     No (nm) - SatoriTiger JC - 7/23/24 10:18:55
     RE: Anyone else a little concerned that a lot of our success... - sarasotatiger MU - 7/23/24 10:18:52
     RE: Anyone else a little concerned that a lot of our success... - tigerpimp96 MU - 7/23/24 10:12:06
     it was equally as bad in 2022 - Fire Marshall Bill MU - 7/23/24 10:09:57
          👆 THIS 👆 - zounami MU - 7/23/24 16:04:59
          2022 was one of the more depressing MU football - kmawv8 KC - 7/23/24 10:22:26
               yes, and I had forgotten about the UGA game - Fire Marshall Bill MU - 7/23/24 10:26:42
     That is called execution not luck. Similar to Auburn - Erwin Fletcher STL - 7/23/24 10:09:10
          Etienne running out of bounds helped significantly - Fire Marshall Bill MU - 7/23/24 10:10:43
Camp starts on Monday, the wait is almost over (nm) - bagpipertiger MU - 7/23/24 09:24:10
A kicker committed... - shorty MU - 7/23/24 09:09:40
     Was hoping for some commitment news - bagpipertiger MU - 7/23/24 14:06:47
     He looks like a great prospect. (nm) - JeffB MU - 7/23/24 09:47:45
     Reminds me of the late-great Bobby Meyer ((nm) - Fourth and Long MU - 7/23/24 09:16:59
          RE: Reminds me of the late-great Bobby Meyer ((nm) - hangman MU - 7/24/24 07:05:52
     Well done getting him as a walk on - Mizzou1990 MU - 7/23/24 09:16:39
          It seems like Pinkel basically only had walk on kickers (nm) - TheWildcat MU - 7/23/24 09:17:32
               Grant Ressel. Kicked the winning FG versus ku in - Sarazen KC - 7/23/24 13:04:13
               Yeah remember we got Wolfert from swim and dive team - Mizzou1990 MU - 7/23/24 09:19:00
                    RE: Yeah remember we got Wolfert from swim and dive team - tigerpimp96 MU - 7/23/24 09:36:56
Luther Burden’s NFL comp is Jamar Chase…. - Carlos Rossi KC - 7/22/24 17:02:45
     not as fast, but more powerful - Fire Marshall Bill MU - 7/22/24 17:18:49
          I think you'd get a lot of blood and guts (nm) - TheWildcat MU - 7/23/24 08:55:21
               dumb as **** - Fire Marshall Bill MU - 7/23/24 09:40:25
          NFL is all about speed and that worries me - CraigS STL - 7/22/24 22:35:44
               Deebo doesn't have elite speed - Fire Marshall Bill MU - 7/23/24 07:45:33
               Irvin did fine - FootballRefugee MU - 7/22/24 23:54:26
          I remember a few years ago when Deebo beat us single- - pinkman MU - 7/22/24 18:56:18
               2017, we scored a TD to go up 10-0 and he returned - Fire Marshall Bill MU - 7/22/24 19:52:14
                    correct - alwaysright MU - 7/22/24 20:18:28
                         He was a man amongst boys on that return. (nm) - normrecruit MU - 7/22/24 20:36:09
                              RE: He was a man amongst boys on that return. (nm) - Genco98 MU - 7/23/24 07:24:01
          Yeah - I could see that. He’s a beast.(nm) - Carlos Rossi KC - 7/22/24 17:43:04
Sweet- Mizzou at UCLA in 1966... - tigerNkc KC - 7/22/24 16:32:49
     was posted a month or so back. watched it all as even - TigerFan92 STL - 7/22/24 22:25:20
          smoking was good for you back then - nomadcowatbk MU - 7/22/24 23:05:59
     RE: Sweet- Mizzou at UCLA in 1966... - tigerpimp96 MU - 7/22/24 19:57:21
     #45 Earl Denny of Golden City won the state track meet for - SSN 780 MU - 7/22/24 19:56:02
     RE: Sweet- Mizzou at UCLA in 1966... - tigerpimp96 MU - 7/22/24 19:53:32
     love those old broadcasts(nm) - MizzouAstro MU - 7/22/24 16:36:52
Who would be your all-time Mizzou starters? - JayCross MU - 7/22/24 16:01:47
     RE: Who would be your all-time Mizzou starters? - Stump Mitchell MU - 7/23/24 14:15:37
     Daniel at QB, Bolton at LB, Big Sheldon at DT (nm) - TheWildcat MU - 7/23/24 08:59:03
     RE: Who would be your all-time Mizzou starters? - humble1 MU - 7/23/24 07:26:33
          And just how did Pinkel leave it?(nm) - redngray MU - 7/23/24 08:18:41
     RE: Who would be your all-time Mizzou starters? - cybertyger MU - 7/23/24 04:01:03
          Phil Bradley was a three time offensive player of the year - Erwin Fletcher STL - 7/23/24 07:13:32
     Got to include John Clay and Kellen Winslow! - kp83 MU - 7/22/24 20:19:16
          Russ Washington - 5 time Pro Bowl. 14 yr career(nm) - jumbo73 MU - 7/22/24 21:32:49
               I've always been amazed KCMO and the urban HS's like Southea - Beakerbasher KC - 7/22/24 23:22:37
                    RE: I've always been amazed KCMO and the urban HS's like Southea - sarasotatiger MU - 7/23/24 06:45:31
                         Interesting, makes sense - Beakerbasher KC - 7/23/24 09:33:47
     We all love Brad, but putting him over Chase is nuts - alwaysright MU - 7/22/24 20:15:33
          RE: We all love Brad, but putting him over Chase is nuts - Otto MU - 7/22/24 20:48:49
     Otis Smith - Genco98 MU - 7/22/24 19:36:56
     Johnny Roland 2-way starter(nm) - tigersailor MU - 7/22/24 19:31:50
     RE: Who would be your all-time Mizzou starters? - dogtown MU - 7/22/24 17:32:13
     You must have been drunk to have left James Wilder - jumbo73 MU - 7/22/24 16:27:01
          Wilder was fun to watch. He'd rather run over the defender - HDTiger MU - 7/22/24 22:58:41
          Josey had 100 less runs and still beat him in yardage, TD's. - JayCross MU - 7/22/24 16:33:43
               Wilder was All Pro, 9 year NFL career. Love Josey, but he - jumbo73 MU - 7/22/24 16:38:13
     No on Olivo. Galbraith, Wilder, Roland, Moore, - Erwin Fletcher STL - 7/22/24 16:14:16
     Abron over Olivo at FB - MizzouAstro MU - 7/22/24 16:06:34
          Blackwell (nm) - SwampTiger MU - 7/22/24 16:08:45
     Yes, Chase Coffman > Kellen Winslow - JayCross MU - 7/22/24 16:03:09
          I loved Winslow and Wilder, but they both had better success - MOKE MU - 7/22/24 21:28:19
When do we find out about - bagpipertiger MU - 7/22/24 15:33:33
     We have a chance, main thing is Kirk LaFrentz future. No one - TampaTiger87 MU - 7/22/24 21:25:52
     If Epenesa goes anywhere but Iowa I'd be amazed. Wonder - pinkman MU - 7/22/24 15:42:44
          RE: I hope we have a backup plan in place - missinglink MU - 7/22/24 19:50:44
          One big difference is that he could start collecting NIL - JeffB MU - 7/22/24 16:17:12
               that only applies to Missouri recruits - MizzouAstro MU - 7/22/24 16:24:02
                    Wrong (nm) - TampaTiger87 MU - 7/22/24 21:04:14
                    That does not appear to be the case, but if you have - JeffB MU - 7/22/24 16:31:53
                         you're trusting AI? - MizzouAstro MU - 7/22/24 16:38:58
                              Thanks, but that doesn't fully support the idea that Missour - JeffB MU - 7/22/24 17:42:08
                                   It looks like he wouldn't lose IL high school eligibility if - JeffB MU - 7/22/24 18:03:57
          RE: If Epenesa goes anywhere but Iowa I'd be amazed. Wonder - redngray MU - 7/22/24 15:52:33
Has the new video board been installed? - alzoo MU - 7/22/24 14:06:00
     Did DRF's husband get paid yet?(nm) - TigerFan92 STL - 7/22/24 15:13:24
     Last I saw, demo of old was about done.(nm) - Harvey Specter MU - 7/22/24 15:05:46
Any news on Schraeder at 69ers camp? - bluesox7 MU - 7/22/24 06:54:51
     RE: Any news on Schraeder at 69ers camp? - MVTIGER MU - 7/22/24 23:42:13
     RE: Any news on Schraeder at 69ers camp? - jumbo73 MU - 7/22/24 16:23:09
     Heard Hauk Tuah girl is running the 69er camp(nm) - DevilsAdvocate KC - 7/22/24 13:00:42
          Watched her videos. She is very down to earth and likable - drywallerdave MU - 7/22/24 13:10:20
               I agree. Hopefully, Hollywood does not change her.(nm) - DevilsAdvocate KC - 7/22/24 13:12:30
                    She did not go the porn route so I respect her for that(nm) - DevilsAdvocate KC - 7/22/24 13:13:04
     he put Shanahan into a submission hold until he tapped - MizzouAstro MU - 7/22/24 07:49:28
     “49ers will have their first team practice on Thursday, July - alwaysright MU - 7/22/24 07:47:59
          Thank you - bluesox7 MU - 7/22/24 07:56:59
when does practice start this year? - Otto MU - 7/21/24 14:32:36
     First day of camp is typically Aug. 1 - tsutiger57 MU - 7/22/24 09:27:14
          RE: First day of camp is typically Aug. 1 - Otto MU - 7/22/24 10:59:30
     6 am. (nm) - JeffB MU - 7/21/24 18:25:52
          11:15 am.(nm) - shorty MU - 7/23/24 09:04:18
     Practice? We talking practice?(nm) - tigersailor MU - 7/21/24 15:43:06
          Cashback practice is just a game. We talkin' cashback (nm) - normrecruit MU - 7/21/24 16:27:03
          Question: When do season ticket parking lots get sent? (nm) - Ohtiger MU - 7/21/24 15:46:06
               They don’t. - Gary P. MU - 7/21/24 15:51:00
                    RE: They don’t. - Ohtiger MU - 7/21/24 15:55:39
                         LOL - I know. I was being a TB wisea$$ (nm) - Gary P. MU - 7/22/24 09:25:16
                              It’s hard to mail a parking lot - alwaysright MU - 7/22/24 09:42:50
Could be a good year to make every game - alzoo MU - 7/21/24 10:51:41
     Some potential roadblocks to think about - Mothball MU - 7/21/24 12:47:28
     RE: Could be a good year to make every game - sarasotatiger MU - 7/21/24 10:56:17
          Secondary market just prior to bama game - alzoo MU - 7/21/24 11:30:29
               RE: Secondary market just prior to bama game - SideshowBob MU - 7/21/24 12:48:36
                    yup NFL way too expensive and college is headed there(nm) - TigerFan92 STL - 7/21/24 14:20:18
4th and 17 - MUinIL MU - 7/20/24 20:47:58
     Didn't they say LB3 didn't even run the right route? Just - bcoop199 KC - 7/20/24 21:15:34
          Especially when the other team lets him run wide open - OntheMark MU - 7/21/24 20:08:18
          Right, we have playmakers all over the field....oh and the - tigertix MU - 7/21/24 18:03:47
          RE: Didn't they say LB3 didn't even run the right route? Just - nomotiger MU - 7/21/24 02:19:40
          How many times did you see that with Mahomes and Tyreek - Carlos Rossi KC - 7/20/24 23:01:29
ku with a new follow up to the clapping vid - Gary P. MU - 7/20/24 15:50:46
     RE: ku with a new follow up to the clapping vid - THEGROVE68 MU - 7/22/24 05:35:39
     and stadium ... - tmcats KSU - 7/21/24 19:44:50
     RE: What the Hell did I just watch..... - Stlmetz ARMY - 7/21/24 07:15:15
          Another beaker blockbuster - - Gary P. MU - 7/21/24 12:59:23
     That never gets old. lol.(nm) - Carlos Rossi KC - 7/20/24 21:28:14
     RE: If this doesn't bring a tear to your eye....... - THEGROVE68 MU - 7/22/24 06:18:31
     Looks like Biden when he was playing Pop Warner. nm - BigWally MU - 7/22/24 04:53:21
     Brought tears to someone's eyes, eh? (nm) - JeffB MU - 7/20/24 15:54:03



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