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The definition of "cupcake" isnt understood by most

Posted on: September 16, 2019 at 12:39:07 CT
meansonny UGA
Member For:
12.25 yrs
M.O.B. Votes:
People think FCS teams are cupcakes.

The reality is that 1/2 of the FBS teams are below average. They are cupcakes, too. This includes even P5 squads like Arkansas and Tennessee.

UGA sees lots of benefits for playing FCS (since we are playing cupcakes anyway, does it matter whether it is FCS, FBS, or P5?). We get our new recruits off the bench with valuable game experience and film. We get a home only game (instead of going home and home with a Wyoming).

And these games fund FCS programs. Why does funding FCS programs help UGA? Because they give scholarships to high school graduates who played football. Take away 90% of the scholarship opportunities and the quality of play in high school football will lose to other sports. Funding feeder programs is great for UGA because our recruits need quality competition in high school.

Some people will chop off their nose to spite their face. Support football. Support playing 1 FCS and 1 weak FBS opponent each season. The future of Missouri football depends on it too.
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     Colorado tried that and went 1-3 or at best 2-2 to start - OntheMark MU - 9/16 21:25:00
     I like the FCS games. We get to see every one play. (nm) - go tigers MU - 9/16 17:11:22
     Swap the WY and SEMO games would have been better - MU-TULSA MU - 9/16 13:58:34
     Say something positive. About anything. GO! (nm) - Fool on the Hill MU - 9/16 13:49:50
          constructive criticism > sunshine pumping .... - myself MU - 9/16 15:03:31
               Go back to the beaker board, d-bag. (nm) - go tigers MU - 9/16 17:12:06
     Look at Alabama's schedule - it's trash. - RayKinsella1922 SEC - 9/16 13:19:27
          One thing that could keep us out of the playoffs is a weak - myself MU - 9/16 13:25:59
               LOL - it's already a PowerBall season for us to get to 11 - RayKinsella1922 SEC - 9/16 13:29:11
                    a better non-con would be more likely to help us reach the - myself MU - 9/16 13:34:27
                         We do what we do. I agree we should never play an FCS team - RayKinsella1922 SEC - 9/16 13:36:42
                              but what if we're a 1-loss or even 2-loss SEC champ?... - myself MU - 9/16 13:43:43
                                   Then we have to suck it. The probabilities of us running - RayKinsella1922 SEC - 9/16 13:45:46
                                        You're talking about us having a national title contender... - myself MU - 9/16 13:48:12
                                             Which season/schedule would you rather have? - wu-tangtiger MU - 9/16 14:10:22
                                                  First of all, USCe doesn't play the #4 team.... - myself MU - 9/16 15:01:42
                                                       you don’t build a fan base with 5 or 6 win seasons - wu-tangtiger MU - 9/16 17:20:46
     It is an SEC rule. Take it up with the conference - RayPecTiger18 MU - 9/16 13:10:04
          Really? Can you link to your source for that? (nm) - myself MU - 9/16 13:15:50
               here - phrejd MU - 9/16 17:36:39
     I agree with the Wyoming game. Disagree with the FCS - Carlos Rossi KC - 9/16 12:38:51
          a 50-0 blowout isn't fun for anyone. The stadium was - myself MU - 9/16 12:48:59
               Eff off. No it wasn’t - JimD MU - 9/16 14:50:52
                    Do you really think there was anywhere close to 55K?... - myself MU - 9/16 15:06:43
                         You are a freakin moran...There were 55,000 there in the ... - BandG MU - 9/16 15:21:07
               It was a great crowd, more than the WV game (nm) - MrBlueSky MU - 9/16 13:36:58
                    no, attendance was awful for a prime-time game... - myself MU - 9/16 13:41:00
               The crowd was better than vs WVU (nm) - ChinaTiger KC - 9/16 13:23:33
                    many reasons for that.... - myself MU - 9/16 13:38:47
     o p - Gary P. MU - 9/16 12:38:30
          a favor at MU's expense. Our admins are so incompetent. (nm) - myself MU - 9/16 12:41:40
     Every SEC team plays an FCS team every year (nm) - MrBlueSky MU - 9/16 12:19:36
          That's not the case in other P5 conferences, in particular - myself MU - 9/16 12:27:25
               We aren't in another conference dipsh*t..we are in the SEC. - BandG MU - 9/16 15:23:33
               The Pac 12 plays a 9 conference game schedule - MrBlueSky MU - 9/16 12:28:55
                    Playing fewer conference games is even more reason to - myself MU - 9/16 12:34:53
     Almost every P5 team has a game against a FCS team - wu-tangtiger MU - 9/16 12:18:15
          Wrong. Nearly a quarter of all P5 schools no longer schedule - myself MU - 9/16 12:39:25
               I haven’t seen any data to show that number is growing (nm) - wu-tangtiger MU - 9/16 12:56:22
                    I have, and by the way, Matter is wrong about the number of - myself MU - 9/16 13:00:57
                         Notre Dame plays New Mexico - wu-tangtiger MU - 9/16 13:56:02
                              New Mexico is in the Mountain West Conference, far from FCS. - myself MU - 9/16 15:09:35
                                   New Mexico is talent wise closer to SEMO - wu-tangtiger MU - 9/16 17:22:18
               That's true, but it's still the norm, per D. Matter - jj40 MU - 9/16 12:53:50
                    Like I said, the Pac-12 and Big Ten are leading the way in - myself MU - 9/16 12:56:34
     When were the Wyoming games scheduled and most - Diamond Dave MU - 9/16 12:13:39
          10 years from now, I doubt that any P5 schools will be - myself MU - 9/16 12:19:15
               Go back to an 11 game schedule - meatiger MU - 9/16 13:01:38
               14 P5 schools didn't schedule a FCS team this season - wu-tangtiger MU - 9/16 12:26:37
                    (16) P5 schools, (17) if you include Notre Dame... - myself MU - 9/16 13:11:37
                    The definition of "cupcake" isnt understood by most - meansonny UGA - 9/16 12:39:07
                         I think you mean spider-face. - Gary P. MU - 9/16 13:00:32
                         It does matter, because there's a stigma attached to "FCS" - myself MU - 9/16 12:44:18
                              Losses always matter. It is why the SOS argument is always - meansonny UGA - 9/16 13:00:23
                                   This is correct - wu-tangtiger MU - 9/16 13:51:24
                              It’s bad to lose to a cupcake no matter what (nm) - wu-tangtiger MU - 9/16 12:48:50
                                   True, but far worse losing to James Madison than Tennessee (nm) - myself MU - 9/16 12:50:09
                                        Tennessee will never be a buy game - wu-tangtiger MU - 9/16 12:54:46
                    At least that many, and it's trending higher every year. (nm) - myself MU - 9/16 12:31:55

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