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RE: motorola

Posted on: June 5, 2023 at 09:27:29 CT
colonel angus beef KC
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     The market disagrees as it has hit it's All Time High today - Macgrantt MU - 6/5 10:22:33
          My average cost position on AAPL stock is $17.82 - meatiger MU - 6/5 10:29:18
               so you have at least 2000 shares unless you sold - Macgrantt MU - 6/5 14:35:44
               those are probably outdated by now, ill give you $5 for em - colonel angus beef KC - 6/5 10:32:25
                    Technically I should sell some - meatiger MU - 6/5 10:39:03
          disagrees with what? (nm) - phrejd MU - 6/5 10:23:59
               The Shoe. - Macgrantt MU - 6/5 10:30:47
                    oh - phrejd MU - 6/5 10:33:28
     WWCD!(nm) - Fire Marshall Bill MU - 6/5 10:18:31
     nothing apple makes is remotely worth the $ - TheShoe STL - 6/5 08:54:00
          I work a lot with iOS and Android and I can say - tgr MU - 6/5 11:05:11
          That is BS. My iMac lasted 13 years before - alwaysright MU - 6/5 10:02:20
               Both of my kids had macbooks replaced - TheShoe STL - 6/5 10:34:58
                    And with that money they could have bought a new - SabertoothTiger MU - 6/5 11:05:10
          macbooks are pretty damn good - phrejd MU - 6/5 09:27:18
               what makes it better than macless books - colonel angus beef KC - 6/5 09:27:54
                    they power up in seconds vs a pc that takes 10 minutes - phrejd MU - 6/5 09:30:12
                         Everything in the apple ecosystem integrates - cooter MU - 6/5 09:46:38
                              my android phone and sony headphones all integrate - phrejd MU - 6/5 09:50:33
                                   Regular bluetooth can connect to 3 devices - cooter MU - 6/5 10:17:28
                                        sounds pretty gay (nm) - phrejd MU - 6/5 10:23:05
                         mac porn is different than pc porn - colonel angus beef KC - 6/5 09:41:58
                              definitely more sophisticated (nm) - phrejd MU - 6/5 09:45:04
          joeboo approves this mesage. - SabertoothTiger MU - 6/5 09:12:55
          What cell phone company isn't overpriced? - Sal CMSU - 6/5 08:57:56
               motorola - phrejd MU - 6/5 09:25:07
                    RE: motorola - colonel angus beef KC - 6/5 09:27:29
               Paid $150 for a brand new android - TheShoe STL - 6/5 09:20:20
               Cell phones are a huge scam. What can be improved - Diamond Dave MU - 6/5 09:00:26
                    automatically deletes iqfs dick pics - colonel angus beef KC - 6/5 09:25:57
                    I buy mine a few generations behind on - CulturedDan MU - 6/5 09:24:43
                    faster candy crush - TheShoe STL - 6/5 09:21:13
                         more tik toks for the stupids and kids. Speaking of - SabertoothTiger MU - 6/5 09:25:14
                              Had tiktok for less than 24 hours - TheShoe STL - 6/5 09:35:38
                                   ^didn't like a thing(nm) - CulturedDan MU - 6/5 09:52:24
                                        ^wastes a lot of time - TheShoe STL - 6/5 10:26:23
                                             is this a tik tok thing? - CulturedDan MU - 6/5 10:30:02
                                                  hurp - CulturedDan MU - 6/5 11:26:58
                    agree with this also. - SabertoothTiger MU - 6/5 09:19:46
                         Sucker born every minute or something like that(nm) - Diamond Dave MU - 6/5 09:24:47
                    iPhone 13 comes engraved w a sweat shop suicide note (nm) - zoomer 99 - 6/5 09:11:06
                    I dunno that's why I'm asking - Sal CMSU - 6/5 09:02:05
                         There is, if having a bad a$$ camera is the preference. My - Diamond Dave MU - 6/5 09:18:45
          what kind of status can we get? - colonel angus beef KC - 6/5 08:56:59
               tshirts - TheShoe STL - 6/5 09:14:04
     Lmao didn't realize that was still a thing (nm) - Columbian Gold MU - 6/5 08:47:08

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