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internal twitter app so bad it 'slows down' if left alone (nm)

Posted on: November 17, 2022 at 21:16:19 CT
zoomer 99
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     perfect. dude will make bank. (nm) - TigerFan92 STL - 11/17 20:42:47
     They need like 4 people to function. - alwaysright MU - 11/17 20:35:09
          Have we submitted jimDs resume - meatiger MU - 11/17 20:40:37
          even Jack Dorsey admitted they hired *way* too many - zounami MU - 11/17 20:37:48
               Yep they were already planning on laying - Sal CMSU - 11/17 20:39:32
                    Musk figured out how to get the bottom-50 to purge itself... - zounami MU - 11/17 20:42:06
                         RE: Musk figured out how to get the bottom-50 to purge itself... - playhard KC - 11/17 21:02:54
                              The majority of people most infatuated with Musk right - Sal CMSU - 11/18 07:30:00
                              it's weird that you're thinking about Elon's dick... - zounami MU - 11/17 21:38:48
     Hopefully Twitter is still running tomorrow. - tgr MU - 11/17 20:34:56
          internal twitter app so bad it 'slows down' if left alone (nm) - zoomer 99 - 11/17 21:16:19
               that's the level of poor design & engineering that Musk - zounami MU - 11/17 21:39:46
          Sounds like one of the ones leaving. Nm - BandG MU - 11/17 21:14:30
          "Slowing down".. LOL. Twitter uses Amazon Web Services. - TigerMatt KC - 11/17 20:51:26
          lol u couldn't be a bigger whining doucher (nm) - TigerFan92 STL - 11/17 20:47:46
          Omg - meatiger MU - 11/17 20:39:58
          lol you are strangely obsessed with this (nm) - Sal CMSU - 11/17 20:38:46
               LMFAO (nm) - TigerJackSwartz MU - 11/17 20:42:32
     Mission accomplished. - Newcatbirdseat MU - 11/17 20:22:41
          For Twitter that baseline is probably 30 hour weeks (nm) - Sal CMSU - 11/17 20:23:22
               Imagine if you were a baller. - Newcatbirdseat MU - 11/17 20:25:01
                    The video that went viral of the chick that - Sal CMSU - 11/17 20:27:49
                    Exactly. Alpha's welcome it. He's flushing out all the betas - zounami MU - 11/17 20:27:23
                         ... mostly women and white liberal men, I would imagine (nm) - zounami MU - 11/17 20:28:41
                              back to tent living in SanFran and pooping on the streets(nm) - TigerFan92 STL - 11/17 20:50:05
                                   They can also put on a wig and tuck it back for $1200/month - TigerMatt KC - 11/17 20:53:30
                                        RE: They can also put on a wig and tuck it back for $1200/month - TigerFan92 STL - 11/17 22:31:17
          Sure as hell wouldn't be able to get in 10k posts/yr - tigerdb MU - 11/17 20:32:07
               multi-tasking is hard (nm) - zounami MU - 11/17 20:33:39
               lol you really got me there Gyro (nm) - Sal CMSU - 11/17 20:32:52
          Tech folks probably don’t have trouble finding jobs - TigerJackSwartz MU - 11/17 20:28:37
               Did his email specify 80 hour weeks? (nm) - Sal CMSU - 11/17 20:35:54
                    lol (nm) - TigerJackSwartz MU - 11/17 20:42:10
               This is true. These guys are smart. Take the 3 months - tgr MU - 11/17 20:30:07
                    I'd be hesitant to hire someone who couldn't cut it at - zounami MU - 11/17 20:34:59
                         I doubt that many of twitter's developers are going to be - tigerdb MU - 11/17 21:05:03
                              I don’t recall you being this upset - Sal CMSU - 11/17 21:08:29
                                   I was equally upset - Idgaf. - tigerdb MU - 11/17 21:16:13
                                        You clearly “gaf” because you’re whining more - Sal CMSU - 11/17 21:28:07
                    Shouldn’t a sinking ship work harder - Sal CMSU - 11/17 20:32:20
                         You know the reason that it's sinking - right? - tigerdb MU - 11/17 20:35:00
                              Trying to act like it’s solely Elon’s fault is hilarious - Sal CMSU - 11/17 20:36:45
                                   He added $1.2b/yr interest to the company, at a time - tigerdb MU - 11/17 20:43:17
                                        Who cares if it isn't profitable? One of the nice things... - zounami MU - 11/17 20:48:54
                                             Sounds like he is losing sleep over it - and wants employees - tigerdb MU - 11/17 20:51:45
                                                  What exactly was the controversial part - Sal CMSU - 11/17 20:53:19
                                                       the 80hr/week expectation, after whacking half their - tigerdb MU - 11/17 21:00:47
                                                            He said a minimum of 40 hrs and May require 80 hrs - Sal CMSU - 11/17 21:07:36
                                                                 Do you think 40 hours is hitting it hardcore? - tigerdb MU - 11/17 21:13:30
                                                                      lol oh is that what you would say? (nm) - Sal CMSU - 11/17 21:14:45
                                                                           My guess is that putting in 40 hours would be - tigerdb MU - 11/17 21:18:35
                                                                                You’re lashing out again, gyro (nm) - Sal CMSU - 11/17 21:27:16
                                                                                     LOL Einsal - like you've ever put in a hard day's work. - tigerdb MU - 11/18 08:39:08
                                                                                          How do you know ?(nm) - Sal CMSU - 11/18 09:23:04
                                             certain posters on this board would lose a lot of sleep - Sal CMSU - 11/17 20:50:28
                                        Who cares if that is the reason? - Sal CMSU - 11/17 20:44:31
                                             Idgaf whether he loses $44b. - tigerdb MU - 11/17 20:48:05
                                                  Amazing how people - meatiger MU - 11/17 20:54:29
                                                  I’m making fun of them - Sal CMSU - 11/17 20:49:09
          Guessing a bit of both - meatiger MU - 11/17 20:21:33
               I'm the opposite. If Elon took over my corporation... - zounami MU - 11/17 20:26:03
                    No thanks - meatiger MU - 11/17 20:29:01
                         Since 75% of the company basically took a severance - tgr MU - 11/17 20:31:02
                              RE: Since 75% of the company basically took a severance - meatiger MU - 11/17 20:34:43
                                   Unless you are Amish, everything you touch is built by tech - TigerMatt KC - 11/17 20:35:49
                                        That is fine - meatiger MU - 11/17 20:38:32
                                             What field are you in? (nm) - zounami MU - 11/17 20:41:23
                                                  Agriculture(nm) - meatiger MU - 11/17 20:44:17
                                                       an industry that's moving towards full automation (nm) - zounami MU - 11/17 20:46:40
                                                            Full no..towards that yes - meatiger MU - 11/17 20:48:32
                                                            Skynet? (nm) - Sal CMSU - 11/17 20:47:11
                                                                 It's called Starlink.(nm) - TigerMatt KC - 11/17 20:48:43
                                                                      lol (nm) - Sal CMSU - 11/17 20:50:56
                              Why aren’t you whining about Amazon and Facebook - Sal CMSU - 11/17 20:33:52
                         That was the entire point. To get rid of betas like you. (nm) - zounami MU - 11/17 20:29:37
                              Ok. Lol - meatiger MU - 11/17 20:31:15
          it's a brilliant way to get rid of the deadweight *and* the - zounami MU - 11/17 20:21:02
     That was the point. To purge the lazy libtards. (nm) - zounami MU - 11/17 20:13:43

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