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Certainly, I can see that if it's oppressive enough

Posted on: December 31, 2019 at 09:53:53 CT
Mormad MU
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17.61 yrs
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but it's also possible that you have a theoretical cap which moves a product into the low margin, high volume variety and there are people willing to produce it at those levels.

I'm not advocating for price controls, I'm simply questioning whether it's an all or nothing scenario, as he seems to present it.
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     Don't need free trade to be in writing - ashtray UF - 12/31 10:28:33
          Yep. (nm) - ummmm MU - 12/31 10:33:01
     No, people do NOT have to choose between total - GA Tiger MU - 12/31 09:54:52
          Now consider your statement here with your story the other - ummmm MU - 12/31 10:07:03
          you are incapable of understanding anything - pickle MU - 12/31 09:59:48
     Good article - meatiger MU - 12/31 09:39:01
          Aren’t you for TPP or whatever the hell it’s called? (nm) - pickle MU - 12/31 10:56:15
               and NAFTA, but not Trump's new NAFTA - 90Tiger STL - 12/31 11:44:59
               I am for any treaty that - meatiger MU - 12/31 11:06:47
                    Ah, so that’s a no (nm) - pickle MU - 12/31 11:20:13
          meat, you support the deal before the "trump" deal (NAFTA) - 90Tiger STL - 12/31 10:47:26
               yes I did - meatiger MU - 12/31 11:07:59
                    RE: yes I did - 90Tiger STL - 12/31 11:41:57
          You've shown to have a great pulse on tariffs front - ummmm MU - 12/31 09:44:46
          With a logical fallacy - Mormad MU - 12/31 09:37:54
               He didn’t say no milk would be produced (nm) - pickle MU - 12/31 09:57:27
               He didn't say "no milk would be produced" - ummmm MU - 12/31 09:42:48
                    actually - meatiger MU - 12/31 11:09:31
                         Supply controls are another form of price control and have - ummmm MU - 12/31 11:12:20
                              RE: Supply controls are another form of price control and have - meatiger MU - 12/31 14:41:28
                    I guess, technically, he said - Mormad MU - 12/31 09:48:30
                         Are you familiar with “price gouging”? - pickle MU - 12/31 09:58:21
                         Recommended reading for you: - ummmm MU - 12/31 09:53:29
                         Because the shortage would lead to empty shelves...which - ummmm MU - 12/31 09:50:26
                              Certainly, I can see that if it's oppressive enough - Mormad MU - 12/31 09:53:53
                                   Not all caps are created the same, but since prices - ummmm MU - 12/31 10:00:28
                                        you'd think this was pretty common knowledge - but - 90Tiger STL - 12/31 10:44:04

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