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I think you have some right, but a bit wrong

Posted on: June 4, 2017 at 11:36:24 CT
pickle MU
Member For:
25.35 yrs
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I don't think it's a matter of right wing versus left wing. There's really no difference anyway. The CIA, for example, is going to do its thing regardless of who is in office, such as creating/arming ISIS during the Obama years
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     Its not clear to me. Why would isis, etc, want the right - GA Tiger MU - 6/4 12:14:38
          Its pretty damn obvious GAT - JG A - 6/4 12:17:45
     Sounds like the liberals who smash windows, burn buildings - Salty Dog MU - 6/4 11:38:40
          If these are simple hate crimes, why are the perpetrators - Knucklehead MU - 6/4 12:08:29
          Disagree tigerrr. They have a political objective to bring - hokie VT - 6/4 11:51:15
               People dissatisfied with our current form of government - Tigrrrr! MU - 6/4 13:04:39
               Wow, just Wow - Joe Mccarthy would be proud - Knucklehead MU - 6/4 12:09:55
               hokie, you don't know anything about anarchism - pickle MU - 6/4 11:52:38
          'The 'they hate for our freedoms' - mizzoumurfkc MU - 6/4 11:45:43
               I think they hate cuz they live in mideast sh#tholes - Uncle Fester USMC - 6/4 11:49:58
               They love the fact our women can drive cars & walk without - Tigrrrr! MU - 6/4 11:49:36
                    Simpletons - mizzoumurfkc MU - 6/4 11:58:48
                    Are you Muslim? - pickle MU - 6/4 11:51:38
               Unbelievable people still swallow that lie and myth - pickle MU - 6/4 11:49:27
                    Simpletons like tiggggr are - mizzoumurfkc MU - 6/4 12:09:38
                         RE: Simpletons like tiggggr are - Tigrrrr! MU - 6/4 12:31:40
                    RE: Unbelievable people still swallow that lie and myth - Tigrrrr! MU - 6/4 12:00:19
          Are you still regurgitating that nonsense propaganda? - pickle MU - 6/4 11:44:12
               Why don't you go p*ss up a rope? - Tigrrrr! MU - 6/4 11:45:00
                    Why don't you step away from your god and religion - pickle MU - 6/4 11:48:11
                         blah blah blah...the state blah blah blah....tyranny.... (nm) - Tigrrrr! MU - 6/4 11:50:12
                              Grow up and participate in a discussion (nm) - pickle MU - 6/4 11:56:56
                                   There is no discussion with you. Everyone else is stupid. - Tigrrrr! MU - 6/4 12:02:03
                                        You've never tried - pickle MU - 6/4 14:09:29
          I'd guess that wanting a caliphate is kinda of a - JG A - 6/4 11:39:03
               Well, it goes against all democracies.(nm) - Tigrrrr! MU - 6/4 11:44:32
                    Democracy isn't the only political system you know - pickle MU - 6/4 11:50:22
                         oh shut the fvck up (nm) - Tigrrrr! MU - 6/4 12:09:53
               Are you suggesting the muzz want to conquer the world for - hokie VT - 6/4 11:42:51
                    Some do, apperently a very tiny percentage of Islam - JG A - 6/4 11:54:03
                         And um, you have a better chance being attacked by a hippo - hokie VT - 6/4 11:58:50
                              There are no shortage of WHACKOS in this world - JG A - 6/4 12:07:33
                                   In your opinion, if the muzz could poison the water supply - hokie VT - 6/4 12:17:28
                                        I doubt it - JG A - 6/4 12:28:50
                                             All righty, then.... nm - hokie VT - 6/4 12:45:43
     I think you have some right, but a bit wrong - pickle MU - 6/4 11:36:24
          You are right - Knucklehead MU - 6/4 11:39:01
               Probably going for the path of least resistance - pickle MU - 6/4 11:42:38

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