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Killing animals just to kill is barbaric and immoral.(nm)

Posted on: August 17, 2016 at 11:48:43 CT
hefeweizen MU
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     The big game hunting ranches are slaughter houses in TX - Mo Texan MU - 8/17 12:44:16
          Price list for ranch I mentioned above - Mo Texan MU - 8/17 13:03:17
     I am considering hunting BLM protesters....... - FaurotFan MU - 8/17 12:34:43
     I had a friend that used to go to Africa - Mizzou Lou KC - 8/17 12:27:52
          Maybe they could sustain themselves better if - GA Tiger MU - 8/17 12:30:15
               the dry season throughout most of Africa is long and assured - Mizzou Lou KC - 8/17 12:32:06
                    Kind of doubt that over a jungle.(nm) - GA Tiger MU - 8/17 13:27:50
     I don't get hunting zebra, giraffe, elephant. - RHAYWORTH MU - 8/17 12:21:48
          And I would outlaw bow hunting, on the presumption - GA Tiger MU - 8/17 12:24:10
     Killing for sport is pretty psychopathic.(nm) - TigerMatt MU - 8/17 12:15:23
          Disagree. Plenty of good people like the wilderness - hokie VT - 8/17 12:37:16
               Living off the land is different than paying - TigerMatt MU - 8/17 12:50:48
                    hokie enjoys a good strawman (nm) - 90Tiger MU - 8/17 15:37:13
          Then millions and millions of men and women are psycho - 90Tiger MU - 8/17 12:18:39
               You said it(nm) - raskolnikov MU - 8/17 12:23:02
               I dont disagree with that. (nm) - TigerMatt MU - 8/17 12:19:50
                    All part of God's great plan for each of us, I say (nm) - 90Tiger MU - 8/17 12:20:32
                         I would like to find proof God has a plan for each of us. - TigerMatt MU - 8/17 12:24:03
          Not sure what you're asking but i'll attempt to answer. - hokie VT - 8/17 12:09:51
               I asked you a simple question. Do you FEEL something - 90Tiger MU - 8/17 12:20:03
                    Sorry i did the best i could. Now p*** off. nm - hokie VT - 8/17 12:38:14
                         You must have agonized over understanding my post (nm) - 90Tiger MU - 8/17 15:42:24
               Animal cruelty, usually from those early in life, is also - GA Tiger MU - 8/17 12:13:02
                    Or from growing up on a farm. - Toger STL - 8/17 12:31:51
     Agreed. I used to hunt. Would never do so now.(nm) - GA Tiger MU - 8/17 11:49:45
          GA Tiger, I figured you would love killing animals - TigerJay MU - 8/17 12:11:56
               Why?(nm) - GA Tiger MU - 8/17 12:13:20
                    zebras... - 90Tiger MU - 8/17 12:14:56
                         Got it. I'll consider it. (nm) - GA Tiger MU - 8/17 12:20:14
                    because you are a R and all Rs are bigots, havent you heard? - hefeweizen MU - 8/17 12:14:46
                         RE: because you are a R and all Rs are bigots, havent you heard? - 90Tiger MU - 8/17 12:15:12
     Killing animals just to kill is barbaric and immoral.(nm) - hefeweizen MU - 8/17 11:48:43
          Do you kill flies, spiders, wasps, etc? nm - THE President MU - 8/17 12:25:56
          Something we agree on. Killing for sport doesn't make - SparkyStalcup MU - 8/17 12:19:43
               I don't fish anymore either, but I never understood - GA Tiger MU - 8/17 12:22:42
                    Yeah, I didn't either at first, but I couldn't eat all the - SparkyStalcup MU - 8/17 12:35:44
          I agree. Just another human trait that I've come to revere - 90Tiger MU - 8/17 11:53:44
               I deer hunt every year. I eat what I kill. If I didnt I - hefeweizen MU - 8/17 11:54:56
                    Which is different than killing just to be able to - GA Tiger MU - 8/17 12:06:17
                         or "greasy little cracker in America"? (nm) - 90Tiger MU - 8/17 12:14:32
                              Yeah, if they ingest that stuff.(nm) - GA Tiger MU - 8/17 12:21:20
                    got no issue at all with that and even see it as a natural - 90Tiger MU - 8/17 11:57:08
     if those sending threats thought the net wasn't anonymous - tigerfans3 MSSU - 8/17 11:47:51

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