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meloni is italian for - JayHoaxH8r - 4/3/23 14:45:36
another magat beat you to it - JayHoaxH8r - 4/3/23 14:34:02
RE: like all magats what an effing - Sunnyand70 - 3/30/23 20:10:00
Fox weasel foments violence - JG - 3/30/23 20:09:31
like all magats what an effing - JG - 3/30/23 20:05:38
We worry about certain books and litter boxes - JayHoaxH8r - 3/27/23 16:54:47
but it was the teacher's fault in uvalde - JayHoaxH8r - 3/27/23 16:42:09
I recall after uvalde the magats immediately - JayHoaxH8r - 3/27/23 16:22:00
MAGAts - JG - 3/10/23 12:21:17
RE: What do you mean? (nm) - JG - 3/3/23 16:21:32
RE: Its the one the MAGAt used in court - dangertim - 3/3/23 15:17:33
easy - JG - 3/3/23 15:05:09
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