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People who use words like "libtards" are usually pretty - colonel angus beef - 1/16/21 21:42:11
Yes I do. - oleMIZZOU - 1/16/21 21:38:55
I dont know libtard - Kushy - 1/1/21 00:48:01
RE: Tell your children and family about dumb phvck - SEC_BIG_GAMEHUNTER - 12/19/20 19:52:16
RE: Last I checked this was America (nm) - oleMIZZOU - 12/4/20 12:31:33
Wrong libtard. Chinese food guy was bluesky.(nm) - hefeweizen - 11/17/20 06:22:41
JG or one of the other libtards.......nm - tigertix - 10/13/20 18:16:50
libtard antifa blm tards probably gave it to him somehow... - SEC_BIG_GAMEHUNTER - 10/2/20 00:20:07
Choi is great - XRob - 8/26/20 16:34:41
No, that isn't what is going on - doughboy - 8/26/20 08:44:42
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