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The gotcha that has no get

Posted on: May 17, 2024 at 13:14:43 CT
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20.60 yrs
M.O.B. Votes:
When you have absolutely no facts to back you up (as is almost always the case with trump and trumplicans) then you
have to resort to other tricks and shenanigans in a courtroom. And so it was yesterday. Many were impressed by the finely crafted theatre and timing. But in the end it is a LOL , nothing to it 3 card monte.

But let me break it down for you (and I'm sorry if you don't understand what I'm typing- cause its all in English)

the trump team set it up so that
A) it was about something else
B) it was too short to deal with such weighty matters.

Ok so the background facts.the trump is a micro manager.
the trump would often communicate through other peoples phones. the trump had had numerous discussions about the plot to hide his whoring and Cohen was waiting for the final trigger pulling OK to continue the nefarious conspiracy.
So. Cohen texts Shiller about his 14 yr old stalker.
About 10 minutes go by before Shiller texts back for Cohen to call him. Now the next text by Cohen shows that the call to Shiller was entirely unnecessary as Cohen texts Shiller the number of the 14 yr old. If the number was all that was needed by Shiller then reason says Shiller would have just origninally texted: send me the number of the kid. But the purpose of the call was for the trump to talk to Cohen.So when the trump gets on he axes how is the Stormy deal goingand Cohen says its all ready and the trump says go ahead.

We have all had such short to the point phone calls. All of us, and all that doesn't even take a minute.

But all that is almost irrelvant anyway. lets say that call between Shiller and Cohen never involved the trump.
Lets say that Cohen was entirely wrong about that call.
So what? All the indisputable evidence is that
Cohen paid Stormy Daniels 130 K and the trump paid Cohen back the 130 PLUS and extra amount to pay back Cohen's
taxes. Who besides an emotional simpleton thinks the exact moment when that was agreed to is of any real importance?

And the best part which if Bragg's team has any brains at all is that yesterday the trump walked out of the courtroom and admitted that he and Stormy HAD a NDA!
case closed on that detail, baby.
Trumplicans will never get how easy this is ....for me.

And now the song and dance of the ad hom straw men

Edited by JG at 13:15:19 on 05/17/24
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The gotcha that has no get - JG MU - 5/17 13:14:43
     Sooo.. where's the evidence?(nm) - AWOLTiger KC - 5/17 13:40:50
          In the prosecuter's briefcases? - JG MU - 5/17 13:48:18
               They should show it to the Jury then because so far there is - AWOLTiger KC - 5/17 14:12:03
                    When the trump is found guilty - JG MU - 5/17 15:20:37
     How’s the child molestation business going? (nm) - Outsider MU - 5/17 13:30:59
     TLDR - Wildcat KSU - 5/17 13:16:57
          The weird line breaks show he types his posts in Word first - MIZ45 MU - 5/17 13:39:47
          Same, but - SwampTiger MU - 5/17 13:19:56
               How does that affect your coward rating? - JG MU - 5/17 13:22:13
                    It doesn't. I don't think you've actually read it if - SwampTiger MU - 5/17 13:24:00
                         Speaking of cowards - Wildcat KSU - 5/17 13:28:33
                              It is weird how there's a direct relationship - SwampTiger MU - 5/17 13:30:59
                                   LOL and of course you lie about me as well - JG MU - 5/17 13:40:32
                                        What was the lie? (nm) - SwampTiger MU - 5/17 13:57:27
                                             There were two - JG MU - 5/17 14:01:46
                                                  Two points that aren't lies - you are a tyrant. And you are - MIZ45 MU - 5/17 14:05:56
                                                  Showing why you are where you are (nm) - SwampTiger MU - 5/17 14:04:26
                                                       thanks - JG MU - 5/17 14:58:41
                                   It's how you know - Wildcat KSU - 5/17 13:34:06
                         Well you do lie to yourself alot sure - JG MU - 5/17 13:26:10
                              whew child(nm) - Th8tnTiger MU - 5/17 13:28:51

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