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I suppose we could keep going, but

Posted on: May 5, 2024 at 14:55:35 CT
FIJItiger MU
Member For:
21.45 yrs
M.O.B. Votes:
It’s rather one sided and not even particularly interesting content to the two people participating in this sidebar. Enjoy the rest of your Sunday, I hope things turn around for you and your perspective shifts, and if not you are free to continue complaining about life’s trivialities here. It’s just unfortunate for those of us who have to read it, but thems the breaks.
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Happy 50th to Blazzing Saddles(nm) - playhard KC - 5/5 09:08:27
     My standard answer/meme for when someone is just jabbering. - HandBanana MU - 5/5 11:47:39
     The new sheriff is n - Tigrrrr! MU - 5/5 10:37:20
          RE: The new sheriff is n - Fire Marshall Bill MU - 5/5 11:19:34
               Son, you're on your own.(nm) - Tigrrrr! MU - 5/5 13:00:49
     Dallas Tiger can recite much of this movies lines - SEC-BIG-GAMEHUNTER MU - 5/5 10:05:17
          “They said you was hung” - Dallastiger MU - 5/5 11:14:31
               lolz(nm) - SEC-BIG-GAMEHUNTER MU - 5/5 23:58:45
     and it’s “Blazing”, you been typing “Brazzers” into your - Fire Marshall Bill MU - 5/5 09:41:43
     the peak of non-PC comedy - Fire Marshall Bill MU - 5/5 09:29:48
          I agree with the most hypersensitive and aggrieved poster - FIJItiger MU - 5/5 09:54:21
               You're were offended by Animal House I bet(nm) - Calca STL - 5/5 10:21:45
                    I basically lived through it(nm) - FIJItiger MU - 5/5 10:23:53
                         and were scarred by it, apparently(nm) - Fire Marshall Bill MU - 5/5 10:34:50
                              Sensitivity may be among the big words that confound you - FIJItiger MU - 5/5 11:19:01
                                   neither one “confound” me - Fire Marshall Bill MU - 5/5 11:20:19
               the fact that my post triggered a response from you - Fire Marshall Bill MU - 5/5 10:14:12
                    He has an unhealthy obsession with ku - Calca STL - 5/5 10:22:29
                         and Kim Anderson - Fire Marshall Bill MU - 5/5 10:56:15
                    That’s fine. Are you of the opinion that if a poll - FIJItiger MU - 5/5 10:22:24
                         use some bigger words - Fire Marshall Bill MU - 5/5 10:26:19
                              Uh, the entire point of this handle is to - FIJItiger MU - 5/5 11:26:40
                                   so me stating that the liberal-driven hypersensitive - Fire Marshall Bill MU - 5/5 11:34:20
                                        It’s the literal definition of a “grievance” - haeffb MU - 5/6 04:52:15
                                             it was an observation - Fire Marshall Bill MU - 5/6 07:42:27
                                        It’s just not plausible you aren’t at least 68 yrs old (nm) - FIJItiger MU - 5/5 13:51:50
                                             it's not plausible that you don't have pronouns listed in - Fire Marshall Bill MU - 5/5 13:54:33
                                                  I’m an adult, and further I don’t have a social media bio(nm) - FIJItiger MU - 5/5 14:19:41
                                                       “adults” don’t find my response to the OP inflammatory - Fire Marshall Bill MU - 5/5 14:28:18
                                                            Agreed, no one finds it inflammatory - FIJItiger MU - 5/5 14:43:23
                                                                 well, it is quite ironic - Fire Marshall Bill MU - 5/5 14:51:34
                                                                      I suppose we could keep going, but - FIJItiger MU - 5/5 14:55:35
                                                                           RE: I suppose we could keep going, but - Fire Marshall Bill MU - 5/5 15:00:25
               I understand there were some shows and movies in the works - colonel angus beef KC - 5/5 10:13:59
                    LOL, right on cue - Fire Marshall Bill MU - 5/5 10:16:53
          Mel would have had a field day with trannies.....nm - tigertix MU - 5/5 09:46:48
               haha, yes he would(nm) - Fire Marshall Bill MU - 5/5 10:17:29

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