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Good Sally, welcome to fourth grade. Yes, I call names and

Posted on: February 29, 2024 at 09:41:28 CT
hokie VT
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8.61 yrs
M.O.B. Votes:
attack posters, but I generally try to explain my rationale. Not every time, but generally.

So, my problem with your lackluster post was not that you called names or critiqued negatively, it was that you gave no rationale for it no evidence no reasoning, no explanation.

Just chickenschit little stuff like that.
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     IDS (nm) - Sal CMSU - 2/29 08:46:24
          he's gotta get a few days worth of bull**** in the next day - Fire Marshall Bill MU - 2/29 08:58:53
               I never thought it would be controversial to say - Sal CMSU - 2/29 09:02:07
                    were the monks who self-immolated during the Vietnam - ashtray UF - 2/29 09:06:53
                         Yes - Wildcat KSU - 2/29 10:05:42
                              who did he kill other than himself? - ashtray UF - 2/29 10:08:07
                                   RE: who did he kill other than himself? - Wildcat KSU - 2/29 10:13:12
                         any time you take you voluntarily take your own life - Fire Marshall Bill MU - 2/29 09:15:48
                              That's a pretty broad brush. I'm sure that is often the case - hokie VT - 2/29 09:43:10
                              Agreed - kmawv8 MU - 2/29 09:23:24
                                   I agree with this - Wildcat KSU - 2/29 10:23:44
                                   I can't imagine having a terminal illness and knowing - Fire Marshall Bill MU - 2/29 09:27:57
                                        Something like ALS or cancer where treatments - kmawv8 MU - 2/29 09:32:26
                                        The owner of our company - meatiger MU - 2/29 09:29:43
                                             man, that's brutal - Fire Marshall Bill MU - 2/29 09:32:30
                                                  He had fully accepted it - meatiger MU - 2/29 09:33:16
                                                       Wow, good for him - Fire Marshall Bill MU - 2/29 09:37:08
                                                            The funeral was really weird - meatiger MU - 2/29 09:49:27
                         probably (nm) - Sal CMSU - 2/29 09:12:08
                         yes(nm) - Fire Marshall Bill MU - 2/29 09:11:18
                              what diagnosis? (nm) - ashtray UF - 2/29 09:27:40
                                   I should not say for sure, that's irresponsbile - Fire Marshall Bill MU - 2/29 09:30:37
                                        I'm not a psychiatrist, so I don't know - ashtray UF - 2/29 09:33:52
     Epstein had his island - El-ahrairah BAMA - 2/29 08:45:16
     two hours and no responses - Fire Marshall Bill MU - 2/29 08:31:25
          Asstray is pickle's parrot. He is incapable of original - hokie VT - 2/29 08:39:41
               lol hokie - Sal CMSU - 2/29 08:49:33
                    Why should I, when I have brilliant commentary like yours to - hokie VT - 2/29 09:03:45
                         the lack of self-awareness is truly amazing (nm) - pickle MU - 2/29 09:38:27
                         You do all of those things as well - Sal CMSU - 2/29 09:04:50
                              Good Sally, welcome to fourth grade. Yes, I call names and - hokie VT - 2/29 09:41:28
                                   you’re stupid. that’s the bottom line (nm) - pickle MU - 2/29 10:01:02
                                   lol so emotional - Sal CMSU - 2/29 09:46:07
                                        Your post was just fine, precious. Just keep mocking without - hokie VT - 2/29 09:54:33
               what do you think you bring to the board? - pickle MU - 2/29 08:48:35
               you're projecting again (nm) - ashtray UF - 2/29 08:40:55

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