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please drop this silly obsession

Posted on: February 25, 2024 at 18:04:03 CT
pickle MU
Member For:
25.35 yrs
M.O.B. Votes:
you look more stupid than usual
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So it's down to choosing between..... - JayRoy KC - 2/25 17:33:17
     RE: So it's down to choosing between..... - *M* KC - 2/25 18:49:53
          he’s a pro choice Catholic - Fire Marshall Bill MU - 2/25 19:45:38
               RE: he’s a pro choice Catholic - *M* KC - 2/25 20:24:45
                    I didn't say you did - Fire Marshall Bill MU - 2/25 20:37:30
                         RE: I didn't say you did - *M* KC - 2/25 20:43:26
                              by textbook definition, no he's not a commie - Fire Marshall Bill MU - 2/25 20:50:14
                                   RE: by textbook definition, no he's not a commie - *M* KC - 2/25 21:00:10
                                        the right throws around the word commie way to much - Fire Marshall Bill MU - 2/25 21:03:06
                                             RE: the right throws around the word commie way to much - *M* KC - 2/25 21:55:28
          haha,,, he wants to tell you what to drive... - fatrat MU - 2/25 19:02:46
               RE: haha,,, he wants to tell you what to drive... - *M* KC - 2/25 19:17:04
     false choice (nm) - pickle MU - 2/25 18:03:10
          how so? don't be a troll - fatrat MU - 2/25 18:41:25
               RE: how so? don't be a troll - pickle MU - 2/25 18:51:05
                    There is zero we can do about climate. - Coors4bob STL - 2/25 20:54:30
                         sit this one out, Bob (nm) - pickle MU - 2/25 21:44:55
                         right, and pickle is as far from a "climate change" - Fire Marshall Bill MU - 2/25 20:56:49
                              That wasn't me who accused him of anything(nm) - Calca STL - 2/26 08:04:51
                    Answer the question(nm) - Calca STL - 2/25 19:01:18
     Same as in '20 but idiots like you voted for the commies.nm - tigertix MU - 2/25 17:39:12
          Democrats in general, and Biden in particular, - *M* KC - 2/25 21:01:35
     how many handles do you have? - JayHoaxH8r MU - 2/25 17:37:16
          please drop this silly obsession - pickle MU - 2/25 18:04:03
               mind your own business - JayHoaxH8r MU - 2/25 18:24:22
                    he's right, you and your double handle accusations - Fire Marshall Bill MU - 2/25 21:04:27
                         again - JayHoaxH8r MU - 2/25 21:35:11
                              what are my other handles?(nm) - Fire Marshall Bill MU - 2/26 06:55:28

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