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It's all OK. He's going to write off your student loans.

Posted on: October 26, 2023 at 13:49:03 CT
Tigrrrr! MU
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22.53 yrs
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And everyone who has paid back their student loans is going to get a big rebate.
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They snuck in on us. Still a chance - tman MU - 10/26 13:33:50
     wrong board. Sorry guys (nm) - tman MU - 10/26 15:15:02
     We need our high roller donors like ZouMiz & zounami - playhard KC - 10/26 13:40:55
          I'm poor because I decided to move during Biden's mortgage - ZouMiz STL - 10/26 13:45:55
               You know what's really cool - playhard KC - 10/26 13:50:03
                    Some moves are not your choice, and the POTUS does - MU-TULSA MU - 10/26 14:16:00
                         RE: Some moves are not your choice, and the POTUS does - Featster MU - 10/26 14:51:26
                         RE: Some moves are not your choice, and the POTUS does - sneaky-pete MU - 10/26 14:42:47
                         you left out..... - El Zorro MU - 10/26 14:20:41
                              RE: you left out..... - Featster MU - 10/26 14:52:49
                    We got screwed because our build went over by 10 months - ZouMiz STL - 10/26 14:00:32
                         Have one of your kids give you the loan out of their NIL $.(nm) - JeffB MU - 10/26 14:38:21
               It's all OK. He's going to write off your student loans. - Tigrrrr! MU - 10/26 13:49:03
     maybe we can all donate and help this family achieve - noodle MU - 10/26 13:35:46
          Their dreams seems to have some fluidity to them. (nm) - Outsider MU - 10/26 13:46:35
          I say let him go at this point. If we upped our offer - tman MU - 10/26 13:41:21
               Same. Although, depends on how much it stands now. - SabertoothTiger MU - 10/26 14:04:57
               i agree 100%. that money could be much better spent - noodle MU - 10/26 13:44:29

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