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Barttorvik projection for this season

Posted on: June 26, 2023 at 18:21:35 CT
wu-tangtiger MU
Member For:
10.12 yrs
M.O.B. Votes:
Has Grill, Honor, Carter and Tonje as double figure scorers.

Interesting that it has Bates and East doing less than last season. Also the projection doesn’t include anything from any of the freshmen.
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Barttorvik projection for this season - wu-tangtiger MU - 6/26 18:21:35
     I don’t think starting at 17-14 is unreasonable. - longtimereader MU - 6/26 22:31:08
          with so many cupcakes on the schedule, and with BB being - zounami MU - 6/27 16:08:43
               Who are the cupcakes on the schedule this year? - longtimereader MU - 6/27 17:08:48
     I'd be shocked if East does less. (nm) - Uncle John MU - 6/26 21:29:10
          With more depth his minutes might go down (nm) - wu-tangtiger MU - 6/26 22:16:22
     last year we had Kobe, a laughably weak non-con slate, and - zounami MU - 6/26 19:12:12
          We made the NCAA and deserved the invite - Your Daddy MU - 6/27 12:08:47
          Yes pretend those didn’t happen - wu-tangtiger MU - 6/26 19:13:45
               Any of them. My point is that a 17-14 type season in year 2 - zounami MU - 6/26 19:17:59
                    This will be year 7 post-Kim Anderson - FIJItiger MU - 6/26 20:17:10
                    25 wins in year 1 will leave some with an - wu-tangtiger MU - 6/26 19:21:45
                         Nm - Tburger MU - 6/26 20:02:32
                         That's my point. The 3 factors I mentioned that made 25 wins - zounami MU - 6/26 19:31:53
                              Availability or injuries were the main reason for that year - wu-tangtiger MU - 6/27 17:21:01
     I really think (hope) that Bates - quicksand MU - 6/26 19:08:06
          Barnett was big-time - Genco98 MU - 6/26 19:47:44
               What hurt his pro chances was lack of a killer instinct - HissingPrigs77 MU - 6/28 12:49:09
          I think the difference is Barnett was playing - wu-tangtiger MU - 6/26 19:11:47
     RE: Barttorvik projection for this season - MUKdC MU - 6/26 18:44:00
          Lewis is a scorer (nm) - Uncle John MU - 6/26 19:07:07
               I am expecting an East type of season from Lewis - wu-tangtiger MU - 6/26 19:12:58
                    Agree on Pierce. Robinson is more ready but is blocked - alwaysright MU - 6/26 19:47:57
                         Pierce might allow Mizzou to play some really big - wu-tangtiger MU - 6/26 20:27:21

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