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It also points out that KU's best team in a decade is about

Posted on: October 14, 2022 at 11:32:09 CT
zounami MU
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10.11 yrs
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the same as Mizzou's worst team in a decade (both ranked in the 50's).

KU could easily be 2-4 right now, and Mizzou could easily be 5-1... but one has won its close games and played an easy schedule, while the other has lost its close games against tougher opponents.
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Why is oU favored by 9 over kU? - playhard ATL - 10/14 10:55:47
     Oddsmakers favoring talent over execution - underdog KU - 10/15 09:52:53
     Is kU's QB still hurt, i.e. will he play tomorrow? That... - Deputy Dawg MU - 10/14 15:32:55
     Down year for Oklahoma (nm) - DrViagra MU - 10/14 14:58:57
     where's the ou posters who has been here for years?(nm) - tmcats KSU - 10/14 14:22:40
          Whom are you refrring? - Blitzkrieg OU - 10/14 17:09:48
               lol, your heart trumps your brain(nm) - tmcats KSU - 10/14 18:33:28
                    wrong - Blitzkrieg OU - 10/14 19:04:42
                         LOL(nm) - Fire Marshall Bill MU - 10/15 08:26:39
                         Venables is the king - Genco98 MU - 10/14 20:19:56
          You wouldn't be here if ksU wasn't 3-0 in conference(nm) - playhard ATL - 10/14 14:23:48
               k-state's ranking hasn't affected my affection for t'board(nm) - tmcats KSU - 10/14 14:31:48
     My OU friend a BIG bettor is passing on this game - mu7176grad MU - 10/14 14:17:47
     Because they are a better football team and have played - Iron DUKE - 10/14 13:39:49
     Because kU is is the fly droppings on - tigerfan1994 MU - 10/14 13:12:33
     why is this on the Mizzou Football board? (nm) - pickle MU - 10/14 12:22:54
          where does it say this is a Mizzou football board?(nm) - Fire Marshall Bill MU - 10/14 12:23:49
               Nick (nm) - pickle MU - 10/14 12:55:09
                    Since you're all about following rules, you should report - zounami MU - 10/14 13:16:11
               he thinks the politics board is only for Mizzou politics (nm) - zounami MU - 10/14 12:49:38
     Usually it's 38, - 68-69ron MU - 10/14 11:20:44
     Check OU's offensive output with Gabriel vs. without - Eggs MU - 10/14 11:18:27
          So the starting QB is healthy? Or, the backup is so bad - playhard ATL - 10/14 11:51:30
               He's still in concussion protocol but likely to play - Eggs MU - 10/14 12:05:47
          OU's head coach is a defensive genius - JayHoaxH8r MU - 10/14 11:31:00
               apparently a great motivator too(nm) - Eggs MU - 10/14 11:46:22
                    Blitz is still digging in - Fire Marshall Bill MU - 10/14 13:35:20
                         At least he showed his face, but that was some serious spin(nm) - Eggs MU - 10/14 13:47:20
                              you remember how fast beakers disappeared from here - Fire Marshall Bill MU - 10/14 14:15:50
                                   Yes. The fall of ku football post Mangino was spectacular - Eggs MU - 10/14 14:21:43
                                        the biggest disappearing act was in Mangino's last year - Fire Marshall Bill MU - 10/14 15:05:39
                                             The collapse that year was epic - Eggs MU - 10/14 15:30:35
                    COACHES HAVE TO RANT AND RAVE - JayHoaxH8r MU - 10/14 11:50:46
     this ... - tmcats KSU - 10/14 11:12:57
          Yet oU is 0-3 in conference with all of those stars(nm) - playhard ATL - 10/14 11:16:36
               venables may be the next scott frost?(nm) - tmcats KSU - 10/14 11:19:35
                    frost won with talent - JayHoaxH8r MU - 10/14 12:26:52
     Well if I bet sports I would take OU, nm - MU-TULSA MU - 10/14 11:09:17
     should be higher - Ralph MU - 10/14 11:07:31
          They're winning because coaching matters - MoArk MU - 10/14 11:44:36
               RE: They're winning because coaching matters - CPA MU - 10/14 13:08:16
               SoS... and I'll agree that getting rid of Odom has improved - zounami MU - 10/14 12:48:44
          They are, however, much better than - oleMIZZOU MU - 10/14 11:11:23
               Most power-rankings still have KU as the worst team in the - zounami MU - 10/14 11:29:40
                    says b12 is the most powerful "conference," whew!(nm) - tmcats KSU - 10/14 11:32:55
                         Well that according to the world famous - Missiurifarmboy - 10/14 12:17:42
                         and that its departing member, Texas, is the best team (nm) - zounami MU - 10/14 11:37:15
                              texas is back!(nm) - tmcats KSU - 10/14 14:18:10
                    It also points out that KU's best team in a decade is about - zounami MU - 10/14 11:32:09
     kU's qb is hurt, it's in Norman, OU is p*ssed off, - MizzouAstro MU - 10/14 10:58:56
          ou got a whole lotta quit in them - JayHoaxH8r MU - 10/14 11:27:38
          They got beat by 31 heading in to the texas game - playhard ATL - 10/14 11:14:57
          this ^^^(nm) - tmcats KSU - 10/14 11:13:44
               beaks need to wear purple to throw the Okies off their game. - Tigrrrr! MU - 10/14 15:51:37
     because they have a significantly better roster(nm) - Fire Marshall Bill MU - 10/14 10:56:49
          OU basically didn't even try on offense last week - Eggs MU - 10/14 11:24:33
               yeah, I think I'm going to make a small play on OU - Fire Marshall Bill MU - 10/14 12:29:25
                    We're going to find out how much pride they have - Eggs MU - 10/14 12:38:24

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