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Since 2000 the Twins have made the playoffs nine times

Posted on: October 6, 2022 at 14:49:24 CT
DHighlander NWMSU
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15.81 yrs
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and have finished last in the central five times.

Compare that to the Royals who have made two appearances and finished last eight times.

No one can seriously argue that the Royals have been more successful than the Twins this century.
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     Looks like Sherman is running off all of the Jesus - hefeweizen MU - 10/6 12:46:24
          Maybe Sherman wants porn in the locker room.(nm) - Carlos Rossi KC - 10/6 12:53:08
               Put down the milk and pound some tequila---Tony Muser(nm) - hefeweizen MU - 10/6 12:56:06
     Joe Maddon has entered chat (nm) - pickle MU - 10/6 12:38:11
     in-game management is a miniscule impact on the game - Joeboo MU - 10/6 12:13:03
     fired the pitching coach so I'm happy with that. fire - SabertoothTiger MU - 10/6 12:11:35
     Brady Singer has the potential to be very good and - hefeweizen MU - 10/6 12:11:22
     I disagree completely. - kmawv8 MU - 10/6 12:11:03
     That's why I hope they hire a GM before a manager - Eggs MU - 10/6 12:11:00
          They have a kid as an assistant trainer? (nm) - meatiger MU - 10/6 12:12:27
               they play Yakkity Sax whenever he comes on the field(nm) - cnk ATL - 10/6 12:23:28
                    hot - kaw(nm) - TigerA MU - 10/6 12:25:02
          The GM never got fired. And sounds like he's not going - kmawv8 MU - 10/6 12:12:10
               Moore wasn't the GM? (nm) - Eggs MU - 10/6 12:18:17
                    Nope. He was the Prez(nm) - hefeweizen MU - 10/6 12:20:17
                    Nope. They moved him out of the GM role last year - kmawv8 MU - 10/6 12:20:12
                         He's been with him since the Braves - cnk ATL - 10/6 12:22:49
                              Yep, but I think they must have disagreed about some - kmawv8 MU - 10/6 12:26:05
                                   for sure(nm) - cnk ATL - 10/6 12:27:13
                                        And to be clear, Dayton's philosophy wasn't a problem. - kmawv8 MU - 10/6 12:31:25
                                             He turned them into a winning franchise? In his 16 years - DHighlander NWMSU - 10/6 12:42:51
                                                  I'll take crap for 16 years for back to back WS apprearances - Carlos Rossi KC - 10/6 12:57:20
                                                       And today if you go out in KC it will be hard to find anyone - DHighlander NWMSU - 10/6 13:58:19
                                                            do you mean MLB Network? - cnk ATL - 10/6 14:53:13
                                                       in 18 years the Cards have been in 4 WS, won twice, and - Ralph MU - 10/6 13:36:24
                                                            Why do you keep talking about the Cards? - kmawv8 MU - 10/6 14:27:32
                                                                 It is a comparable market. - DHighlander NWMSU - 10/6 14:36:31
                                                                      Not in baseball. - kmawv8 MU - 10/6 15:02:31
                                                                           My point isn't that STL > KC, far from it - Ralph MU - 10/6 15:29:37
                                                                                Your point is wrong and dumb. - kmawv8 MU - 10/6 19:23:24
                                                  He turned them into a winning franchise... - Mizzou Tom KC - 10/6 12:46:49
                                                       Dint get me wrong those two years were great for KC. - DHighlander NWMSU - 10/6 12:51:17
                                                            What happened in those 2 years was being built for a while. - kmawv8 MU - 10/6 13:13:30
                                                                 He built the position players but the starting pitching was - DHighlander NWMSU - 10/6 13:45:19
                                                                      which is even more perplexing when he constantly - cnk ATL - 10/6 14:55:35
                                                                      He took over the worst franchise in the sport. - kmawv8 MU - 10/6 14:00:11
                                                                           And what is he leaving for JJ? The minors are depleted, - DHighlander NWMSU - 10/6 14:04:53
                                                                                I'm not defending Dayton post 2015. - kmawv8 MU - 10/6 14:20:47
                                                                                     Why? In 2006 the team lost 100 games, this year 97. - DHighlander NWMSU - 10/6 14:43:42
                                                                                          It’s not the same minor leagues. Educate yourself. (nm) - kmawv8 MU - 10/6 15:03:54
                                                                 what's your definition of market size? - Ralph MU - 10/6 13:43:11
                                                                      By any definition, STL is not a bottom 3rd baseball media - kmawv8 MU - 10/6 14:03:20
                                                                      I consider STL a mid-market team and the Royals a - Mizzou Tom KC - 10/6 13:53:22
                                                                           You can consider it that - Ralph MU - 10/6 13:58:53
                                                                                Due to their history SLT has a much larger market share - DHighlander NWMSU - 10/6 14:08:11
                                                                                Not sure what you're trying to imply. If you think I'm - Mizzou Tom KC - 10/6 14:07:00
                                                                                     So have the Twins and the A's. No neither has won a WS - DHighlander NWMSU - 10/6 14:09:16
                                                                                          Twins haven't won a playoff game in almost 20 years. - kmawv8 MU - 10/6 14:23:42
                                                                                               Since 2000 the Twins have made the playoffs nine times - DHighlander NWMSU - 10/6 14:49:24
                                                                                                    Who made that argument? - kmawv8 MU - 10/6 15:05:38
                                             agreed, it wasn't the philosophy, it was the execution(nm) - cnk ATL - 10/6 12:38:32
                         Ah ok. Shows how much attention I've been paying - Eggs MU - 10/6 12:21:55
                              I agree. And that's why I'm one of the few people in my - kmawv8 MU - 10/6 12:25:17
          JJ is the GM(nm) - hefeweizen MU - 10/6 12:11:54
               dynomite!(nm) - cnk ATL - 10/6 12:20:46

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