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You realize he has almost two years to get to that don't

Posted on: September 13, 2022 at 14:34:58 CT
hangman MU
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Odom vs. Drink - first 25 games - Eggs MU - 9/13 14:14:26
     but Odom took over a plug and play roster - Fire Marshall Bill MU - 9/13 16:07:02
     Barry Odom is a good man - OGT MU - 9/13 15:28:58
     Uh, how do you inherit a great defensive - tsutiger57 MU - 9/13 15:26:48
          RE: Uh, how do you inherit a great defensive - hangman MU - 9/13 18:22:55
     All you need to say is Drew Lock - DiggerPhelps STL - 9/13 14:37:50
          Lock was pretty bad against teams with average or above - Eggs MU - 9/13 14:43:48
     Odom was cheap shotted here - Gavin Citrus MU - 9/13 14:30:11
          I don't want him fired. I want him to shut his yapper, fix - SabertoothTiger MU - 9/13 14:34:35
               RE: I don't want him fired. I want him to shut his yapper, fix - hangman MU - 9/13 18:23:54
          Weren't you defending Cuonzo last year though? - Eggs MU - 9/13 14:31:27
               I was defending cuonzo until halfway through last year - Gavin Citrus MU - 9/13 14:32:58
                    Agreed, it's a completely different situation - Eggs MU - 9/13 14:36:07
                         Cuonzos first two years were far and away enough to keep - Gavin Citrus MU - 9/13 15:05:31
                         I also agree. I won't pretend to like the results so - SabertoothTiger MU - 9/13 14:40:29
                         Kinda similar. CM couldn't get a PG, Drink can't get a QB - zoomer 99 - 9/13 14:38:30
     two things for Drink - pickle MU - 9/13 14:28:07
          3-7, won the last 3 - Eggs MU - 9/13 14:30:26
     Drink will have a hard time finishing yr. 4 at .500 - MoArk MU - 9/13 14:19:07
          You realize he has almost two years to get to that don't - hangman MU - 9/13 14:34:58
          Lots of factors in play here too - Eggs MU - 9/13 14:28:39
     We're in far worse shape now then we were under Odom and - North co-co champs MU - 9/13 14:15:47
          Odom's last year was largely a disaster - Eggs MU - 9/13 14:20:32
               Yeah it was a bad year. But we’ve completely collapsed even - North co-co champs MU - 9/13 14:23:14
                    See 1984-1996 - redngray MU - 9/13 14:24:34
                         I think we are there now and that’s what I was hoping to… - North co-co champs MU - 9/13 14:27:28

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