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RE: I won’t be surprised to see Crenshaw get a long look

Posted on: August 12, 2022 at 12:13:02 CT
fanfirst03 MU
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2.59 yrs
M.O.B. Votes:
Would agree with this and wouldn't count out Moll taking over the spot also since she shared some time last year.
We have an abundance of athletes on this team that have been sitting hungry for years. This Catcher transition makes me think of the Wilmes transition to CF, guessing that didn't make much sense when they did it and it seemed to work out just fine. These ladies are D1 athletes, all of them, given the right coaching and growth, they will be fine. Most of these players have had the benefit of college coaching for 1-2 years already to take off the bad habits of comp teams. Really excited about the new blood just getting their chance with the departure of so many seniors and should be a fun year to support the next crop of tigers. Don't see much that will help coming in the recruiting class and wouldn't be shocked if many of them get redshirted outside of the Ciera pitcher, from what hear this girl will do just fine with some of the coaching we have in place and will have the opportunity to come along slowly with several veteran pitchers to help limit the tough situations she is forced to be in quickly.
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Julia Cottrill to A&M - beermaker33 MU - 8/11 16:03:04
     She was UF then OSU, now aTm, WOW! nm - MU-TULSA MU - 9/5 08:57:50
     RE: Julia Cottrill to A&M - nomotiger MU - 8/12 06:16:01
          RE: I won’t be surprised to see Crenshaw get a long look - momacman MU - 9/5 08:48:54
          RE: I won’t be surprised to see Crenshaw get a long look - fanfirst03 MU - 8/12 12:13:02
               RE: I won’t be surprised to see Crenshaw get a long look - tigerden MU - 8/12 13:54:10
                    RE: I won’t be surprised to see Crenshaw get a long look - momacman MU - 9/5 08:52:07
          i had heard that she was leaning that way,,, NIL? nm - fatrat MU - 8/11 21:05:27
     Where are you seeing that??(nm) - *M* KC - 8/11 16:20:20
          RE: Where are you seeing that?? - beermaker33 MU - 8/11 16:28:47
               RE: Where are you seeing that?? - Harvest MU - 8/11 17:20:28
               RE: Where are you seeing that?? - *M* KC - 8/11 16:41:44
                    RE: Where are you seeing that?? - BruceInLA MU - 8/12 09:15:35
                         That is what I figured...I quit coaching my son in ... - BandG MU - 8/12 09:38:36

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