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If I may

Posted on: August 3, 2022 at 10:57:00 CT
cnk ATL
Member For:
25.39 yrs
M.O.B. Votes:
when he says that you have validated the point, he is referring to this portion of the article:

The western propaganda campaign against China is succeeding, even among many who consider themselves anti-war or critical of establishment power. Whatever sick future agendas they’re manufacturing consent for, they’ll be able to roll right on out. People’s brains are turning to soup.

One problem with this type of argument is that it attempts to silence any objective analysis of the situation, by declaring it "propaganda". I have a feeling meatiger doesn't believe that to be an issue in your case.
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The Anti-China Brainwashing Is Working - pickle MU - 8/3 10:06:28
     Spoken like a true wumao (nm) - ChinaTiger KC - 8/3 10:39:15
     I note you gave NO propaganda on china here. Of - GA Tiger MU - 8/3 10:26:49
          #cnktranslate (nm) - pickle MU - 8/3 12:38:06
          you’ve really declined (nm) - pickle MU - 8/3 11:13:33
               just saw and replied to your top 3 response below (nm) - SwampTiger MU - 8/3 11:23:39
          An alleged anarchist sides with communist China against - hokie VT - 8/3 10:51:46
               i don’t think Johnstone is an anarchist - pickle MU - 8/3 10:56:37
                    She’s a leftist. One of the good ones - El-ahrairah BAMA - 8/3 12:01:29
                    the intelligence requirement is missed by hokie every time - ashtray UF - 8/3 11:24:16
               He is not siding with China - meatiger MU - 8/3 10:55:42
     Haha! Let me know when this wave of Anti-Chinese - Outsider MU - 8/3 10:14:14
     my personal favorite - meatiger MU - 8/3 10:12:08
          RE: my personal favorite - scan MU - 8/3 10:30:09
               I wonder why(nm) - meatiger MU - 8/3 10:49:13
          That statement would carry more weight - mizzouSECedes STL - 8/3 10:28:46
               they don’t (nm) - pickle MU - 8/3 11:05:12
                    they do (nm) - mizzouSECedes STL - 8/3 12:02:50
                         they don’t - pickle MU - 8/3 12:22:31
               Who contributed them to getting 90% of the monopoly?(nm) - meatiger MU - 8/3 10:55:05
                    Pinkle said they don't have 90%. You're not arguing with - hokie VT - 8/3 11:33:09
                         i didn’t say that at all (nm) - pickle MU - 8/3 11:52:10
                         I do not know what the market share is - meatiger MU - 8/3 11:42:31
                         they have 13% of market share (nm) - ashtray UF - 8/3 11:34:48
                              You and meat aren't fighting now are you? None of the three - hokie VT - 8/3 11:45:03
                                   I'm right. You're wrong - ashtray UF - 8/3 15:02:35
                    All capitalist countries participating in the market (nm) - mizzouSECedes STL - 8/3 10:56:10
                         no (nm) - pickle MU - 8/3 11:05:25
                              No, that's true - mizzouSECedes STL - 8/3 11:15:41
                                   Pinkle won't engage, he won't explain, he won't defend. He - hokie VT - 8/3 11:35:55
                                        lol 🍪 (nm) - SwampTiger MU - 8/3 11:38:33
                                             Waaaaah! A poster that I don't read won't engage with me! (nm) - ashtray UF - 8/3 11:40:26
                                   it isn’t, because there is no monopoly (nm) - pickle MU - 8/3 11:34:02
                                        There is a monopoly - mizzouSECedes STL - 8/3 12:00:02
                                             there isn’t one - pickle MU - 8/3 12:16:07
                                   US consumers - meatiger MU - 8/3 11:17:50
                                        Consumers in the US, Europe, Asia, Australia - mizzouSECedes STL - 8/3 12:01:37
                                             fair point - meatiger MU - 8/3 12:22:17
                                                  There's no doubt about that - mizzouSECedes STL - 8/3 12:28:31
                         exactly - meatiger MU - 8/3 10:58:31
          Very stupid comment. Russia cut Germany off. - RHAYWORTH MU - 8/3 10:24:29
               you are far too stupid to be in this thread - ashtray UF - 8/3 11:26:18
               And Germany started it - meatiger MU - 8/3 10:48:44
                    Lol. Interesting take. Just ignore that pesky invasion. - RHAYWORTH MU - 8/3 10:51:29
                         What did Germany expect - meatiger MU - 8/3 10:54:34
          Good point, China is just another hard-working capitalist - hokie VT - 8/3 10:19:32
               you didn’t read the piece (nm) - pickle MU - 8/3 10:50:24
               ^^^always needs an enemy to justify authoritarianism(nm) - hefeweizen MU - 8/3 10:22:24
                    You’re not implying that China is our friend are you? (nm) - Outsider MU - 8/3 10:25:03
                         pay attention, boomer (nm) - pickle MU - 8/3 11:14:25
                              he can't even pass the GED (nm) - ashtray UF - 8/3 11:28:48
                                   I'm sure Pinkle appreciates your cheerleading. But like - hokie VT - 8/3 11:50:58
                                        you already won (nm) - ashtray UF - 8/3 15:01:44
                    You think China is our friend? Just another competitor on - hokie VT - 8/3 10:24:27
                         I'm not implying anything other than you seem to always - hefeweizen MU - 8/3 10:29:04
                              Once again, you ignore the post and attack the poster. That - hokie VT - 8/3 10:48:21
                                   irony (nm) - ashtray UF - 8/3 11:29:16
                                   no, that’s what you did (nm) - pickle MU - 8/3 11:06:07
                                   Not an attack at all. Just an observation. You like - hefeweizen MU - 8/3 10:52:25
               You just validated the point...lol - meatiger MU - 8/3 10:20:37
                    Don't be specific stay vague. This is a discussion board and - hokie VT - 8/3 10:29:01
                         when did you attempt to debate? - ashtray UF - 8/3 11:30:06
                         it wasn’t vague (nm) - pickle MU - 8/3 11:04:24
                         If I may - cnk ATL - 8/3 10:57:00
                              What if Walmart got a complete monopoly on selling milk - meatiger MU - 8/3 11:00:59
                                   I used the terms control of the market and leverage. You - hokie VT - 8/3 11:27:19
                                        I simply stated - meatiger MU - 8/3 11:37:43
                                   What I'm saying is that an objective analysis could come to - cnk ATL - 8/3 11:07:09
                                        yes..that is true - meatiger MU - 8/3 11:13:19
                                             there are any number of alternatives between "stop selling" - cnk ATL - 8/3 11:20:28
                                                  That is certainly possible - meatiger MU - 8/3 11:23:20
                                                       I can't answer that question - cnk ATL - 8/3 11:30:56
                                                            gotcha - meatiger MU - 8/3 11:34:22
                                                                 In my mind, and I guess what I'm arguing is the reasoning - cnk ATL - 8/3 11:47:31
                                                                      the quote I chose was - meatiger MU - 8/3 11:52:29
                                                                           is that quote accurate? - cnk ATL - 8/3 11:57:40
                                                                                I do not know - meatiger MU - 8/3 12:01:57
     either you need new sources or you are crazy nn - fatrat MU - 8/3 10:10:02
          i doubt you read it (nm) - pickle MU - 8/3 10:49:15
               you'll have to get a talking head on FOX News to - ashtray UF - 8/3 11:32:48
          Pretty sure it is both... (nm) - shorty MU - 8/3 10:16:09

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