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Genuine and decent men dont cheat on their wife

Posted on: July 4, 2022 at 19:19:39 CT
MrTruman2U MU
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14.79 yrs
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or wives in the case of fat Donnie
He has and always will be a snake oil salesman looking out for him and him alone

One sick MF that gives zero shyt about anything but himself
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Lets Git Real, Is Trump An Assh#le ? Sure - Catturd USMC - 7/4 19:07:18
     Nm - Tburger MU - 7/4 21:59:20
     Uh, scan the board - you'll struggle to find a perfect - TrumpToRushmore MU - 7/4 21:08:08
     he’s a fascist and the reason for today’s inflation - pickle MU - 7/4 19:29:07
          If he was a fascist he should't have left so much up to the - MUTGR MU - 7/4 23:07:45
          No. Congress is - tman MU - 7/4 19:35:13
     Genuine and decent men dont cheat on their wife - MrTruman2U MU - 7/4 19:19:39
          MLK. JFK. RFK.(nm) - tigerNkc KC - 7/4 20:36:50
               Your Trump doesn't compare to any - mizzoumurfkc KC - 7/4 21:31:12
                    I figured you’d chime in. My trump? You better stop while - tigerNkc KC - 7/5 00:49:32
                         LAUGH ...I couldn't be more up - mizzoumurfkc KC - 7/5 07:16:48
               Jesse Jackson (nm) - Tigrrrr! MU - 7/4 20:55:48
          Thought you were talking about Bill Clinton for a second(nm) - Diamond Dave MU - 7/4 19:27:25
          But decent men play soap up the bologna in - Outsider MU - 7/4 19:21:41
     Poor puddin’ - TigerJackSwartz MU - 7/4 19:09:00
          Not Really Lyin Jack, Dont Know That I'd Vote For Him Again - Catturd USMC - 7/4 19:13:18
               Thing is, if it comes down to Kamala or Trump, there u go, n - MU-TULSA MU - 7/4 19:20:59

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