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I can't help but laugh @ replies like this. As if an SEC job

Posted on: March 19, 2022 at 13:45:03 CT
zounami MU
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10.11 yrs
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that can pay over $4 mil/year couldn't attract proven mid-major level coaches, or even some P5 candidates from outside the SEC and B1G (you know, like when we threw money at Cuonzo and hired him away from Cal).
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     an SEC job that can pay over $4 mil/year. How incompetent - zounami MU - 3/19 13:37:32
          Lol(nm) - miz_zou MU - 3/19 13:44:07
               ðŸ¤¡< ("LoL... no one wants $4 million per year") - zounami MU - 3/19 13:45:41
          You’d have to reduce - haeffb MU - 3/19 13:41:17
          Who are your "legitimate candidates"? nm - ScottsdaleTiger MU - 3/19 13:39:36
               I can't help but laugh @ replies like this. As if an SEC job - zounami MU - 3/19 13:45:03
               He's a Gregg Marshall knob polisher.(nm) - TigerMatt KC - 3/19 13:42:00
          Must be why the offered you the AD job(nm) - raskolnikov MU - 3/19 13:38:32
     Obviously Dennis Gates was not the number one pick - raskolnikov MU - 3/19 13:34:11
     There are only about 40 schools in the country that have the - DHighlander NWMSU - 3/19 13:31:07
          Then leave. If you are not interested in supporting a very - raskolnikov MU - 3/19 13:36:05
     His agent has pictures of DRF(nm) - TigerFan92 STL - 3/19 13:30:49
     No it wasn't. He is on every ADs' list of upcoming young - TigerMatt KC - 3/19 13:28:45
          Children here have foot-stamping yet to do apparently - raskolnikov MU - 3/19 13:37:51
          I saw his name was mentioned fir USC & Georgia(nm) - playhard NWMSU - 3/19 13:32:34
               And it was a hard pass(nm) - DollarSigns MU - 3/19 13:33:35
                    When you are accepting USC and UGA pass overs it is time - DHighlander NWMSU - 3/19 13:35:14
          Ok - ferret mcmarmot MU - 3/19 13:32:20
          LOL - oleMIZZOU MU - 3/19 13:31:28
          You say "got"... - INStripes STL - 3/19 13:30:27
               I've known people who 'got' the clap. They did not enjoy - DHighlander NWMSU - 3/19 13:33:27
          Boy did they ever(nm) - DollarSigns MU - 3/19 13:29:12

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