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how is he anti all of those things? (nm)

Posted on: September 24, 2018 at 15:21:13 CT
90Tiger STL
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     How do you know the claims against Kavanaugh are not valid?(nm) - Danny Whizzbang USA - 9/24 14:52:44
          RE: How do you know the claims against Kavanaugh are not valid?(nm) - MOCO SON MU - 9/24 16:02:31
          Gillibrand and Hirohito say claims are true - mu7176grad MU - 9/24 15:07:38
          Everyone trying to take down Trump is lying, duh. (nm) - MrBlueSky MU - 9/24 14:54:57
               My fear is of Kav, Trump will be gone soon enough(nm) - raskolnikov MU - 9/24 15:06:07
                    RE: My fear is of Kav, Trump will be gone soon enough(nm) - MOCO SON MU - 9/24 15:34:40
                         Max two years, but he won't get anything else through - raskolnikov MU - 9/24 16:18:34
                    what's your "fear", big boy? that someone might have a - 90Tiger MU - 9/24 15:08:47
                         He is anti-labor, anti-choice, big biz for starters(nm) - raskolnikov MU - 9/24 15:14:12
                              RE: He is anti-labor, anti-choice, big biz for starters(nm) - MOCO SON MU - 9/24 15:35:15
                              You just described Democrats.(nm) - TigerMatt MU - 9/24 15:25:11
                                   lol, no $hit. (nm) - 90Tiger MU - 9/24 15:26:15
                              define "labor" for me (nm) - 90Tiger MU - 9/24 15:21:34
                              how is he anti all of those things? (nm) - 90Tiger MU - 9/24 15:21:13
               why are you comparing these claims to Cosby or - 90Tiger MU - 9/24 14:56:51
                    All I said - MrBlueSky MU - 9/24 15:03:23
                         I'm not calling her a liar. Nobody has an inkling if she - 90Tiger MU - 9/24 15:08:17
                    It's somehow guilt by non association - Sal KC - 9/24 15:00:43
                         it's called attempting to validate her claim by comparing - 90Tiger MU - 9/24 15:02:30
               Or we could just look at the facts - Sal KC - 9/24 14:55:49
                    the FBI needs to interview Judge - Gadfly MU - 9/24 14:57:32
                         No they don't (nm) - Sal KC - 9/24 14:58:17
                              can't have it both ways(nm) - TheShoe STL - 9/24 14:59:01
                                   What do you mean? The FBI doesn't investigate - Sal KC - 9/24 14:59:39
                                        interview and investigate are different words(nm) - TheShoe STL - 9/24 15:06:31
                                             So the FBI should conduct another background check? (nm) - Sal KC - 9/24 15:11:37
                                                  Definitely - JG A - 9/24 15:44:34
                                                       So 7th time is the charm? (nm) - Sal KC - 9/24 15:47:06
                                                            What is the general timeline on truth? - JG A - 9/24 15:49:27
                                                                 You have zero idea what background investigations - Sal KC - 9/24 15:51:08
                                                                      Evidently they are just a rubber stamp - JG A - 9/24 16:07:28
                                                  You can attempt to wave off allegations like this - TheShoe STL - 9/24 15:21:44
                                                       The FBI has already stated it won't get involved - Sal KC - 9/24 15:26:41
                                                            trump can mandate them - TheShoe STL - 9/24 15:38:31
                                                                 You either want another background check - Sal KC - 9/24 15:50:09
                              Now they most certainly do - JG A - 9/24 14:58:44
                         Also to set up perjury charges - JG A - 9/24 14:58:15
                              based off what evidence? (nm) - Sal KC - 9/24 14:58:33
                                   LOL stay tuned - JG A - 9/24 15:00:46
                                        Judge is a serial rapist? (nm) - Sal KC - 9/24 15:01:32
                                             alleged (nm) - MrBlueSky MU - 9/24 15:02:01
               nice lie - 90Tiger MU - 9/24 14:55:45
          Republigistians , like 90 tiger, assume everyone is lying - JG A - 9/24 14:54:33
               cool word dude nm - redngray MU - 9/24 20:08:26
               nice lie - 90Tiger MU - 9/24 14:55:37
                    its a very apt comparison - JG A - 9/24 14:57:24
                         So, given an absence of any verifiable evidence or - 90Tiger MU - 9/24 14:59:56
                         More like Duke lacrosse(nm) - tman MU - 9/24 14:58:55
                              Not anymore - JG A - 9/24 15:07:39
                              RE: More like Duke lacrosse(nm) - MrBlueSky MU - 9/24 15:04:46
                         What is? That someone famous was guilty so - 90Tiger MU - 9/24 14:58:46
                              Just playing the odds - JG A - 9/24 15:16:39
          RE: How do you know the claims against Kavanaugh are not valid?(nm) - 90Tiger MU - 9/24 14:53:03

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