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I'm not sure if he's leaked anything personally

Posted on: February 9, 2018 at 13:06:31 CT
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but I also didn't claim he did
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Warner tried to meet with Steele - Badird MU - 2/9 11:33:50
     I had to google this story - Sal KC - 2/9 12:23:05
     RE: Warner tried to meet with Steele - MOCO SON MU - 2/9 12:06:30
     Not 'beforehand' - Spanky KU - 2/9 11:49:56
     Mueller needs to wrap his circus up - Ragnar Danneskjold MU - 2/9 11:48:27
          Mueller has apparently found a lot of - catbirdseat MU - 2/9 11:58:13
               He's not going to ruin his legacy over this - Ragnar Danneskjold MU - 2/9 12:01:51
                    Mueller isn't doing anything except hand the evidence over - catbirdseat MU - 2/9 12:10:22
                         maybe the first level-headed post you've made on this - Ragnar Danneskjold MU - 2/9 12:16:08
                              Why me? - mizzoumurfkc MU - 2/9 12:18:07
                                   Mueller is too by-the-book to make this a public scene. - Badird MU - 2/9 12:21:54
                                        It's hard to say that - Sal KC - 2/9 12:26:19
                                             What has Mueller leaked? - mizzoumurfkc MU - 2/9 13:01:07
                                                  I'm not sure if he's leaked anything personally - Sal KC - 2/9 13:06:31
                                                       The leaks have come from Nunes and schiff and other - mizzoumurfkc MU - 2/9 13:13:18
     Yep... - mizzoumurfkc MU - 2/9 11:44:55
     RE: Warner tried to meet with Steele - scan MU - 2/9 11:39:29
          why did he want no papaer trail? and why did he report it 7 - blake1771 KC - 2/9 11:53:47
               RE: why did he want no papaer trail? and why did he report it 7 - scan MU - 2/9 11:59:46
                    Youre missing the point. Where is your outrage that Nunes - Badird MU - 2/9 12:13:31
                         YOU missed the point b/c the left WAS outraged when he TRIED - blake1771 KC - 2/9 12:59:44
     Didn't the GOPers send a - JayHoaxH8r MU - 2/9 11:35:05
     He's not a sneak and sleaze like Schiff - mu7176grad MU - 2/9 11:34:53
          Or, apparently, like Nunes. - Badird MU - 2/9 11:39:49
               Wasn' t aware Nunes is out playing Columbo - mu7176grad MU - 2/9 11:49:14
                    Oh you're aware - JayHoaxH8r MU - 2/9 11:52:04
                         Translate to english - mu7176grad MU - 2/9 11:57:57

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