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LOL Swamp Thing wants you to believe he brought

Posted on: April 29, 2017 at 09:47:31 CT
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20.56 yrs
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"profound" change to Washington.

Jesus talk about the song and dance of the dishonest delusional...............

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LOL Swamp Thing wants you to believe he brought - JG A - 4/29 09:47:31
     swamp thing can pull some chicks - yy4u MU - 4/29 11:54:53
     youre just upset because he rolled back the EO's of your - Spanky KU - 4/29 11:09:06
          We don't know how many of those will stick now do we?(nm) - raskolnikov MU - 4/29 11:13:53
               Since many of the EO rollbacks were done via Congress? - Spanky KU - 4/29 12:30:05
          Another liar lies to deflect from his beloved liar - JG A - 4/29 11:12:46
               Because you don't like what he did doesn't change the FACT - Spanky KU - 4/29 12:33:49
                    I don't know of any legislation that he has signed - JG A - 4/29 13:11:42
                         Do some reseach for once - Spanky KU - 4/29 14:45:24
                              LOL more lies, full on Ragliar now - JG A - 4/29 14:58:10
                                   What lies, George? Do you deny being a reader of DailyKos? - Spanky KU - 4/29 16:20:41
                                        I "m not even a monthly reader of Daily Kos - JG A - 4/30 10:28:37
     He did, you're just too biased, dumb to see it. - RHAYWORTH MU - 4/29 10:52:31
          "That's profound change" LOL! - Mo Texan MU - 4/29 11:50:39
          You're just as full of $hit as trump is - playhard KC - 4/29 10:59:01
          LOL he hasn't changed a damn thing - JG A - 4/29 10:58:13
               You sure do complain a lot about the things he's doing - Spanky KU - 4/29 18:03:08
                    He hasn't changed a damn thing about Washington - JG A - 4/30 11:00:45
               Pretty serious accusation there - MIZ45 MU - 4/29 11:12:45
                    It was farily close but no, Bush gets the nod - JG A - 4/29 11:14:23
                         While I agree that they're both corrupt, - MIZ45 MU - 4/29 11:18:54
                              Barry did 16.5 billion in green graft. JG ignores that. - RHAYWORTH MU - 4/29 12:19:00
                                   LOL you're an idiot - JG A - 4/29 13:12:44
               Maybe he could change your diaper.. I mean depends(nm) - MizSecZou MU - 4/29 10:59:03
                    You like to talk of things - JG A - 4/29 11:04:35
                         Your brain? You telling the truth? You acting like a man?(nm) - MizSecZou MU - 4/29 11:06:01
                              LOL as I've said - JG A - 4/29 11:15:02
                                   Yes, you have said you lie(nm) - MizSecZou MU - 4/29 11:41:10

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