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The despicable hypocrisy of the dums if monumental.

Posted on: February 15, 2017 at 08:31:07 CT
GA Tiger MU
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25.39 yrs
M.O.B. Votes:
None of them have an ounce of integrity. I consider them scum.

Then, Deportations Were Good; Now, Deportations Are Evil

Under the Obama administration, historically high deportation rates were considered a good thing.

What a difference an election makes. When President Obama was in the White House, Democrats were crowing about the historic number of illegal immigrants he was deporting each year. Now, every arrest of an illegal immigrant is a cause for protests.

When President Trump's Homeland Security Secretary John Kelly announced on Monday that Immigration and Customs Enforcement had arrested 680 illegals — 75% of whom are convicted criminals — the left had another emotional breakdown.

The enforcement actions were called "sweeping" and part of an "immigration crackdown" under Trump. Pro-immigration groups said the "level of intimidation seems new." Senate Minority Leader Charles Schumer called it "deeply disturbing" and said that "undocumented immigrants" were "confused and scared."

In fact, it was just ICE doing its job, as they made clear in the statement on Monday. As Kelly explained, "ICE conducts these kinds of targeted enforcement operations regularly, and has for many years."

Indeed, less than two weeks after President Obama was inaugurated in 2009, ICE arrested 140 illegals in raids in Georgia, the Carolinas and Colorado. These weren't criminals, either. They had simply failed to show up at immigration hearings.

By the end of 2009 year, ICE deported a total of more than 390,000 illegal aliens — a record high — only a third of whom had criminal records. Deportations would continue at record highs throughout Obama's two terms in office.

There were no protests. There were no highway blockades. There was no wailing and gnashing of teeth, or cries about the inhumanity of it all. In fact, outside of ICE news releases and the occasional grumbling from pro-immigration groups, these deportations went completely unremarked.

That is, until the Obama administration — including Obama himself — started to openly brag about how many illegals were being deported.

Obama's Secretary of Homeland Security Janet Napolitano promised in 2011 that the rapid pace of deportations would continue. "The numbers are going to be very robust in terms of numbers of removal — we don't fool around about this," Napolitano said that summer. "Our border enforcement is second to none."

Obama liked to say that in his first five years, he'd deported more illegals than President Bush had over his entire eight.

Democrats didn't mind this kind of tough talk one bit. Marshall Fitz of the left-wing Center for American Progress noted in 2014 that Homeland Security was "patting itself on the back for reaching these record numbers" because "it was important to show they were serious about this."

And when conservatives complained that Obama was inflating his deportation numbers by including "returns" — those caught crossing the border who were sent back — as well as "removals," journalists rushed in to defend the White House, pointing out that those returns were part of an enhanced process that made it far less likely that those sent back would try again.

So we ask, what has changed between then and now, other than the tough-talking new occupant of the White House and the determination of his critics to protest anything and everything that happens on his watch?
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The despicable hypocrisy of the dums if monumental. - GA Tiger MU - 2/15 08:31:07
     Jail those that hire them - JayHoaxH8r MU - 2/15 08:43:23
          I am not convinced these guys are the enemy - raskolnikov MU - 2/15 09:00:41
               illegals are illegal - JayHoaxH8r MU - 2/15 09:17:51
     It's why there is a lot of noise but won't go anywhere - 4TigersinMichigan MU - 2/15 08:34:12
     Russian collusion(nm) - gerbil MU - 2/15 08:32:30
          Breeds world peace - mattieo86 MU - 2/15 08:43:13
     More unoriginal thoughts from GAT - MrBlueSky MU - 2/15 08:32:26
          Really? Then why the outrage from the libs and drive bys(nm) - tman KC - 2/15 08:34:06

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