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And I answered your question. They are good enough to

Posted on: February 1, 2017 at 20:22:51 CT
zounami MU
Member For:
10.11 yrs
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produce around the 50th best team in the nation.

If that's the best Odom can do, then I suppose that's who Odom should have signed.
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          We're fine at WR and added 2. Clark will surprise. Kid - Diamond Dave MU - 2/1 20:15:25
     Ranked # 50 nationally, # 13 in the SEC. (nm) - zounami MU - 2/1 19:23:58
          Which players specifically aren't good enough to play here? - zodiac6 JC - 2/1 19:51:00
               I imagine they are good enough to produce a team that is - zounami MU - 2/1 20:16:00
                    Are you honestly trying suggest that they have correctly - MizzouTigerz MU - 2/1 20:33:37
                         Well, the majority of seasons we've been in the SEC we - zounami MU - 2/1 20:40:38
                              We finished 1st two years. Our first year we had a ton of - MizzouTigerz MU - 2/1 20:54:48
                    But I'm not asking rivals or 247. I'm asking you. - zodiac6 JC - 2/1 20:20:48
                         And I answered your question. They are good enough to - zounami MU - 2/1 20:22:51
                              That is not an answer. - zodiac6 JC - 2/1 20:42:01
                                   We should sign the best players that our HC is capable of - zounami MU - 2/1 20:53:37
                                        You still won't answer the question - zodiac6 JC - 2/1 21:15:38
                                             You're asking a new question now... - zounami MU - 2/1 21:24:06
                                                  The question has remained the same - zodiac6 JC - 2/1 21:53:21
               According to Heitart, whom I respect, arguably our "worst" - Diamond Dave MU - 2/1 19:56:37
                    I saw that. - zodiac6 JC - 2/1 19:57:18
          and 10 for you nm - STRIPES - 2/1 19:30:11
               ok. How about this: Ranked # 8 nationally, # 3 in the SEC... - zounami MU - 2/1 19:43:11
                    Could you imagine what our HC could do with that, nm - MU-TULSA MU - 2/1 20:07:27
                    Oh no! He used one of the magic buzz phrase insults. - MizzouTigerz MU - 2/1 19:51:04
                    It pleases me to shoot holes in your hide - STRIPES - 2/1 19:48:44
                         facts seem to upset you (nm) - zounami MU - 2/1 20:18:45
                              It's your continued breathing that upsets me nm - STRIPES - 2/1 21:23:35
                                   you're so angry and bitter about something (nm) - zounami MU - 2/1 21:25:13
                                        Your heartbeat is troublesome nm - STRIPES - 2/1 23:41:23
     Overall not happy with strength of this class. - implode MU - 2/1 18:58:06
          This is not a class to draw a lot of excitement, but it - alwaysright MU - 2/1 19:38:57
     Depends on who you ask. - zodiac6 JC - 2/1 18:44:47
     It's most definitely one extreme or the other(nm) - Momaninil MU - 2/1 18:40:36
     You tell us.(nm) - MOOZOO MU - 2/1 18:37:18

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