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LOL China is a different topic

Posted on: January 14, 2017 at 14:27:44 CT
mizzoumurfkc KC
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19.93 yrs
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and Russia has been the fright wings boogie man for decades? So, what changed?
What turned the fright wing into Putin ball fluffers?
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Trump spy document... - Gyro MU - 1/14 10:47:29
     State your case with no ambiguity please. - FaurotFan MU - 1/14 11:30:19
          Read the document... - Gyro MU - 1/14 11:44:45
               That document isn't true - Sal KC - 1/14 11:49:24
               RE: Read the document... - MOCO SON MU - 1/14 11:45:37
                    It's a free country... - Gyro MU - 1/14 11:49:24
                         RE: It's a free country... - MOCO SON MU - 1/14 11:50:54
                              Yeah, I've read the Constitution many times... - Gyro MU - 1/14 11:52:53
                                   RE: Yeah, I've read the Constitution many times... - MOCO SON MU - 1/14 12:12:28
     What kind of idiot falls for Fake News? - Salty Dog MU - 1/14 11:15:00
          The republicans with all that pizza stuff, - tigerdb MU - 1/14 11:17:12
               Supertone's links were actually funny towards the end... - Gyro MU - 1/14 11:19:35
               What about the Benghazi investigation and emails? (nm) - Sal KC - 1/14 11:19:26
                    It was all nonsense - for political gain(nm) - tigerdb MU - 1/14 11:20:36
                         Kevin McCarthy admitted it... - Gyro MU - 1/14 11:45:30
                              Your clip isn't proving - Sal KC - 1/14 11:48:40
                                   Are you kidding? - Gyro MU - 1/14 11:50:24
                                        He said the committee exposed HRC - Sal KC - 1/14 11:51:33
                         Uh, not at all - Sal KC - 1/14 11:22:54
                              Kevin McCarthy... - Gyro MU - 1/14 11:46:51
                                   RE: Kevin McCarthy... - MOCO SON MU - 1/14 11:49:14
                                        Yeah, that Youtube clips doesn't really say much (nm) - Sal KC - 1/14 11:50:10
                              It was all partisan political nonsene - tigerdb MU - 1/14 11:26:45
                                   RE: It was all partisan political nonsene - MOCO SON MU - 1/14 11:36:16
                                        lol yeah Lynch meeting with Bill - Sal KC - 1/14 11:37:17
                                   Of course it was partisan - Sal KC - 1/14 11:27:46
                                        HRC's emails were the tip of the iceburg - if the pubs cared - tigerdb MU - 1/14 11:30:53
                                        Dishonesty, they middle name is Sal(nm) - Danny Whizzbang USA - 1/14 11:29:09
                                             What have I been dishonest about? - Sal KC - 1/14 11:30:48
                                                  Sal, these are your OPINIONS unsupported by OUTCOMES... - Gyro MU - 1/14 12:07:44
               RE: The republicans with all that pizza stuff, - MOCO SON MU - 1/14 11:19:12
          Saddam , a really really stupid idiot - JG A - 1/14 11:16:28
     What clueless idiot is 5 days behind the news but falls for - tigertix MU - 1/14 10:52:20
     Whatever gets you through the night - raskolnikov MU - 1/14 10:51:26
          Senate Intel committee - mizzoumurfkc MU - 1/14 11:08:57
               "orange bufoon"? - tigerdb MU - 1/14 11:18:35
               Have fun then - And you are incorrect sir - raskolnikov MU - 1/14 11:14:45
                    RE: Have fun then - And you are incorrect sir - mizzoumurfkc MU - 1/14 11:23:15
                         "To question" that's future tense friend.(nm) - raskolnikov MU - 1/14 11:49:37
                              Yes - mizzoumurfkc MU - 1/14 14:18:53
                                   No, they're not - raskolnikov MU - 1/14 16:38:26
                         So when that goes nowhere - Sal KC - 1/14 11:23:51
                              RE: So when that goes nowhere - mizzoumurfkc MU - 1/14 11:30:43
                                   How short of a memory do liberals have? - Sal KC - 1/14 11:34:02
                                        You can't be this - mizzoumurfkc MU - 1/14 11:35:34
                                             How is pointing out facts - Sal KC - 1/14 11:36:45
                                                  How is pointing out facts - mizzoumurfkc MU - 1/14 11:40:42
                                                       RE: How is pointing out facts - MOCO SON MU - 1/14 11:43:27
                                                            LOL China is a different topic - mizzoumurfkc MU - 1/14 14:27:44
                                                                 RE: LOL China is a different topic - MOCO SON MU - 1/14 14:50:17
                                                            It's ironic you keep talking about a boogie man... - Gyro MU - 1/14 12:09:43
                                                                 RE: It's ironic you keep talking about a boogie man... - MOCO SON MU - 1/14 14:53:07
                                                                 Haha! - mizzoumurfkc MU - 1/14 14:29:02
                                                                 RE: It's ironic you keep talking about a boogie man... - MOCO SON MU - 1/14 12:16:14
                                                                      You sidestepped my point... - Gyro MU - 1/14 12:21:09
                                                                           RE: You sidestepped my point... - MOCO SON MU - 1/14 12:23:36
                                                                                I think you are crossing wires here... - Gyro MU - 1/14 12:30:39
                                                                                     RE: I think you are crossing wires here... - MOCO SON MU - 1/14 13:10:12
                                                       Are you suggesting you're not a liberal? (nm) - Sal KC - 1/14 11:42:38
                                                            I'm only more liberal than - mizzoumurfkc MU - 1/14 14:08:15
                                                                 Oh, you're definitely a liberal. Kind of sad what has - tigerNkc KC - 1/14 16:35:27
                                                                      And I offer you - mizzoumurfkc MU - 1/14 16:52:13
                                                            I'll let him speak for himself... - Gyro MU - 1/14 11:56:57
                                                                 And yet he appears to be batsh*t insane (nm) - Sal KC - 1/14 12:00:28
                                                                      Bat**** insane? - Gyro MU - 1/14 12:04:12
                              RE: So when that goes nowhere - MOCO SON MU - 1/14 11:27:14
                              Well, wait Sal... - Gyro MU - 1/14 11:26:49
                                   They have been trying to link it for months now - Sal KC - 1/14 11:28:23
                                        RE: They have been trying to link it for months now - mizzoumurfkc MU - 1/14 11:34:11
                                             "new" news - Sal KC - 1/14 11:35:17
                                                  LOL I've - mizzoumurfkc MU - 1/14 11:37:11
                                                       It doesn't matter whether or not you have - Sal KC - 1/14 11:38:59
                                                            I love how everyone who is not you is a liberal... - Gyro MU - 1/14 11:56:18
                                                                 Yep - mizzoumurfkc MU - 1/14 16:53:40
                    I was going to point out this obvious fact... - Gyro MU - 1/14 11:20:42
                         RE: I was going to point out this obvious fact... - MOCO SON MU - 1/14 11:22:30
                              Not all of them... - Gyro MU - 1/14 11:27:46
                                   RE: Not all of them... - MOCO SON MU - 1/14 11:28:52
               Lol that's already been investigated (nm) - Sal KC - 1/14 11:12:08
                    RE: Lol that's already been investigated (nm) - mizzoumurfkc MU - 1/14 11:24:26
                         They've been trying to link Trump to Russia - Sal KC - 1/14 11:25:42
                              RE: They've been trying to link Trump to Russia - MOCO SON MU - 1/14 11:30:57
               RE: Senate Intel committee - MOCO SON MU - 1/14 11:11:45
          Here's the problem... - Gyro MU - 1/14 10:55:17
               This is actually a win for republicans... - tigerdb MU - 1/14 11:16:02
               Whatever - raskolnikov MU - 1/14 11:06:20
                    I agree he's gone in four... - Gyro MU - 1/14 11:09:16
                         RE: I agree he's gone in four... - MOCO SON MU - 1/14 11:12:21
                         You hope he hes (nm) - Sal KC - 1/14 11:11:31
                    Are you ready for Trey Gowdy if Trump isn't renominated? (nm - mattieo86 MU - 1/14 11:08:44
                         Ha...he has no chance of being a nominee... - Gyro MU - 1/14 11:11:49
                              RE: Ha...he has no chance of being a nominee... - MOCO SON MU - 1/14 11:13:07
                         I don't rightly care - raskolnikov MU - 1/14 11:11:35
                    RE: Whatever - MOCO SON MU - 1/14 11:08:18
                         RE: Whatever - raskolnikov MU - 1/14 11:13:36
               Poor Gyro - mattieo86 MU - 1/14 11:01:54
                    You are a fool if you believe the Russians over the USIC(nm) - Gyro MU - 1/14 11:03:13
                         Our intelligence agencies have been wrong before - Sal KC - 1/14 11:05:11
                              How does that benefit anyone? - Gyro MU - 1/14 11:08:17
                                   The intelligence communities main purpose is to stay in - mattieo86 MU - 1/14 11:12:22
                                        Trump cares about people? Wow.(nm) - Gyro MU - 1/14 11:13:12
                                             What makes you think he doesn't? (nm) - Sal KC - 1/14 11:14:46
                                             You will see, at least give him a chance before condemning - mattieo86 MU - 1/14 11:14:23
                                                  I have and count me along w/ the 63% who are... - Gyro MU - 1/14 11:21:29
                                                       Those numbers lie, plus if you excluded Cali - mattieo86 MU - 1/14 11:29:44
                                                            That's a good illustration of why you're so ****ed up... - Gyro MU - 1/14 11:58:05
                                                                 I was just stating that they are more easily manipulated - mattieo86 MU - 1/14 12:51:58
                                                                      What? - Gyro MU - 1/14 12:56:22
                                                                           LA, San Diego, and New York City - mattieo86 MU - 1/14 13:03:18
                                                                                RE: LA, San Diego, and New York City - MOCO SON MU - 1/14 13:12:34
                                                                                And, yet again, SO WHAT? - Gyro MU - 1/14 13:05:50
                                                                                     RE: And, yet again, SO WHAT? - MOCO SON MU - 1/14 13:14:17
                                                                                     My bad, I'm just empahsizing that people in those - mattieo86 MU - 1/14 13:13:19
                                                       RE: I have and count me along w/ the 63% who are... - MOCO SON MU - 1/14 11:25:28
                                                            The point is, however, is that his poll numbers are ****... - Gyro MU - 1/14 11:58:52
                                                                 RE: The point is, however, is that his poll numbers are ****... - MOCO SON MU - 1/14 12:21:18
                                                            RE: I have and count me along w/ the 63% who are... - MOCO SON MU - 1/14 11:33:30
                                                                 Then find some saying the exact opposite... - Gyro MU - 1/14 12:05:06
                                                                      RE: Then find some saying the exact opposite... - MOCO SON MU - 1/14 12:18:17
                                                                           RE: Then find some saying the exact opposite... - Gyro MU - 1/14 12:22:02
                                                                                RE: Then find some saying the exact opposite... - MOCO SON MU - 1/14 12:27:01
                                        Yup (nm) - Sal KC - 1/14 11:12:39
                                   RE: How does that benefit anyone? - MOCO SON MU - 1/14 11:10:57
                                   The military is in conflict with the USIC constantly - Sal KC - 1/14 11:10:53
                                        And so are the military branches... - Gyro MU - 1/14 12:46:26
                              Pretty sure that is part of their mission statement (nm) - mattieo86 MU - 1/14 11:06:15
               What's wrong with having a better relationship with - Sal KC - 1/14 10:57:18
                    I don't want war but Russia is not our friend... - Gyro MU - 1/14 10:59:18
                         RE: I don't want war but Russia is not our friend... - sarasotatiger MU - 1/14 12:11:57
                         RE: I don't want war but Russia is not our friend... - MOCO SON MU - 1/14 11:02:17
                         Nobody said they have to be our friends - Sal KC - 1/14 11:00:00
                              Draw the line that separates those two statuses... - Gyro MU - 1/14 11:04:15
                                   1) it's none of our business 2) plenty of reports out there - Sal KC - 1/14 11:08:13
                                        Russia didn't invade Ukraine? - Gyro MU - 1/14 11:12:44
                                             RE: Russia didn't invade Ukraine? - sarasotatiger MU - 1/14 17:06:44
                                             Ukraine's military leaders have even admitted such (nm) - Sal KC - 1/14 11:15:07
                                                  Trump admitted it... - Gyro MU - 1/14 11:18:15
                                                       I don't care what Trump admitted (nm) - Sal KC - 1/14 11:20:01
                                                            Of course you don't...you will stick to the story... - Gyro MU - 1/14 11:59:28
                                             correct. Russia did not invade Ukraine * - pickle MU - 1/14 11:14:06
                                   RE: Draw the line that separates those two statuses... - MOCO SON MU - 1/14 11:05:53
                                        Since you are not real bright, I'll explain... - Gyro MU - 1/14 11:16:27
               RE: Here's the problem... - MOCO SON MU - 1/14 10:57:01
          RE: Whatever gets you through the night - MOCO SON MU - 1/14 10:53:11
     lol I'm kind of shocked you out of all people - Sal KC - 1/14 10:49:29
          why? he's dumb as **** (nm) - pickle MU - 1/14 11:13:03
               You're not only a dumbs h i t, but a fuggin' thief... - Gyro MU - 1/14 12:08:45
          Our intelligence people briefed Trump himself... - Gyro MU - 1/14 10:53:07
               RE: Our intelligence people briefed Trump himself... - MOCO SON MU - 1/14 10:55:11
                    They didn't brief Trump on that document (nm) - Sal KC - 1/14 10:57:36
                         RE: They didn't brief Trump on that document (nm) - MOCO SON MU - 1/14 10:58:28
                              Exactly, McCain turned it over - Sal KC - 1/14 10:59:28
                                   RE: Exactly, McCain turned it over - MOCO SON MU - 1/14 11:00:47
               Ha wait, you may not be trolling - Sal KC - 1/14 10:55:01
          I'm not(nm) - Panthera MU - 1/14 10:50:43
               I think Gyro is just trolling (nm) - Sal KC - 1/14 10:52:43
                    If so , he got me....ouch......nm - tigertix MU - 1/14 10:54:12
     RE: Trump spy document... - MOCO SON MU - 1/14 10:49:28

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