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Posted on: October 15, 2016 at 20:05:43 CT
Jimmikricket MU
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Bunch of grown men throwing tantrums on the internet - Fire Marshall Bill MU - 10/15 20:04:22
     MU fans can look at the bright side......................... - MOwho DUKE - 10/15 22:44:31
     So old miss is better than us and u r ok with it?(nm) - TigerFan92 MU - 10/15 20:34:41
     Or grown men who dont give a Shyte anymore. You ... - Outsider MU - 10/15 20:15:31
          Yes, programs like ours can go downhill in a hurry, look at - MUTGR MU - 10/15 20:18:58
     The white knight speaks. Listen up people. - Momaninil MU - 10/15 20:13:16
          Southern Miss should not be better than us. But they are. - zodiac6 JC - 10/15 20:16:59
               If it's not Odom's fault, then whose fault is it? (nm) - zounami MU - 10/15 20:22:53
                    Pinkel. - zodiac6 JC - 10/15 20:24:53
                    I'M SO GLAD YOU ARE HERE!!!!!111 PLEASE COME TO SHADY LANE!1 - Mothball MU - 10/15 20:24:43
                         haha(nm) - Fire Marshall Bill MU - 10/15 20:25:09
     No shlt.(nm) - GA Tiger MU - 10/15 20:11:53
     KA and Odom both get 7 years. True Son U (nm) - ChinaTiger MU - 10/15 20:08:02
          And Lock (nm) - MUTGR MU - 10/15 20:10:23
               Lock was so bad it almost looked fixed at times - MakeShift MU - 10/15 20:13:29
                    Maybe Lock was fixed. - zodiac6 JC - 10/15 20:19:03
                    RE: Lock was so bad it almost looked fixed at times - MUTGR MU - 10/15 20:17:12
     People pointing out problems and making fun - Blood Green MU - 10/15 20:07:26
          People overreacting to problems and crap play are.(nm) - zodiac6 JC - 10/15 20:09:54
               How is talking about it on a message board overreacting? - Blood Green MU - 10/15 20:11:55
                    Talking about it isn't.(nm) - zodiac6 JC - 10/15 20:17:24
                         What else is happening here other than talking?(nm) - Blood Green MU - 10/15 20:19:31
                              the posts that speak in absolutes - Fire Marshall Bill MU - 10/15 20:21:33
                                   Those don't matter though. Why do you think they do?(nm) - Blood Green MU - 10/15 20:27:55
                                        well, technically - Fire Marshall Bill MU - 10/15 20:29:05
                                             We agree on that point(nm) - Blood Green MU - 10/15 20:35:20
                         right, which is why FMB's post was idiotic as usual - Ron Swanson MU - 10/15 20:18:43
                              Plenty of tantrums.(nm) - zodiac6 JC - 10/15 20:22:37
                                   posts links of these "tantrums"(nm) - Ron Swanson MU - 10/15 20:24:41
                                        RE: posts links of these "tantrums"(nm) - zodiac6 JC - 10/15 20:27:55
                                             he's an idiot - Ron Swanson MU - 10/15 20:29:25
                                                  He's the one that stands out. - zodiac6 JC - 10/15 20:38:45
                                                       so you didn't have a point - Ron Swanson MU - 10/15 20:40:32
                                                            RE: so you didn't have a point - Fire Marshall Bill MU - 10/15 20:42:05
          I can't believe people would discuss the poor play of Mizzou - Ron Swanson MU - 10/15 20:09:09
     Yeah, like the big improvement in basketball? - DeltfromSTL MU - 10/15 20:07:19
     Pot meet Kettle - sharpwp UNC - 10/15 20:07:18
     RE: Bunch of grown men throwing tantrums on the internet - MUTGR MU - 10/15 20:07:02
          Because we are playing extremely young(nm) - Fire Marshall Bill MU - 10/15 20:09:29
               Seems to me the teams we play had young QBs and RBs - DeltfromSTL MU - 10/15 20:11:05
                    Look at the depth chart, pal - Fire Marshall Bill MU - 10/15 20:13:14
                    yep, lame excuse(nm) - Ron Swanson MU - 10/15 20:12:13
                         Rage! Rage! Rage!(nm) - Fire Marshall Bill MU - 10/15 20:13:45
                              No rage at all, your tired act is tired as always(nm) - Ron Swanson MU - 10/15 20:15:07
     I gave Cross/Shipp a reprieve. Now fire Heupel/Elarbee - Nohawks MU - 10/15 20:06:16
          Extra long pitchforks!(nm) - Fire Marshall Bill MU - 10/15 20:08:18
     Why can't you ever admit when you're wrong?... - zounami MU - 10/15 20:06:00
          about what?* - Fire Marshall Bill MU - 10/15 20:07:26
               The Odom hire, for example. (nm) - zounami MU - 10/15 20:10:01
                    You gotta be trolling - Fire Marshall Bill MU - 10/15 20:11:53
                         Why is the team so bad? It's either Odom's fault, or it's - zounami MU - 10/15 20:12:43
                              it can only be one person's fault?(nm) - Fire Marshall Bill MU - 10/15 20:17:47
                                   Are both of them at fault for this disaster? (nm) - zounami MU - 10/15 20:22:15
                                        Odom has a little fault - Fire Marshall Bill MU - 10/15 20:30:11
                                             and I bet you ridiculed anyone that challenged the coaching - Ron Swanson MU - 10/15 20:35:16
                                                  huh?(nm) - Fire Marshall Bill MU - 10/15 20:36:53
                                                       pretty obvious point(nm) - Ron Swanson MU - 10/15 20:39:28
                                                            no - Fire Marshall Bill MU - 10/15 20:41:05
                                                                 lol - Ron Swanson MU - 10/15 20:44:14
                                                                      I am the middle ground, fella(nm) - Fire Marshall Bill MU - 10/15 20:49:29
                                                                           In your own deluded mind, pal(nm) - Ron Swanson MU - 10/15 20:52:39
                                                  Bingo. (nm) - zounami MU - 10/15 20:36:30
                                             So what you're saying is Pinkel is primarily to blame for - zounami MU - 10/15 20:33:55
                                                  Pinkel left the roster in bad shape relative to the schedule - Fire Marshall Bill MU - 10/15 20:35:51
     AGREE IT WILL TAKE TIME. THEN THE EXPERIMENT WILL BE OVER. - Jimmikricket MU - 10/15 20:05:43

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