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Can we be honest

Posted on: October 5, 2016 at 10:47:01 CT
raskolnikov MU
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YES Bill Clinton is a brilliant mthrfckr. Gets up to do a SOTU address only to find his aides had not loaded the speech on the TELEPROMPTER and for about 12-15 minutes wings it by memory. Bubba could be briefed before meeting 30 people and know to comment on something personal with each of them. He has freak powers and his charm offensive is off the charts.

Still, Obama is a more powerful orator. Filled a few frigging STADIUMS. And he is smart as sht too.

In the HOUSE - in office, Bubba did NOT have a Congress soley dedicated to his failure. Big difference. And - he won -ha.

So today Bubba is acting like a brat. Just kinda sad.
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What a petty lil dyck Bubba turns out to be - raskolnikov MU - 10/5 10:04:33
     You're shocked to learn that bubba is scum? Nm - hokie VT - 10/5 10:57:55
     Not a Clinton fan at all but he had the ability to speak to - DHighlander KC - 10/5 10:42:35
          So, you are a Clinton fan? (nm) - Evenflow MU - 10/5 11:02:08
               No, but it is actually possible to recognize the positives - DHighlander KC - 10/5 11:24:40
          In each of those cases - meatiger MU - 10/5 10:46:06
               You gain a working relationship by reaching out to the other - DHighlander KC - 10/5 10:53:01
                    RE: You gain a working relationship by reaching out to the other - meatiger MU - 10/5 10:59:44
                         Don't disagree but I did not claim he was a great speaker or - DHighlander KC - 10/5 11:17:21
     bubba had a good run in the house ... - tmcats KSU - 10/5 10:39:02
          Can we be honest - raskolnikov MU - 10/5 10:47:01
               Were you actually around and sober in the 90's? The GOP - DHighlander KC - 10/5 11:23:42
                    No it did not play that way - raskolnikov MU - 10/5 11:27:48
     lmfao (nm) - 90Tiger MU - 10/5 10:27:06
     And Hillary was a little bytch when losing to Barry in '08 - Diamond Dave MU - 10/5 10:25:12
     Well, bubba did say Obama should be bringing him coffee. - RHAYWORTH MU - 10/5 10:20:07
     looks like the narrative that the Clintons hate BHO is true. - hefeweizen MU - 10/5 10:06:46
          I think Bubba is jealous pure and simple, petty too(nm) - raskolnikov MU - 10/5 10:12:44
               No, they hate him. Some of the hacked emails back that up(nm) - hefeweizen MU - 10/5 10:13:47
                    Think what you want. - raskolnikov MU - 10/5 10:16:42
     Okay, who hijacked Ras's handle?(nm) - TheShoe STL - 10/5 10:05:58
          RE: Okay, who hijacked Ras's handle?(nm) - raskolnikov MU - 10/5 10:15:21
     Obama labeled Bubba as a racist in 2008. - Spanky KU - 10/5 10:05:42

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