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Media launches push to unseal tapes from Clinton email case

Posted on: July 21, 2016 at 11:01:38 CT
Spanky KU
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A coalition of 19 media outlets and journalism organizations asked a federal court to unseal tapes of the depositions given by aides to Hillary Clinton in a lawsuit over her private emails.

A judge is weighing that request as lawyers for a top Clinton staffer moved Monday to keep the controversial recordings under wraps.

The groups included Fox News, the Associated Press, CBS and NBC as well as the Society of Professional Journalists and the Reporters Committee for Freedom of the Press.

Six Clinton aides have been questioned in the Freedom of Information Act lawsuit brought by Judicial Watch, a conservative group. A judge is presently considering Judicial Watch's request to interview Clinton herself in addition to the push to unseal the recordings.

Each deposition was filmed and transcribed. Lawyers for Clinton's aides successfully persuaded the court to seal the tapes from the depositions for fear that the clips could be manipulated for political purposes in the context of the presidential election.

"[A]ccess to the audiovisual recordings of the depositions will provide the public with a more accurate and complete record of the testimony given by public officials in this case," the media coalition argued in documents filed with the court Sunday.

The press groups noted that video of the depositions would contain "forms of nonverbal communication" that would "not only provide important context for a witness's statements, they are essential indicators of a witness's credibility and veracity."

But attorneys for Cheryl Mills, Clinton's former chief staff, asked a judge to deny the request on Monday. The judge is expected to issue a decision soon on whether Judicial Watch attorneys can question Clinton over her private email use, and will likely delay the decision on the deposition tapes until after Aug. 1.
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Media launches push to unseal tapes from Clinton email case - Spanky KU - 7/21 11:01:38
     Liberal idiots like rask and JG don't care they are voting - Ragnar Danneskjold MU - 7/21 11:19:27
          Hillary Truther kooks - glue MU - 7/21 11:44:17
          Are you going to rent or live in a kibbutz in Israel? - JG MU - 7/21 11:24:31
               Are you gonna cut your mullet if you finally get a guarantee - Ragnar Danneskjold MU - 7/21 11:39:34
                    If Hillary chooses the best he can hope for as VP - TIGERROAR MU - 7/21 11:47:04
     Soon as they release those 27 pages redacted from 911 reprt(nm) - raskolnikov MU - 7/21 11:16:51
          LOL You Idiot - Uncle Fester USMC - 7/21 11:39:30
          Done already.. You are not keeping up with the news..... - Spanky KU - 7/21 11:25:18
               YOU ARE my news(nm) - raskolnikov MU - 7/21 12:07:43
          the 28 pages released last week? - FootballRefugee MU - 7/21 11:17:52
               Lol criticizing the clintons triggered the mullet - Ragnar Danneskjold MU - 7/21 11:23:42
                    he loves the Clintons - FootballRefugee MU - 7/21 11:41:50
                         RE: he loves the Clintons - JG MU - 7/21 12:00:07
               LOL the best part is that is your real take from that - JG MU - 7/21 11:21:32
                    Read page 433 - Spanky KU - 7/21 11:43:23
                         page 433 of the 28 pages? - JG MU - 7/21 11:52:08
                              Page 433 of the document (see the link above) - Spanky KU - 7/21 12:43:18
                              Lol they didn't release page 1-28 you mulleted idiot - Ragnar Danneskjold MU - 7/21 12:05:12
                                   Yes, clown I know that. We are talking about the 28 pages - JG MU - 7/21 12:06:17
                                        Lol god damn mullet you're so stupid I don't see how you - Ragnar Danneskjold MU - 7/21 12:13:05
                                             page 433 doesn't even mention the Clintons - JG MU - 7/21 12:22:38
                                                  WHEN was that trial run? - Spanky KU - 7/21 12:44:10
                                                       The 28 pages have to do with what they covered up - JG MU - 7/21 12:48:07
                                                            Clinton incompetency.... - Spanky KU - 7/21 13:28:01
                                                  Lol(nm) - Ragnar Danneskjold MU - 7/21 12:25:42
                                                       You find 3000 murders so funny - JG MU - 7/21 12:27:16
     No, it's too late. Clinton lawyer's will stall it. - RHAYWORTH MU - 7/21 11:13:34
     You simply refuse to acknowledge the corruption - JG MU - 7/21 11:08:35
     Speaking of which, I haven't seen this on TV yet. - GA Tiger MU - 7/21 11:06:45
     That is pretty unlikely to go through at this point - raskolnikov MU - 7/21 11:05:48
     Won't make ONE bit of difference. Just won't. nm - jonesin - 7/21 11:04:45
          Most folks are where they are in terms of this election - raskolnikov MU - 7/21 11:09:53
               The country AS a whole, is made up of ignorant, lazy - jonesin - 7/21 11:18:50
                    You're a moron if that is what you believe - raskolnikov MU - 7/21 11:26:11
                         Ohhh believe me... - mizzoumurfkc MU - 7/21 11:31:36
                              Jonesin is absolutely right of course - Uncle Fester USMC - 7/21 11:37:28

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