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tmcats - when k-State ends up part of the Tier 2

Posted on: May 15, 2024 at 07:34:45 CT
Carlos Rossi KC
Member For:
9.31 yrs
M.O.B. Votes:
league which will have its own Playoff…will you stop posting here? I mean not only will it be a different conference it will be an entirely different league.

It will be nice to have you guys nearby so we can pick off your best players every year when they decide they want to play in the Tier 1 league.

Thanks in advance.
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tmcats - when k-State ends up part of the Tier 2 - Carlos Rossi KC - 5/15 07:34:45
     boring(nm) - CulturedDan KC - 5/15 09:37:08
          I don't see why. The BIG is already a hodgepodge of - Carlos Rossi KC - 5/15 09:44:02
               It is boring because it is the same crap - Genco98 MU - 5/15 18:17:02
               The SEC will primarily be focused in the Mid-South and - tigertix MU - 5/15 11:50:33
                    How do you know that? - Genco98 MU - 5/16 04:01:10
               no these posts are boring(nm) - CulturedDan KC - 5/15 10:03:47
     Question, will Tier 1 need Tier 2 games for scheduling - tigertix MU - 5/15 09:13:05
          I'm envisioning a Super 2 (SEC and BIG) with 20 teams each.. - Carlos Rossi KC - 5/15 09:37:55
               in this scenario, the bad part would be getting - gamagrass01 MU - 5/15 10:17:35
                    I think there would be a bit of both.(nm) - Carlos Rossi KC - 5/15 11:33:34

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