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I would guess more the latter

Posted on: May 19, 2024 at 15:13:28 CT
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20.56 yrs
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but I have no certainty
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     Good thing we heard the incels' point of view(nm) - CulturedDan KC - 5/19 16:35:42
     What did he say that you disagree - GODZILLA MU - 5/19 13:05:53
          I don't disagree with his point so much as the crude - JG MU - 5/19 13:14:10
               The same media pushing their woke agenda and carefully - Tigrrrr! MU - 5/19 14:20:01
                    I didn't see him lamenting how far from a Christian that - JG MU - 5/19 14:59:19
                         Do you think Morehouse axed Joe to speak? Or did Joe's - Tigrrrr! MU - 5/19 15:04:19
                              I would guess more the latter - JG MU - 5/19 15:13:28
                         "I don't like politics at commencement speeches" - MIZ45 MU - 5/19 15:04:01
               Explain what he said that was crude? - GODZILLA MU - 5/19 13:17:25
                    RE: Explain what he said that was crude? - JG MU - 5/19 13:33:59
                         Child sacrifice isn’t Christian nor is Biden the perv.(nm) - TigerFan92 STL - 5/20 05:00:40
                         Lol, good grief - MIZ45 MU - 5/19 14:50:17
                         Hahahaha! ie, I’m JGutless and I’ll just make up some shyt - Outsider MU - 5/19 14:26:49
                         That's not what he said (nm) - Tigrrrr! MU - 5/19 14:20:54
                         There is nothing remotely - GODZILLA MU - 5/19 13:47:12
                              🎯🎯🎯🎯🎯🎯🎯🎯 - MIZ45 MU - 5/19 14:51:04
                              without lying - JG MU - 5/19 13:49:28
                                   Very often, not long after you start posting, - SwampTiger MU - 5/19 13:53:59
                                        LOL is it my fault so many of you - JG MU - 5/19 13:57:27
                                             "What makes you think I am a coward?" Uh...your tapout list - MIZ45 MU - 5/19 14:52:01
                                             RE: LOL is it my fault so many of you - SwampTiger MU - 5/19 13:59:29
                                                  I am neither cowardly nor authoritarian - JG MU - 5/19 14:04:00
                                                       I don't believe I've ever called you an authoritarian - SwampTiger MU - 5/19 14:13:54
                                                            go back and read the thread on where you asked what the lie - JG MU - 5/19 14:17:13
                                                                 You're confused (nm) - SwampTiger MU - 5/19 14:20:11
                                                                      Nope - JG MU - 5/19 14:54:52
                                                                      He most certainly is. How does someone with a tapout list - MIZ45 MU - 5/19 14:53:56
                    LOL you know he is - Wildcat KSU - 5/19 13:27:14
     What shocked me was the nuns coming out and saying anything - MU-TULSA MU - 5/19 12:57:02
          Exactly(nm) - tigerNkc KC - 5/19 13:21:23
     Shocker, you are outraged over a person who supports - Outsider MU - 5/19 12:53:58
          LOL - JG MU - 5/19 13:14:52
          Yet again - JG marches right along with whatever the left is - MIZ45 MU - 5/19 13:04:34
     Wait. You don't have Butker's back? I guess you're just - MIZ45 MU - 5/19 12:25:42
          The only thing JG isn’t a fraud about is his love for - Outsider MU - 5/19 12:56:09
               When you have nothing , well why not bald faced lie about JG - JG MU - 5/19 13:17:03
               Yep. Just look at his unwavering devotion to Joe Biden and - MIZ45 MU - 5/19 12:57:43

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