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RE: And the slaughter of the rest of the Jews in Israel.

Posted on: May 19, 2024 at 10:31:03 CT
sarasotatiger MU
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12.24 yrs
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I didn't say that, but to prevent the US from being embroiled in a war that will destroy the country I see it as the only Option. The Israelis will probabaly launch swveral nukes but the muslims will just still over run them.
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The only way that we can avoid this . - sarasotatiger MU - 5/19 09:36:34
     Egypt likes the Jews better then Palestinians - Coors4bob STL - 5/19 11:28:54
          Makes sense. The 9/11 hijackers were Egyptian - El-ahrairah BAMA - 5/19 12:10:02
               LOL well one was - JG A - 5/19 12:22:40
     We need direct military action against Israel - ChinaTiger KC - 5/19 10:08:04
          when the civil war starts you're on the other side. - Coors4bob STL - 5/19 11:27:11
     So 1200 Jews are slaughtered and the reward is a country - Calca STL - 5/19 09:45:30
          Good point. You get what you tolerate and you get a lot more - hokie VT - 5/19 10:05:52
          And the slaughter of the rest of the Jews in Israel. - DHighlander NWMSU - 5/19 09:49:48
               RE: And the slaughter of the rest of the Jews in Israel. - sarasotatiger MU - 5/19 10:31:03
                    Israel can take care of the muzzys Thats why Iran stood down - Coors4bob STL - 5/19 11:30:28
               He's typing so zealously he can't even proofread(nm) - Calca STL - 5/19 09:50:42
                    Ehhh, what's another seven million Jewish lives? (nm) - DHighlander NWMSU - 5/19 09:53:34
          RE: So 1200 Jews are slaughtered and the reward is a country - sarasotatiger MU - 5/19 09:47:31
               How am I in a hopeless situation?(nm) - Calca STL - 5/19 09:47:57
     I suspect you are actually serious. - GA Tiger MU - 5/19 09:39:03
     What's "this"? What are "we" trying to avoid? (nm) - MIZ45 MU - 5/19 09:37:23
          RE: What's - sarasotatiger MU - 5/19 09:38:56
               LOL, take a deep breath - Coors4bob STL - 5/19 11:31:35
               Who's going to kill me? (nm) - MIZ45 MU - 5/19 09:40:50
                    RE: Who's going to kill me? (nm) - sarasotatiger MU - 5/19 09:48:06
                         Well this is unhinged - MIZ45 MU - 5/19 09:55:25
                              He has a lot of brain damage - Wildcat KSU - 5/19 13:20:45
                                   True (nm) - MIZ45 MU - 5/19 15:06:11
                              RE: Well this is unhinged - sarasotatiger MU - 5/19 10:32:16
                                   Nonsensical (nm) - MIZ45 MU - 5/19 10:33:18
                                        RE: Nonsensical (nm) - sarasotatiger MU - 5/19 11:06:26
                                             I've asked for several clarifications, and you can't do it - MIZ45 MU - 5/19 11:09:34
                         "Befor" - Calca STL - 5/19 09:48:42
                    His stupidity may cause brain death when you read his posts(nm) - Calca STL - 5/19 09:46:53
               Confused again. His death is - GA Tiger MU - 5/19 09:40:17
                    RE: Confused again. His death is - sarasotatiger MU - 5/19 09:46:36

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