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👊🏽white power(nm)

Posted on: May 17, 2024 at 07:26:43 CT
Fire Marshall Bill MU
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Scottie Scheffler arrested? - playhard KC - 5/17 06:45:46
     Heard he BLASTHRUSTED through the checkpoint(nm) - CulturedDan KC - 5/17 08:33:14
     Scottie Scheffler, say his name!(nm) - El-ahrairah BAMA - 5/17 08:29:41
     "thanks, Scottie!" -Harrison(nm) - CulturedDan KC - 5/17 08:28:28
     The tweets about this are gold. - tgr MU - 5/17 08:23:07
     assaulting an officer? - JayHoaxH8r MU - 5/17 08:22:21
     TBH, i never heard of him(nm) - tigerNkc KC - 5/17 08:14:51
     What if it would have been Tiger Woods? (nm) - KCT-BoneTiger MU - 5/17 08:14:07
          My guess is nothing because Tiger's one of the most - tgr MU - 5/17 08:21:03
               Scheffler kind of looks like 75% of every guy between the - playhard KC - 5/17 08:23:35
                    According to ESPN's Darlington - DC Jayhawk KU - 5/17 08:38:53
                         And then he killed the officer with his car? (nm) - kmawv8 KC - 5/17 08:43:48
                              Two officers. - DC Jayhawk KU - 5/17 08:46:12
     Mug shot - AWOLTiger KC - 5/17 07:54:57
          I could see a good comedy skit out of this - playhard KC - 5/17 08:04:21
          "N.Afr/Mid Eas." - Fire Marshall Bill MU - 5/17 07:58:32
          they have him in the orange jumpsuit lol - Cosmo MU - 5/17 07:56:22
               Maybe he’s playing with Rickie - Ferg MU - 5/17 08:11:06
               Eh, caddies wear white jumpsits at The Masters - playhard KC - 5/17 08:10:13
               It’s as if they’re making some kind of point - Sal CMSU - 5/17 07:57:07
     alleged charges, Good Lord - Fire Marshall Bill MU - 5/17 07:40:20
          Did he hit the cop with his car? - Sal CMSU - 5/17 07:46:23
               â€ťattached himself to the vehicle” lol - Cosmo MU - 5/17 07:53:24
                    I have no idea but my guess is - Sal CMSU - 5/17 07:55:30
          2nd degree assault of a police officer - MizzouAstro MU - 5/17 07:43:13
               I bet all the charges get dropped and they let him off with - BH O'bonga MU - 5/17 07:58:39
                    Assuming he never actually hit a cop with his car - Sal CMSU - 5/17 08:00:00
          RE: thank god for such bravery to serve and protect us! (nm) - Breadtruck MU - 5/17 08:17:01
     Good thing it wasn’t John Daly…he’s probably - Carlos Rossi KC - 5/17 07:25:28
     Oops I see 615 below posted it* - AWOLTiger KC - 5/17 07:11:13
          The cops were working the scene of a fatal accident, that - DHighlander NWMSU - 5/17 07:36:08
               Then stick him with a traffic citation - Sal CMSU - 5/17 07:40:19
                    He did not say it, his actions did. - DHighlander NWMSU - 5/17 08:09:02
                         Why do you keep saying “blew through?” - Sal CMSU - 5/17 08:12:42
                              According to Darlington's account - Scheffler attempted - tigerdb MU - 5/17 08:19:39
                                   bad rep after bad rep from you man - Fire Marshall Bill MU - 5/17 08:27:58
                                   gyro-esque(nm) - CulturedDan KC - 5/17 08:23:12
                                   What a wild comment at the end - Sal CMSU - 5/17 08:21:23
                                        I was amused by your "I was a cop and I never" - tigerdb MU - 5/17 08:32:39
                                             lol it’s not normal to grab onto a moving vehicle - Sal CMSU - 5/17 08:37:45
                                                  some dude gave a pro-Catholic speech at a Catholic - Fire Marshall Bill MU - 5/17 09:01:27
                              Because the reports say he did exactly that. He was given - DHighlander NWMSU - 5/17 08:15:26
                                   Blew suggests he sped through - Sal CMSU - 5/17 08:17:13
                                        No Blew through suggests he went through ignoring commands - DHighlander NWMSU - 5/17 08:27:56
                                             No it seems like hyperbole - Sal CMSU - 5/17 08:29:07
               lol - you just said he should have rolled down his window - Carlos Rossi KC - 5/17 07:39:45
                    I feel bad for you. It must be tough going through life - DHighlander NWMSU - 5/17 07:54:06
                         And above you insinuated that he was pulling the old - Lt. J. Dangle MU - 5/17 08:29:30
                         Where are you getting that info? - Sal CMSU - 5/17 07:58:29
                              Have someone literate read one of the accounts and - DHighlander NWMSU - 5/17 08:10:07
                         Jesus - so a cop is trying to work a fatal accident scene - Carlos Rossi KC - 5/17 07:57:49
                              You are dumb as dirt. Yes, if they are working an huge - DHighlander NWMSU - 5/17 08:13:32
                                   He could have been the one directing the traffic… - Carlos Rossi KC - 5/17 08:17:02
                                        You probably shouldn't accuase others of being tardy. - DHighlander NWMSU - 5/17 08:31:22
                                             You’re taking an aggressive stance against - Sal CMSU - 5/17 08:54:04
                    lol (nm) - Sal CMSU - 5/17 07:40:48
               Yes I know, I saw 615 already posted the reason(nm) - AWOLTiger KC - 5/17 07:37:41
          He stopped 10 yards after the command lol (nm) - Sal CMSU - 5/17 07:17:26
               RE: He stopped 10 yards after the command lol: Cop letting - BH O'bonga MU - 5/17 07:29:29
                    He wasn’t really challenged though (nm) - Sal CMSU - 5/17 07:31:46
                         RE: He wasn’t really challenged though: The report I read a - BH O'bonga MU - 5/17 07:39:12
     Early tee time sucks.(nm) - Toger STL - 5/17 07:10:02
     can’t wait for the hot racial takes! - Fire Marshall Bill MU - 5/17 07:01:42
          lol wait no more! - Sal CMSU - 5/17 07:02:43
               LOL(nm) - Fire Marshall Bill MU - 5/17 07:03:45
                    I’m about to head out to the course - Sal CMSU - 5/17 07:08:49
                         đź‘ŠđźŹ˝white power(nm) - Fire Marshall Bill MU - 5/17 07:26:43
     There was a fatal accident that caused a traffic jam - 615Tiger STL - 5/17 06:55:02
          Assuming he heard the officer. (nm) - DC Jayhawk KU - 5/17 07:42:53
               The radio just said he dragged the officer and he has minor - kmawv8 KC - 5/17 08:03:07
                    That is on the guy that decided to hang on his car. Someone - Iron DUKE - 5/17 08:17:09
                    Understood. - DC Jayhawk KU - 5/17 08:07:58
                    I’m not sure why the cop grabbed the mirror though - Sal CMSU - 5/17 08:06:05
                         Me neither - kmawv8 KC - 5/17 08:08:18
                              If it was raining and dark out - Sal CMSU - 5/17 08:10:03
                                   I would imagine someone dying in that traffic accident - playhard KC - 5/17 08:12:15
                                        Maybe but that doesn’t change what I said - Sal CMSU - 5/17 08:15:11
                                             Yeah, i dunno...should they have just let him roll through - playhard KC - 5/17 08:19:37
                                                  I saw about 30+ cop cars on the scene - Sal CMSU - 5/17 08:23:04
                                                       Seems very out of character by Scottie. Having a hard time - Erwin Fletcher STL - 5/17 09:49:46
                                                       I suppose but maybe they're spread thin with personel as it - playhard KC - 5/17 08:26:11
          Sheffler blew through a barricade and killed a man? - kmawv8 KC - 5/17 07:18:46
               lol the reporting on both these stories is - Sal CMSU - 5/17 07:23:36
                    The problem with everyone having to get their crap out - AWOLTiger KC - 5/17 07:39:12
          That man just wants to go hit golf balls(nm) - Iron DUKE - 5/17 07:16:07
               me too, brother(nm) - MizzouAstro MU - 5/17 07:38:23
               He needs golf in his life - alwaysright MU - 5/17 07:21:25

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