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Sounds like his media needs liberalizing

Posted on: July 21, 2016 at 12:31:19 CT
Cosmo MU
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14.38 yrs
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just my two cents
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Rumor has it cnk is suspended(nm) - McRib MU - 7/21 11:54:29
     I think TigerMatt is too.(nm) - hefeweizen MU - 7/21 12:13:42
          Confirmed, for week - McRib MU - 7/21 12:15:49
               Posted Bluestrike's personal info including his - hefeweizen MU - 7/21 12:20:31
                    lol, so dumb to do that (nm) - 90Tiger MU - 7/21 12:24:46
                    There are some weird, obsessed people on here(nm) - McRib MU - 7/21 12:23:02
                         RE: There are some weird, obsessed people on here(nm) - hefeweizen MU - 7/21 12:28:14
               Offensively bland handle. (nm) - McMuffin MU - 7/21 12:17:52
     Eggs and cnk both gone...leadership of the Get Along Gang is - McMuffin MU - 7/21 12:09:56
          Or you could do the right thing - McRib MU - 7/21 12:10:47
               Which handle though? (nm) - McRib MU - 7/21 12:13:04
                    Opps...(nm) - McMuffin MU - 7/21 12:13:17
                         HAHAHAHAHAHA - colonel angus beef KC - 7/21 12:13:39
     I can think of a few more deserving - 44.f6 Rd1 MU - 7/21 11:56:03
     That is a fact (nm) - TheWildcat STL - 7/21 11:55:13
          What did he do? Which handle? (nm) - Nebraska99 STL - 7/21 11:56:16
               posted a jerking off penis on the politics board. - dangertim MU - 7/21 12:27:32
                    needle in a needle-stack - colonel angus beef KC - 7/21 12:32:06
                         I saw it. - dangertim MU - 7/21 12:48:23
               Politics board porn(nm) - McRib MU - 7/21 12:12:41
               he stalked people at home and work, send emails to their - colonel angus beef KC - 7/21 12:00:16
                    Sounds like his media needs liberalizing - Cosmo MU - 7/21 12:31:19
                    Or Gyro posting very sensitive private information - McRib MU - 7/21 12:17:19
                         You sound very bitter for a new guy. (nm) - McMuffin MU - 7/21 12:18:29
                              You and I seem to think alike - McRib MU - 7/21 12:19:34
                                   Opps...(nm) - McMuffin MU - 7/21 12:20:04
                              I come around once a year(nm) - McRib MU - 7/21 12:19:30
                                   Opps...(nm) - McRib MU - 7/21 12:20:51
                    There should be poli board only handles.(nm) - SuperTone MU - 7/21 12:14:23
                         There used to be when it started out (nm) - pickle MU - 7/21 12:56:30
                    lol, the accuracy of this(nm) - tigersknowbest MU - 7/21 12:13:54
                    I think there was penis too(nm) - McRib MU - 7/21 12:13:19
                    gave him a week?? that sounds like thedad's doing (nm) - 44.f6 Rd1 MU - 7/21 12:05:21
                         that freak really gets off on it. - colonel angus beef KC - 7/21 12:10:14
                         At hard labor.(nm) - Tigrrrr! MU - 7/21 12:07:10
               The Brazzers clip might've been a ccntributing factor (nm) - DC Jayhawk KU - 7/21 11:57:45

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