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RE: Relentless Evangelicals and hunger for power

Posted on: May 17, 2024 at 19:55:36 CT
sarasotatiger MU
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12.23 yrs
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Evangelicals are not the same as Christian Nationalist.

Evangelicals are a big group of classification of Protestant denominations. Christian nationals have gotten culture, tradition, and feelings all mixed up with Christianity ( they are not Christ followers) They have also expanded on a strange Old Testament view of scriptures. They have totaly forgotten the Beatitudes. The Beatitudes tells us Christ expectations.
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     Stupid people are easy to manipulate and difficult - FIJItiger MU - 5/17 21:49:32
          "Now that we know stuff isn't real" - AWOLTiger KC - 5/18 07:30:07
     RE: Why is the left so affraid of Christians? Utterly scared. - sarasotatiger MU - 5/17 19:46:08
          Some Christians are afraid of cultural change. They fail to - TigerMatt MISS - 5/17 20:38:11
               RE: Some Christians are afraid of cultural change. They fail to - sarasotatiger MU - 5/17 20:41:24
                    2 Kings 21 blames the exile on Manasseh. 2 Chronicles - TigerMatt MISS - 5/17 20:52:12
     They're brainwashed by a certain group of people - ChinaTiger KC - 5/17 19:12:57
          RE: They're brainwashed by a certain group of people - sarasotatiger MU - 5/17 19:48:43
          Wow. That is thh most ridiculous comments ever heard(nm) - raskolnikov MU - 5/17 19:23:38
     Why is the left so affraid of Christians? Utterly scared: So - BH O'bonga MU - 5/17 19:08:34
     Relentless Evangelicals and hunger for power - raskolnikov MU - 5/17 18:45:04
          RE: Relentless Evangelicals and hunger for power - sarasotatiger MU - 5/17 19:55:36
               I have no idea what a "Christian nationalist" is. Sounds to - BH O'bonga MU - 5/18 06:37:59
                    Announce how uninformed you are from the rooftops !(nm) - raskolnikov MU - 5/18 09:27:30
               Question was about people disliking Christians - raskolnikov MU - 5/17 20:29:05
                    RE: Question was about people disliking Christians - sarasotatiger MU - 5/17 20:47:05
          Yeah much better the leftists way everyone's so nice - AWOLTiger KC - 5/17 19:40:17
          Talking point. (nm) - Bulldog Bob Brown STL - 5/17 19:08:49
               ??????????(nm) - raskolnikov MU - 5/17 19:22:43
                    Self explanatory(nm) - Bulldog Bob Brown STL - 5/17 19:40:43
                         What talking points. I express my thoughts and you claim - raskolnikov MU - 5/18 09:33:32
          Sheer unrelenting idiocy from you. - RHAYWORTH MU - 5/17 19:01:19
               Only extremists would do that, though Christians - raskolnikov MU - 5/17 19:08:15
                    Abortion on demand anytime anywhere. - RHAYWORTH MU - 5/17 21:29:30
                         Only a fractional niche supports that and YET AGAIN you go - raskolnikov MU - 5/18 09:32:02
                              That fractional niche includes your presidential candidate - RHAYWORTH MU - 5/18 11:15:27
                                   Flat out wrong. Come on(nm) - raskolnikov MU - 5/18 14:55:32
                    'Baby killers' is quite accurate for a party that not only - JeffB MU - 5/17 19:56:01
                         That's your corner, not mine - raskolnikov MU - 5/17 20:30:36
                              You can use euphemisms like 'pregnancy terminations', but - JeffB MU - 5/17 20:43:29
                                   Again, your claim that zgotes are human beings is specious - raskolnikov MU - 5/18 09:41:10
                                        Is it a zygote the day before birth? Baby killer. - RHAYWORTH MU - 5/18 11:13:44
                                             No one said that(nm) - raskolnikov MU - 5/18 14:45:21
          How would you use that theory to explain the left's hysteria - JeffB MU - 5/17 18:52:55
               Is the left one homogeneous group that all think - TigerMatt MISS - 5/17 19:44:25
                    Of course not, but neither were those in the Nazi Party, nor - JeffB MU - 5/17 19:57:11
                         Yes Jeff, it does mean that you cannot speak of the body - raskolnikov MU - 5/18 09:45:03
               I don't support abortion anywhere near that - so WTF, you do - raskolnikov MU - 5/17 19:10:55
                    The topic was 'the left', and they clearly push abortion - JeffB MU - 5/17 19:47:40
                         The "Left" does in fact defend and support a woman's right - raskolnikov MU - 5/18 09:48:06
     Some do. Some don’t. Just like some on the right - TigerMatt MISS - 5/17 18:09:08
          Ahem - MIZ45 MU - 5/17 18:42:55
               Who that big liberal?(nm) - TigerMatt MISS - 5/17 18:57:42
          This is kinda bs - AWOLTiger KC - 5/17 18:15:05
               The hypocrisy is massive - Mormad MU - 5/17 21:23:43
               You cannot serve two masters. THAT is what Jesus taught(nm) - raskolnikov MU - 5/17 19:26:22
               There is a difference between making mistakes and - TigerMatt MISS - 5/17 18:28:04
                    You're just saying gibberish(nm) - AWOLTiger KC - 5/17 18:32:29
                         Maybe it is to you. (nm) - TigerMatt MISS - 5/17 18:56:52
     The sons of darkness hate the Light. (nm) - JeffB MU - 5/17 18:08:02
     They hate the gospel and just banned the New Testament - El-ahrairah BAMA - 5/17 17:55:40

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