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RE: LOL Cohen is even more of a hot mess than I thought

Posted on: May 16, 2024 at 12:16:05 CT
Achmed MU
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22.91 yrs
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jg is like a Bubble Burster: They often miss the mark on understanding.

you have no idea the type of people Trump surrounds himself with. You have never met 1 single person close to Trump.

swing and a miss
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     Yup like Biden saying he had the highest inflation when he - MU-TULSA MU - 5/16 12:16:56
          I have said he (Biden) is a liar many times - JG A - 5/16 12:20:17
     RE: LOL Cohen is even more of a hot mess than I thought - Achmed MU - 5/16 12:16:05
     You posted this YESTERDAY - mizzouSECedes STL - 5/16 12:14:00
          and? - JG A - 5/16 12:21:18
     You are aware that this 'hot mess' was a prosecution witness - DHighlander NWMSU - 5/16 12:10:07
          Yes nitwit - JG A - 5/16 12:11:31
               He is the star witness with no credibility(nm) - Iron DUKE - 5/16 12:13:05
                    its a record case - JG A - 5/16 12:17:10
                         Your lack of understanding of the case is almost as - Th8tnTiger MU - 5/16 12:30:52
                              LOL sure - JG A - 5/16 12:33:43
                    But that's akshually good for the prosecution!! - Th8tnTiger MU - 5/16 12:15:16
                    JG doesn't know when he self-owns - AWOLTiger KC - 5/16 12:14:02
                         LOL - JG A - 5/16 12:18:00
                              You can't even keep your own statements straight. - AWOLTiger KC - 5/16 12:22:13
                                   LOl such as? - JG A - 5/16 12:22:45
                                        RE: LOl such as? - AWOLTiger KC - 5/16 12:30:11
                                             in regards to this case, nit wit - JG A - 5/16 12:31:28
                                                  No-one has testified that business records were falsified - Spanky KU - 5/16 13:09:38
                              You said yesterday that trying to paint Cohen - mizzouSECedes STL - 5/16 12:19:21
                                   thats all they are doing so far today - JG A - 5/16 12:22:18
                         It's the NPD (nm) - SwampTiger MU - 5/16 12:16:16
     You're a f'n mess man. Maybe go outside(nm) - AWOLTiger KC - 5/16 12:08:44

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