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Mizzou should have reached out to one of the PAC2

Posted on: May 15, 2024 at 11:16:26 CT
lqf2b8 MU
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14.47 yrs
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teams and said we'll play you at your place if you take the UMASS game (and whatever we agreed to pay UMASS) off our plate.

It'd still be an away game for us but we wouldn't be paying for it and it would be nationally televised on the CW or some such ****. The PAC2 team would be happy to travel to UMASS to fill out their schedule

Edited by lqf2b8 at 11:18:23 on 05/15/24
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Mizzou should have reached out to one of the PAC2 - lqf2b8 MU - 5/15 11:16:26
     Hope not. I plan to go to UMass game - MoArk MU - 5/16 09:34:11
     actually the PAC2 might have been so happy to fill - lqf2b8 MU - 5/15 11:20:28
          I saw “fill” - meatiger MU - 5/15 19:14:41
          Nothing wrong with trippin to Amherst - alzoo MU - 5/15 11:58:14
               RE: Nothing wrong with trippin to Amherst - CPA MU - 5/15 16:15:07
               If you love those high IQ ladies, that's the place - samclemens MU - 5/15 12:53:31
          Just have the Pac2 team and UMass meet at CoMO - mizzouSECedes STL - 5/15 11:52:20
          nòw you are thinking. you go to UMASS - tman MU - 5/15 11:28:50

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