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Luck in coaching: 2005 Missouri Tigers

Posted on: May 15, 2024 at 09:42:35 CT
gamagrass01 MU
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Looking back, had Chase not come in and rescued the game against Iowa State, we would have missed a bowl and HCGP probably would have been fired. Now, you can say it wasn't luck, because the DID recruit Chase and DID insert him as the back-up. OTOH, some luck was involved it seems to me - HCGP's career could have gone south right there in 2005 with one more loss. Who knows what would have happened in COMO with the new coach.

As an aside, gotta admit, Brad was miserable passing the ball. I was at the KU game that year and he couldn't hit the broad side of a barn, not even close. He was something like 14-37 and we scored 3. They ignored any pass farther than 10 yards downfield and it worked. I honestly feel like Chase would have won us more games in 2005 than Brad, but that's just speculation.

BTW there was some luck involved in the glorious comeback against South Carolina in the Bowl.
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Luck in coaching: 2005 Missouri Tigers - gamagrass01 MU - 5/15 09:42:35
     Pinkel knew how to recruit, develop QBs - MoArk MU - 5/16 09:37:37
     Daniel only went into the game against Iowa State because - alwaysright MU - 5/16 06:46:11
     Brad Smith being brilliant and choosing MU was also luck. NM - ColoradoBlueTiger MU - 5/15 13:42:05
          He was off to Toledo until GP was off to COMO. - Gary P. MU - 5/16 17:30:36
          RE: Brad Smith being brilliant and choosing MU was also luck. NM - Ragarm MU - 5/15 15:58:49
               RE: Brad Smith being brilliant and choosing MU was also luck. NM - CPA MU - 5/15 16:10:47
                    RE: Brad Smith being brilliant and choosing MU was also luck. NM - sneaky-pete MU - 5/15 18:51:45
                         that is right - there was talk of him burning his redshirt - gamagrass01 MU - 5/16 10:28:10
     One creates their own luck(nm) - Erwin Fletcher STL - 5/15 12:55:26
          people say this but it isn't true - guess it depends on - gamagrass01 MU - 5/16 10:30:52
     GP missed the boat by not naming Chase the starter and - tigertix MU - 5/15 11:47:58
          The WR group was not good enough for that.(nm) - Harvey Specter MU - 5/15 12:32:10
               Brad played it in the NFL...nm - tigertix MU - 5/15 18:28:16
          and he wasted Chase's frosh year....nm - tigertix MU - 5/15 11:49:27
               It worked out fine Smith was spectacular in the bowl - Genco98 MU - 5/15 12:21:04
                    he tore up NE running the week after ISU, too nm - gamagrass01 MU - 5/15 12:28:47
                         Plus Daniel was not flawless - Genco98 MU - 5/15 12:30:37
          That phrase is in Under Siege 2 - mizzouSECedes STL - 5/15 10:49:34
               Assumption is the mother of all **** ups(nm) - ZouDave KC - 5/15 21:47:01
     I was at that ku game as well - samclemens MU - 5/15 10:41:37
          yes - FootballRefugee MU - 5/16 11:07:00
     RE: Luck in coaching: 2005 Missouri Tigers - jmlppx MU - 5/15 09:58:38
          When a coach makes a savvy move that works - samclemens MU - 5/15 10:43:02
          I won't argue nm - gamagrass01 MU - 5/15 10:10:51

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