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You're right. We can't make a true comparison.(nm)

Posted on: May 14, 2024 at 21:55:59 CT
LamarFrazier MU
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SEC transfer ranks - wu-tangtiger MU - 5/14 12:30:12
     Wow, Kentucky got 6 on the list?(nm) - Tiger_1995 MU - 5/16 09:40:34
     I like Mitchell at #6 but don't think I'd put him or Perkins - LamarFrazier MU - 5/14 19:34:00
          Holloway? You can't be serious. His play & numbers?(nm) - Sigma MU - 5/14 21:22:19
               I think he's got a high ceiling(nm) - LamarFrazier MU - 5/14 21:24:22
                    So do I. If we were talking about 2 or 3 years from now - wu-tangtiger MU - 5/14 21:38:27
                         New Year. New Prognostications(nm) - LamarFrazier MU - 5/14 21:55:27
          None of those were all conference in a P2 league like - wu-tangtiger MU - 5/14 19:43:10
               Cool. I still wouldn't put him top 5. - LamarFrazier MU - 5/14 19:47:29
                    Interesting. - wu-tangtiger MU - 5/14 20:00:43
                         I see you trying to change my mind - LamarFrazier MU - 5/14 20:21:44
                              Not trying to change your mind. - wu-tangtiger MU - 5/14 20:26:05
                                   Heck of a straw man - LamarFrazier MU - 5/14 21:23:21
                                        It’s just interesting that a guy that averaged 6&6 - wu-tangtiger MU - 5/14 21:36:32
                                             You're right. We can't make a true comparison.(nm) - LamarFrazier MU - 5/14 21:55:59
                                   Perkins is a plus, but Big lacked on ball quickness at pg - Sigma MU - 5/14 21:19:43
                                        Perkins will be able to play booty ball against - wu-tangtiger MU - 5/14 21:23:10
     RE: SEC transfer ranks - Breadtruck MU - 5/14 19:05:12
     According to this, other than Mitchell, didn’t do great - MoGold MU - 5/14 17:09:09
          2 of the top 4 transfers are Mizzou guys (nm) - wu-tangtiger MU - 5/14 17:46:04
               He probably was thrown off by the Iowa next to his name(nm) - Lt. J. Dangle MU - 5/15 08:41:11
     Of course a Hogs fan is *****ing about the list. - shorty MU - 5/14 13:24:45
          It’s based on their stats/play from last year (nm) - wu-tangtiger MU - 5/14 13:26:13
     UK signs 6 of the top 100...36 - 88...nm - tigertix MU - 5/14 13:23:56
     When did Iowa join the SEC?(nm) - Sigma MU - 5/14 12:36:14
          RE: When did Iowa join the SEC?(nm) - COTiger MU - 5/14 18:04:20

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