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2 words DAN LANNING. Dan from KC, coached hs

Posted on: May 11, 2024 at 01:41:29 CT
TampaTiger87 MU
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15.56 yrs
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There. Has a very good reputation within the state amongst the high school coaches here to this day..stemming from that. Think Mozee now, and the RB from NWMS that went to Oregon via transfer. Caden Green took a trip to see him before coming to Mizzou. He laid the ground work at UGA for the 2024 4star TE out of Ray Pec that signed with them last cycle when he was the DC at UGA 2 years ago. He nows this area and state well. Was the 1st to offer Aneyas Williams from Hannibal early as a Sophomore. He ended up at Notre Dame as a 4 star...& well ..just remember that kids name...he just had an incredible spring.

But as much as I am thrilled with Drink..Lanning is a local guy done well...that is all over the state of Missouri recruiting wise. And he's not done yet..a top TE in KS as well as former 2025 MU committ Juju Marks has Oregon as finalists as well.
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          2 words DAN LANNING. Dan from KC, coached hs - TampaTiger87 MU - 5/11 01:41:29
               That's the west side - Lanning has no HS - tigerdb MU - 5/11 08:21:53
                    RE: That's the west side - Lanning has no HS - sarasotatiger MU - 5/11 12:00:40
                    Other than relationships with all the coaches and players - phrejd KC - 5/11 09:51:49
                    He recruits the whole state- did for UGA- & - TampaTiger87 MU - 5/11 09:45:51
               RE: 2 words DAN LANNING. Dan from KC, coached hs - cybertyger MU - 5/11 05:45:48
                    AGREED.. dude is a hippie Daddy Warbucks for sure - TampaTiger87 MU - 5/11 07:07:20
                    How nice does a weight room need to be anyway? - redngray MU - 5/11 06:08:05
                         RE: How nice does a weight room need to be anyway? - sarasotatiger MU - 5/11 12:02:00
                         Well, 7 of the B1G schools are < 4 hrs drive from StL - TampaTiger87 MU - 5/11 07:14:15
                              Plus Oregon is pretty high profile - Genco98 MU - 5/12 18:31:05
          just a beautiful place... - Leader_of_the_bandwagon MU - 5/10 22:47:33
     RE: Thought we had a good shot at getting this guy - sarasotatiger MU - 5/10 21:22:15
     RE: Thought we had a good shot at getting this guy - sarasotatiger MU - 5/10 20:13:57

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