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RE: true, however

Posted on: May 6, 2024 at 10:27:33 CT
BruceInLA MU
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24.81 yrs
M.O.B. Votes:
Yes, she did have the ball before the runner got there but she was blocking the plate before the ball got there. Correct call.

Agree with tigerden. All this could have been prevented if Crenshaw had DONE THE PROPER THING and just held the ball instead of throwing to Gallagher.
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Screwball call on the obstruction play - alzoo MU - 5/5 20:02:56
     It’s not the call - tigerden MU - 5/6 08:31:06
     RE: Screwball call on the obstruction play - BruceInLA MU - 5/5 21:30:54
          RE: Screwball call on the obstruction play - swingpass MU - 5/6 07:34:29
          true, however - fatrat MU - 5/6 07:03:35
               RE: true, however - BruceInLA MU - 5/6 10:27:33
                    How is holding the ball the proper play when you have - jumbo73 MU - 5/6 10:34:55
                         Gallagher is also partly to blame. Had she immediately - DollarSigns MU - 5/6 14:16:33
                              RE: Gallagher is also partly to blame. Had she immediately - BruceInLA MU - 5/6 21:18:15
                         RE: How is holding the ball the proper play when you have - tigerden MU - 5/6 12:56:56
     May not like it, but that is the rule. The Tiger runner - jumbo73 MU - 5/5 20:49:37
          It was an absolute homer call - alzoo MU - 5/6 13:26:50

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