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And let competitors know what we're doing? That

Posted on: April 25, 2024 at 18:45:01 CT
GA Tiger MU
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25.39 yrs
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makes no sense to me. And pay vs. W/L record shows us that.
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     Donors to NIL themselves allocate where they want their - go tigers MU - 4/25 20:51:35
          not in most cases, and you don't speak for donors (nm) - zounami MU - 4/25 20:52:36
               I am a donor. (nm) - go tigers MU - 4/25 20:54:31
                    how much have you donated to NIL? (nm) - zounami MU - 4/25 20:55:04
                         What I can afford. (nm) - go tigers MU - 4/25 20:55:38
                              you claim to speak for all NIL donors, so tell us how many - zounami MU - 4/25 21:00:17
                                   How much have you donated Zounami? - Carlos Rossi KC - 4/26 07:37:50
                                        To KU or mU? - Jayhawk14 KU - 4/26 10:07:45
     We need all NIL money for each school to be public - alstl MU - 4/25 17:18:35
          And let competitors know what we're doing? That - GA Tiger MU - 4/25 18:45:01
          prior to NIL, Drink was .500 in SEC play... NIL didn't take - zounami MU - 4/25 17:22:56
               NIL was in its infancy until 2023 he had a losing record - alstl MU - 4/25 18:00:44
                    however, I would agree that FB was in a *rebuilding phase* - zounami MU - 4/25 18:15:50
                    No, it was introduced in 2019 and had taken off by 2021... - zounami MU - 4/25 18:13:49
     You go gurl...(nm) - BlackSheep MU - 4/25 15:40:52
     ðŸŽ£ (nm) - Fire Marshall Bill MU - 4/25 15:37:48
          It's weird how you/zounami are a pair now - Columbian Gold MU - 4/25 15:42:46
               quite an odd response to my post(nm) - Fire Marshall Bill MU - 4/25 15:57:10
                    RE: quite an odd response to my post(nm) - Columbian Gold MU - 4/25 16:10:54
                         are people not supposed to notice how strange you are? (nm) - zounami MU - 4/25 16:18:26
     Everyone, with one exception, is rooting for both coaches - hou4mu MU - 4/25 14:45:39
          This analysis is spot on. (nm) - go tigers MU - 4/25 20:53:05
               not before Drink went 11-2, and only for Gates because it's - zounami MU - 4/25 20:59:03
          btw, don't talk to me about "rooting for both coaches" when - zounami MU - 4/25 15:04:08
               No you weren't...just a small group of idiots wanted him... - BandG MU - 4/25 15:38:17
                    At risk of being on the side of a weirdo, a very - alwaysright MU - 4/25 16:36:41
                         Like I said...a small group of idiots compared to the ... - BandG MU - 4/25 17:50:27
                         correct... either BandG is lying or he has a very short-term - zounami MU - 4/25 17:09:08
                         Many of the same claimed Cook wasn’t a D1 QB (nm) - wu-tangtiger MU - 4/25 16:43:39
                              Correct. - alwaysright MU - 4/25 16:51:24
                    revisionist history... I practically stood alone as - zounami MU - 4/25 15:42:40
                         Foresight? - hou4mu MU - 4/25 15:45:49
                              yes... - zounami MU - 4/25 15:50:15
                                   The old cherry picked and out of context post excuse - hou4mu MU - 4/25 15:52:37
                                        The main point of it was that we shouldn't have given Gates - zounami MU - 4/25 15:54:37
               wanting someone fired doesn't mean you are rooting - TigerA MU - 4/25 15:34:11
                    agreed... and I'm not even arguing that Gates should be - zounami MU - 4/25 15:41:31
               You take these silly message boards way too seriously - hou4mu MU - 4/25 15:09:30
                    you replied to my post, so I responded (nm) - zounami MU - 4/25 15:17:58
                    It's his life, sadly (nm) - Columbian Gold MU - 4/25 15:12:03
                         you guys reply to my posts, not the other way around (nm) - zounami MU - 4/25 15:18:12
          This isn't about your feelings, it's about winning. (nm) - zounami MU - 4/25 14:52:01
     Barttorvik has Mizzou as the 10th best roster in the SEC - wu-tangtiger MU - 4/25 13:32:25
     Hopefully he can catch up with Gates eventually (nm) - ChinaTiger KC - 4/25 13:24:43
          how, by going 0-8 next year?.. I bet you'd love that, beaker - zounami MU - 4/25 13:34:46
               By recruiting in the top half of his conference, schizo - ChinaTiger KC - 4/25 13:42:43
                    and what a difference those high-school recruits made... - zounami MU - 4/25 13:56:47
                         Cringe (nm) - ChinaTiger KC - 4/25 14:08:46
                              your replies are so bizarre (nm) - zounami MU - 4/25 14:12:10
                         I'm guessing he's talking about high school recruits - kmawv8 KC - 4/25 14:06:18
                              yes, high school recruits... which other programs have - zounami MU - 4/25 14:11:28
                                   Ask your mom for your downers (nm) - ChinaTiger KC - 4/25 14:17:28
                                        another bizarre reply (nm) - zounami MU - 4/25 14:51:41
                                             Why? Are you not off your meds? (nm) - ChinaTiger KC - 4/25 15:47:07
     Do we need to go search for your "Fire Drink" posts?(nm) - TheRoyalTiger MU - 4/25 13:15:56
          yes, try to find a single negative post from me... - zounami MU - 4/25 13:18:07
          those don't exist - Fire Marshall Bill MU - 4/25 13:17:17
               There are alot more of us than he makes it out to be. Nm - BandG MU - 4/25 15:40:20
                    He/she is an attention whore. They think they are - go tigers MU - 4/25 21:00:18
                    You were somewhat supportive, but I remember a lot of - zounami MU - 4/25 15:51:32
                         That is not being non supportive...that is being realistic.. - BandG MU - 4/25 15:58:31
                              Realistic?... Drink never did worse than 3-5 in SEC play.... - zounami MU - 4/25 16:05:41
     From who?(nm) - DevilsAdvocate KC - 4/25 13:15:08

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