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Is it incentive based? Those links don't go into much

Posted on: April 25, 2024 at 13:09:11 CT
alstl MU
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Could be other schools throwing shade on Ohio State to steer players elsewhere.
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Ohio State NIL collective is smooth - wu-tangtiger MU - 4/24 21:10:21
     Is it incentive based? Those links don't go into much - alstl MU - 4/25 13:09:11
          NIL can't be incentives-based. (nm) - zounami MU - 4/25 13:14:48
               How are they withholding money then - if true?(nm) - alstl MU - 4/25 13:37:34
                    IDK, I haven't seem the contract... but "NIL deals" can't be - zounami MU - 4/25 13:51:16
     Need more of this. Being a paid employee isn't - Harvey Specter MU - 4/25 09:26:58
     This will get worse as long as it's private money funding - sprintcar STL - 4/25 08:56:46
          Seems counterproductive though. If you’re a big enough fan - MIZtigerZOU MU - 4/25 12:50:57
               Rich people don't GET rich, nor STAY rich... - Ando MU - 4/25 12:56:05
                    It’s all given away. NIL is pretty much a donation for most - MIZtigerZOU MU - 4/25 13:01:19
     Some people will believe anything they read on Twitter - phrejd KC - 4/24 21:59:11
          Some people post content, some complain about it - smoke MU - 4/24 23:25:17
               if spamming the board with other people's tweets is your - phrejd KC - 4/25 14:29:10
                    here's a look at your "content"... - zounami MU - 4/25 15:06:25
                         stop humping my leg (nm) - phrejd KC - 4/25 16:20:15
               //Insert Shaq dunking on Dudley gif//(nm) - TheRoyalTiger MU - 4/25 07:30:26

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