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whaaaaaat? Can you prove this remarkable claim?(nm)

Posted on: April 24, 2024 at 09:54:22 CT
Harvey Specter MU
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10.21 yrs
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     Here is a good resource if you desire to extend the analysis - FIJItiger MU - 4/24 10:01:23
     Gates discourages rebounding - TigerFan92 STL - 4/24 09:44:36
          No he doesn’t (nm) - wu-tangtiger MU - 4/24 09:47:22
               They ranked 350 out of 363 teams in rebounding this year - Missiurifarmboy - 4/24 10:53:02
                    The offense he runs doesn’t prevent rebounding. (nm) - wu-tangtiger MU - 4/24 10:58:29
                         They don't get offensive rebounds with 5 standing on the thr - Missiurifarmboy - 4/24 11:05:03
                              What was the tempo this year? it sure didn't look - Harvey Specter MU - 4/24 11:51:49
                                   You are correct. They slowed way down this year (nm) - wu-tangtiger MU - 4/24 11:55:14
                                        so no excuses there for the D rebounding.(nm) - Harvey Specter MU - 4/24 12:14:50
                                             That’s where the philosophy could be criticized - wu-tangtiger MU - 4/24 12:19:03
                              That will change when he has more size and athleticism - wu-tangtiger MU - 4/24 11:10:40
                                   He will have to change his philosophy - Missiurifarmboy - 4/24 11:27:33
                                        He’s been a HC 5 years. 4 of those years his teams have been - wu-tangtiger MU - 4/24 11:53:01
                                             Based on what ? They cut to the basket on offense - Missiurifarmboy - 4/24 12:45:59
                                                  This year was significantly different than his other 4 - wu-tangtiger MU - 4/24 12:53:13
                                                       You made a statement and I asked what you based it on - Missiurifarmboy - 4/24 13:03:49
                                                            The tournament team was among the national leaders - wu-tangtiger MU - 4/24 13:14:40
                                                                 for the last time, based on what . nm - Missiurifarmboy - 4/24 13:57:48
                                                                      You dont want to just trust the Gates expert?(nm) - Harvey Specter MU - 4/24 14:04:33
                                                                      That information is tracked. Synergy is a good resource. - wu-tangtiger MU - 4/24 14:04:00
                                                                           I give up, you can throw out any numbers you want - Missiurifarmboy - 4/24 14:23:27
                                                                                Mizzou had a top 20 offense in Gates first season - wu-tangtiger MU - 4/24 14:37:55
               whaaaaaat? Can you prove this remarkable claim?(nm) - Harvey Specter MU - 4/24 09:54:22
                    The 2024 recruiting class - wu-tangtiger MU - 4/24 10:28:21
                         OMG that sounds terrible! It sure seems clear - Harvey Specter MU - 4/24 10:32:49
                              His team’s historically including his time as an assistant - wu-tangtiger MU - 4/24 10:36:14
     I am confused, Brown averaged over 18 by himself per - TheWildcat MU - 4/24 08:43:55
          Don't be confused - APfor3 MU - 4/24 08:46:51
               Ok I get it now. I was thinking TOTAL per 40 (nm) - TheWildcat MU - 4/24 08:49:40
     I think you mean Cuonzo not Kim ? (nm) - o'lineydisciple MU - 4/24 08:41:42
          Yeah, please ignore that (nm) - APfor3 MU - 4/24 08:47:15

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