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RE: Jimmer Fredette didn’t really struggle shooting in the

Posted on: April 22, 2024 at 11:31:57 CT
wu-tangtiger MU
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10.12 yrs
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NBA. He shot 37% 193-519 from 3. He had been the star for so long that he didn’t really know how to play off the ball, which was a role that would have kept him in the NBA a long time.

Instead he went to China and made a ton of money being a star player there.
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What level of mens basketball do you think - TheRoyalTiger MU - 4/22 10:53:29
     She is a woman, she doesn’t play mens bb(nm) - FIJItiger MU - 4/22 13:16:22
          here you go - phrejd KC - 4/22 13:40:37
     Are they using a girls ball? - shorty MU - 4/22 12:09:34
          People always forget that for some reason. It makes a big - Tiger_1995 MU - 4/22 12:12:37
               That really is key - Genco98 MU - 4/23 06:32:22
               Same with softball. The ball is bigger and so is the sweet - shorty MU - 4/22 12:23:13
                    when they allow men to play college softball - phrejd KC - 4/22 12:58:38
     it depends - o'lineydisciple MU - 4/22 11:44:24
     if she had good players around her i bet she could be a - TigerA MU - 4/22 11:29:56
     I've not watched SEC-BIG-GAMEHUNTER's son in person - Diamond Dave MU - 4/22 11:20:33
     Caitlin Clark could dominate some boys high school. People - Tiger_1995 MU - 4/22 10:58:12
          in the U.S???? - Fire Marshall Bill MU - 4/22 11:03:52
               There is some really bad high school boys BB everywhere. She - Tiger_1995 MU - 4/22 11:07:46
                    I was saying you don't have to go nationwide to find 10 - Fire Marshall Bill MU - 4/22 11:29:13
                         I agree. There are multiple Missouri high school boys teams - Tiger_1995 MU - 4/22 12:11:44
                         nah - o'lineydisciple MU - 4/22 11:46:40
     Men's? Maybe high school JV (nm) - Columbian Gold MU - 4/22 10:56:56
     dominate? 1A MO HS ball. Be productive? 3A MO HS ball - Fire Marshall Bill MU - 4/22 10:54:53
          even at 1A she'd be at a height disadvantage in most games - phrejd KC - 4/22 10:57:56
               Clark may be in for a rough time in the WNBA too. I think - Tiger_1995 MU - 4/22 11:02:32
                    Worst thing to happen to the WNBA would be her struggling - Eggs MU - 4/22 11:13:01
                         We have all known guys that were darn good shooters in - Tiger_1995 MU - 4/22 11:20:42
                              Jimmer Fredette immediately comes to mind(nm) - Eggs MU - 4/22 11:22:54
                                   but honestly when isn't Jimmer Fredette on your mind? - phrejd KC - 4/22 12:12:46
                                   RE: Jimmer Fredette didn’t really struggle shooting in the - wu-tangtiger MU - 4/22 11:31:57
                                   Definitely him. I almost mentioned him.(nm) - Tiger_1995 MU - 4/22 11:23:59
                         If the league was smart they would suggest the - SabertoothTiger MU - 4/22 11:14:41
                              She still has to make the shots - Eggs MU - 4/22 11:17:06
                                   race card gunna be played by some people - SabertoothTiger MU - 4/22 11:28:04
               those schools are trotting 5'6" pig farmers out - Fire Marshall Bill MU - 4/22 11:00:54
                    i don't think that's true - phrejd KC - 4/22 11:49:30
                         okay - Fire Marshall Bill MU - 4/22 11:54:17
                              no - phrejd KC - 4/22 12:11:39
                                   LOL- that's why we have 8! Depth!(nm) - Fire Marshall Bill MU - 4/22 12:25:30
                    Starting at center - MidMoBaller4Life MU - 4/22 11:06:50
                         And he would push Kamilla Cardoso all over the court. - shorty MU - 4/22 12:21:41
                         he's gonna go big time - Fire Marshall Bill MU - 4/22 11:46:27
                    Is Scott County Central still winning all the - Tiger_1995 MU - 4/22 11:06:37
                         yes, they have a 6'1" center that nobody can match up with - Fire Marshall Bill MU - 4/22 11:30:04
                              Still got Porters?(nm) - Tiger_1995 MU - 4/22 12:14:05

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