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Yes! I had an Evil Twin stout the other day that

Posted on: September 27, 2016 at 11:48:57 CT
Member For:
16.55 yrs
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was delicious.

"Christmas Eve in a New York City Hotel Room"


I had aged it for about three years,
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Let's talk about beer again(nm) - dangertim MU - 9/27 11:34:34
     what's your go-to lately? (nm) - pickle MU - 10/1 09:58:59
          new brewery in raytown, mo. I buy mixed - dangertim MU - 10/3 11:38:19
     Yes! I had an Evil Twin stout the other day that - BB63 MU - 9/27 11:48:57
          nice! - dangertim MU - 9/29 09:20:00
               Thanks for the advice. I'll look for it (nm) - BB63 MU - 10/1 10:49:09
               I had that on a stop at Crane last week. - scif MU - 9/30 22:59:15
                    yup. Stick with the farmhouse styles and sours.... - dangertim MU - 10/3 11:40:25
                         They did have it. Yes, it is great. So is the Tea Weiss. - scif MU - 10/5 01:35:29
                              I have about 3 bottles of the tea at home. It's great - dangertim MU - 10/5 11:09:41
                                   Well, wine would be cheaper. That said, it is a fun - scif MU - 10/7 10:22:51
                                        yup, i know lots of ladies who like the sam smiths(nm) - dangertim MU - 10/8 18:21:26
                                        Much in the same vein, I use Dalwhinnie to convince - BB63 MU - 10/7 10:52:31
                                             About a year into Scotch appreciation, that is one - scif MU - 10/7 11:45:02
                                                  "The Gentle Spirit" - BB63 MU - 10/7 12:10:19
                                                       I like AnCnoc 12, also. Lately, I've been having Tomatin 12 - scif MU - 10/7 14:15:21
                                                            The only other dedicated scotch drinker in the neighborhood - BB63 MU - 10/7 14:54:41
                         iTap in Soulard had an oak aged gueuze from Cantillon on tap - BB63 MU - 10/3 23:25:15
                              that sounds awesome(nm) - dangertim MU - 10/5 11:08:03
                                   As nice as beers from Cantillon can be, I really feel that - BB63 MU - 10/6 18:23:41
                              Bell's Expedition Stout is one of my favorite beers. - scif MU - 10/5 01:46:20
                                   I can thank you for the Third Coast Ale. I hadn't tried - BB63 MU - 10/7 22:27:48
                                        I'm happy that you liked Third Coast. I hope that - scif MU - 10/7 23:03:22
                                             I've become a fan of Bell's Java Stout, which is brewed with - BB63 MU - 10/8 13:04:23

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