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Politics Board

     What is controversial about those rules?(nm) - meatiger MU - 6/17/24 23:48:09
     The only other thing they could do to help Joe is to give - pinkman MU - 6/17/24 23:35:20
Obama and Holder at it again? - Tigrrrr! MU - 6/17/24 22:03:57
Congress continues its attack on freedom. - TigerMatt MISS - 6/17/24 20:02:28
     Commie Matty wants his comrade's drones to be able to spy(nm) - TigerFan92 STL - 6/17/24 21:07:57
          Drones that are used by first responders, farmers, police, - TigerMatt MISS - 6/17/24 21:26:45
               How civic minded of you to want cops to have - Spanky KU - 6/17/24 21:44:15
                    Not once have they been shown to spy. (nm) - TigerMatt MISS - 6/17/24 22:17:57
                         What? - Spanky KU - 6/17/24 23:39:27
               Plenty of great drones available. Go fight in Ukraine - TigerFan92 STL - 6/17/24 21:28:27
                    Obviously you know nothing about the drone market. - TigerMatt MISS - 6/17/24 21:40:25
                         My agent sells Chinese drones and has pilots licenses - TigerFan92 STL - 6/17/24 22:03:59
                              Yeah, so? - meatiger MU - 6/18/24 00:00:34
                              I don’t need to. You don’t know ****. DJI controls - TigerMatt MISS - 6/17/24 22:15:05
                         why do you have an Ole Miss icon?(nm) - Fire Marshall Bill MU - 6/17/24 21:43:06
Maybe we can invite them here and find a way to - Tigrrrr! MU - 6/17/24 19:30:09
     Lesbians know it all - mu7176grad MU - 6/17/24 18:46:50
          ^^^ lesbian (nm) - TigerMatt MISS - 6/17/24 18:57:53
     Trump complains about deepfakes. - TigerMatt MISS - 6/17/24 18:45:39
          What does that have to do with videos of Biden... - Outsider MU - 6/17/24 19:30:13
               No. Biden is brain dead. But “deepfakes” are going to be - TigerMatt MISS - 6/17/24 19:50:56
          thanks, TigerMeat(nm) - Fire Marshall Bill MU - 6/17/24 18:59:35
               Replay confirms - Wildcat KSU - 6/17/24 19:16:14
               lol (nm) - Sal CMSU - 6/17/24 19:12:38
               Trump supports like deepfakes. - TigerMatt MISS - 6/17/24 19:04:00
     It works on the majority of liberals (nm) - Sal CMSU - 6/17/24 17:24:11
          yup, when your base is a bunch of rasks with double digit IQ - Fire Marshall Bill MU - 6/17/24 17:45:23
     you believe her? SMH nm - fatrat MU - 6/17/24 17:23:47
          You don't? - Tigrrrr! MU - 6/17/24 18:38:42
               haha nope nm - fatrat MU - 6/17/24 19:32:29
     She's a deep fake - Wildcat KSU - 6/17/24 17:19:20
     i've seen that on abc news site i think. I KNOW rask has - 90Tiger STL - 6/17/24 17:18:25
Kansas AG sues Pfizer over covid 19 vaxx.... - MUTGR MU - 6/17/24 17:13:41
     Who cares? It’s just another GOP AG stroking - TigerMatt MISS - 6/17/24 18:42:53
          VaxNazi Matty still committed to killing(nm) - TigerFan92 STL - 6/17/24 21:23:22
               Almost 13.6 billion doses administered. It is safe.(nm) - TigerMatt MISS - 6/17/24 21:38:37
                    LOL. (nm) - MUTGR MU - 6/17/24 22:09:04
          RE: Who cares? : Which big pharma firm do you work for? - BH O'bonga MU - 6/17/24 20:48:45
          yea man, unlike the New York AG tickling - Leader_of_the_bandwagon MU - 6/17/24 20:06:40
     “We are by any means and measure of the most wealthy nation - TigerMatt MISS - 6/17/24 16:53:38
          RE: “We are by any means and measure of the most wealthy nation - patriot MU - 6/17/24 19:18:35
               We know Fester.(nm) - TigerMatt MISS - 6/17/24 19:54:25
          Your response has nothing to do with the OP. Once again, - hokie VT - 6/17/24 17:18:25
               The OP had nothing to do with anything actually happening.(nm) - TigerMatt MISS - 6/17/24 18:16:53
     Tell us all you know abou Communism Dipstt, I say all - raskolnikov MU - 6/17/24 21:15:29
     I thought you were going to say - meatiger MU - 6/17/24 17:26:49
     LOL both wings of the liberal party are just - JG A - 6/17/24 16:29:44
          But "what are the Democrats doing that is so bad?" - TIGERROAR MU - 6/17/24 18:08:21
          But there's one you defend - Wildcat KSU - 6/17/24 16:32:44
               Lol, poor mullet - MIZ45 MU - 6/17/24 16:49:22
               ouch(nm) - Th8tnTiger MU - 6/17/24 16:41:44
                    LOl the shiite you simpletons believe - JG A - 6/17/24 16:53:17
                         I mean it's there for everyone to see - Th8tnTiger MU - 6/17/24 17:16:58
                              LOl standard crushing retort from which you have no answer: - JG A - 6/17/24 17:24:15
                                   You're not liberal about anything. You're a far left - MIZ45 MU - 6/17/24 17:25:14
                                        100% accurate - RHAYWORTH MU - 6/17/24 18:03:44
                              Fact - MIZ45 MU - 6/17/24 17:23:47
                              He's not the biggest lib - Wildcat KSU - 6/17/24 17:18:26
     Of course it would. There are always libs that go too far, - GA Tiger MU - 6/17/24 16:11:00
          Anarchists & communists go too far, but they don't have - JeffB MU - 6/17/24 17:10:43
               RE: Anarchists & communists go too far, but they don't have - meatiger MU - 6/17/24 17:28:56
                    I agree, the 2 parties in power shut them out. But my point - JeffB MU - 6/17/24 22:39:14
          The difference between bias and POV - Coors4bob STL - 6/17/24 16:41:33
     Add in the bias of the "educators" at all levels - Spanky KU - 6/17/24 16:08:15
     He does that regularly.. and was wrong here - Spanky KU - 6/17/24 16:00:21
          Looks spot on to me here: - MUTGR MU - 6/17/24 17:01:53
               and yet he fails in his "military assessment" - Spanky KU - 6/17/24 17:17:21
                    RE: and yet he fails in his "military assessment" - MUTGR MU - 6/17/24 17:36:09
                         "suggest greater loss" - Spanky KU - 6/17/24 18:31:37
          Article is crap. Of course Ukraine - GA Tiger MU - 6/17/24 16:07:39
               No true bio to be found on the retired LTC.... - Spanky KU - 6/17/24 16:46:44
                    No true bio to be found on the retired LTC: Do you believe - BH O'bonga MU - 6/17/24 16:56:50
                         CIB is earned. Do you think he has one?(nm) - Spanky KU - 6/17/24 17:07:47
                              RE: CIB is earned. Do you think he has one?(nm) - BH O'bonga MU - 6/17/24 17:23:21
                                   He was not Infantry... so no(nm) - Spanky KU - 6/17/24 18:32:14
                                        RE: He was not Infantry... so no: Just giving you an example - BH O'bonga MU - 6/17/24 18:45:24
                                             I’m gonna call BS on that. - Spanky KU - 6/17/24 19:03:25
                                                  RE: I’m gonna call BS on that. - BH O'bonga MU - 6/17/24 20:47:24
                                                       and yet you cannot show that.... - Spanky KU - 6/17/24 21:19:43
                              He had a Bronze Star for Valor in Iraq & a Bronze Star for - JeffB MU - 6/17/24 17:15:18
                                   RE: He had a Bronze Star for Valor in Iraq & a Bronze Star for - BH O'bonga MU - 6/17/24 17:42:01
               RE: Article is crap: Yeah, all the experts are on Quorum. - BH O'bonga MU - 6/17/24 16:41:29
               RE: Article is crap. Of course Ukraine - ChinaTiger KC - 6/17/24 16:21:44
     Ok. Does he approve of US missiles into russia?(nm) - GA Tiger MU - 6/17/24 15:44:47
          No. There is no tactical advantage to doing so & it GREATLY - JeffB MU - 6/17/24 15:48:02
               May be no tactical advantage but there - GA Tiger MU - 6/17/24 15:59:46
                    What would be Putin's motivation for war with the West? - BH O'bonga MU - 6/17/24 18:06:44
                    So you are for reducing the size of our conventional army & - JeffB MU - 6/17/24 16:19:05
     Can't even start until he is sentenced - JG A - 6/17/24 16:28:44
     He will flee the country and abandon the appeal attempt (nm) - FIJItiger MU - 6/17/24 16:26:04
          lol(nm) - Th8tnTiger MU - 6/17/24 16:28:22
     Depends if the idiot judge tries to jail him - Th8tnTiger MU - 6/17/24 16:13:19
     They have not even started an appeal and what exactly - raskolnikov MU - 6/17/24 15:38:25
     F. - Spanky KU - 6/17/24 15:12:01
          You don’t understand appeals, do you, Fake Attorney. - Ace A - 6/17/24 15:13:35
               You don't understand SCOTUS(nm) - Spanky KU - 6/17/24 15:15:15
                    You believe in fairies, don’t you? - Ace A - 6/17/24 15:16:45
                         Dems are the LGBTQ fans... - Spanky KU - 6/17/24 15:23:09
     will he be in jail when the cult nominates him?(nm) - tmcats KSU - 6/17/24 15:11:45
          Dangerous Leftist hypocrisy - talk about Trump jailing his - Reagan STL - 6/17/24 15:18:18
               yes, the rule of law does not apply to trump ... - tmcats KSU - 6/17/24 15:24:40
                    What law was that again and when did Trump find out - Reagan STL - 6/17/24 15:36:12
                         yeah well, if that's true ... - tmcats KSU - 6/17/24 15:39:41
                              what are the repercussions to the DA and the judge - tman MU - 6/17/24 15:51:00
                                   the d.a. could be voted out ... - tmcats KSU - 6/17/24 16:06:42
                                        should they have potential criminal liability? - tman MU - 6/17/24 16:11:19
                                             ethics is not law ... - tmcats KSU - 6/17/24 16:12:22
                                                  the question is should it move from ethics to a - tman MU - 6/17/24 16:15:11
          You need to get out more. Trump has massive support - Coors4bob STL - 6/17/24 15:15:03
               trump's support is like the platte river ... - tmcats KSU - 6/17/24 15:26:08
                    he sure gets a lot of your (and the left's) attention for - 90Tiger STL - 6/17/24 16:06:44
                         the election is important and attention doesn't = support* - tmcats KSU - 6/17/24 16:07:20
                              irrelevant if what you state is true, try again. why isn't - 90Tiger STL - 6/17/24 16:08:04
                                   trump is the presumptive nominee(nm) - tmcats KSU - 6/17/24 16:09:36
                                        and? you implied his support is crap. why are you afraid? (nm) - 90Tiger STL - 6/17/24 17:15:28
                                             because i don't want this country going to hell(nm) - tmcats KSU - 6/17/24 18:26:41
                                                  you should really retrack this thread and learn how to follo - 90Tiger STL - 6/17/24 21:00:37
                    Regardless what you think of Trump - Wildcat KSU - 6/17/24 15:26:44
                         and there you go(nm) - tmcats KSU - 6/17/24 15:27:53
     31 (nm) - Tigrrrr! MU - 6/17/24 15:10:37
     Joe Biden has said that he is not granting his son a pardon - raskolnikov MU - 6/17/24 15:40:42
          Yep Joe wont pardon him, would Kamala do it to be prez? - TGR84 MU - 6/17/24 17:21:21
          he'll be pardoned (nm) - 90Tiger STL - 6/17/24 16:07:29
          He'll be pardoned for sure - BigDave MU - 6/17/24 15:54:25
          Yes. He's leaving it for his successor.(nm) - Tigrrrr! MU - 6/17/24 15:41:57
     Doesn't need to step down to do that - Spanky KU - 6/17/24 15:11:27
          But Joe said he wouldn't. Anything Joe says should be - Iron DUKE - 6/17/24 15:20:14
               Joe is a devout liar - Spanky KU - 6/17/24 15:29:18
                    It's not a lie if Joe believes to to be true. (nm) - Tigrrrr! MU - 6/17/24 15:53:31
     His bigger problem is the Cal case - mu7176grad MU - 6/17/24 14:59:27
     LOL a pardon for.....probation? - JG A - 6/17/24 14:48:18
          Remember when you posted that the Chinese spy balloon - Reagan STL - 6/17/24 15:19:10
     It will always be someone else - mizzouSECedes STL - 6/17/24 14:39:21
     What two issues: I expect Trump will open investigations - BH O'bonga MU - 6/17/24 15:25:50
          NICK! We need a "like" button!!!!(nm) - Tigrrrr! MU - 6/17/24 15:46:33
     Save the Suburban middle class….. - JayRoy KC - 6/17/24 14:49:26
     He'll deport Indian parasites in America - ChinaTiger KC - 6/17/24 14:37:15
     Won't vote for either... but Trump > Biden - Spanky KU - 6/17/24 14:25:00
          How is the choice not binary - Coors4bob STL - 6/17/24 15:12:26
               The country is heading the same way under - meatiger MU - 6/17/24 15:17:58
                    Agree the deficit is marginally different. - Coors4bob STL - 6/17/24 15:19:09
          Mexico won’t pay for the wall, Spanky. You bought it before - Ace A - 6/17/24 14:28:37
               You is dumb - Spanky KU - 6/17/24 14:50:32
                    Deflection-Mexico is paying for that wall - Ace A - 6/17/24 14:53:59
                         You are deflecting - Spanky KU - 6/17/24 15:03:11
          Trump 2016 - MrTruman2U MU - 6/17/24 14:28:17
               When did anyone supporting Joey - Wildcat KSU - 6/17/24 15:03:24
     His brain is not mush and he’s not a pedophile (nm) - Outsider MU - 6/17/24 14:23:52
          None of those are issues - Ace A - 6/17/24 14:27:48
               No, Biden taking showers with his daughter - mizzouSECedes STL - 6/17/24 14:38:09
                    I didn’t think it was possible but Ace has now overtaken - Outsider MU - 6/17/24 14:41:53
               Oh my. You have reached an all time low for dumb. (nm) - Outsider MU - 6/17/24 14:29:23
                    You were always there. You merely proved your station - Ace A - 6/17/24 14:34:04
                         So you are standing with your comment that… - Outsider MU - 6/17/24 14:39:49
                              MAGA chases pedophiles at pizza joints (QAnon) - Ace A - 6/17/24 14:49:52
                                   Links? (nm) - mizzouSECedes STL - 6/17/24 14:50:38
                              It's hard for those to be an issue - mizzouSECedes STL - 6/17/24 14:45:04
question for rask/jg and other biden liberals - Th8tnTiger MU - 6/17/24 14:07:21
     LMAO - raskolnikov MU - 6/17/24 14:15:12
          After a bad debate there is a better than 50% chance hes out - Coors4bob STL - 6/17/24 15:16:21
               He will kick Trump's ass in the debate - raskolnikov MU - 6/17/24 15:44:39
                    "Shut Up" - Wildcat KSU - 6/17/24 17:16:53
          The scuttlebutt is all over D.C. that biden is on the way - Th8tnTiger MU - 6/17/24 14:17:04
               You are fools, though I was wondering about his new - raskolnikov MU - 6/17/24 14:23:05
                    These are D.C. dems talking about it - Th8tnTiger MU - 6/17/24 14:32:59
                         Not happening at this late hour - raskolnikov MU - 6/17/24 15:48:09
                              & soap is the liberals' kryptonite. (nm) - JeffB MU - 6/17/24 15:49:32
     This your first rodeo son? Pal Joey is rock FCKIN’ solid - Floyd Turbo 99 - 6/17/24 14:11:52
          lol yes he is an oak(nm) - Th8tnTiger MU - 6/17/24 14:17:37
          “Rock fukin solid?” He wasn’t asking about the affect… - Outsider MU - 6/17/24 14:15:13
Biden is batting a thousand...... - Tigrrrr! MU - 6/17/24 13:14:57
     Opens the door for state criminal prosecution of Biden when - Spanky KU - 6/17/24 13:29:33
     The judge is absolutely right. Any rational thinking - Outsider MU - 6/17/24 13:24:29
          Judges also said he couldn't forgive student loans. So...? - hokie VT - 6/17/24 13:45:48
          Can't wait until some judges weigh in on the Biden - Tigrrrr! MU - 6/17/24 13:28:27
     I agree with Forbes. The question I have, other than the - hokie VT - 6/17/24 13:32:17
     How gullible are you?(nm) - raskolnikov MU - 6/17/24 13:20:35
          Back at ya. Do you honestly believe that Biden could lead - JeffB MU - 6/17/24 15:12:27
          Said about 20 "conspiracy theories" over the last 8 years - shorty MU - 6/17/24 14:04:59
               Prove it(nm) - raskolnikov MU - 6/17/24 14:17:10
          says the Colorado white supremacist guy (nm) - pickle MU - 6/17/24 13:47:14
          Ask yourself - mizzouSECedes STL - 6/17/24 13:38:07
          Remember that time you said the laptop was propaganda - hefeweizen MU - 6/17/24 13:28:42
               OH you mean the laptop that was going to bring the - raskolnikov MU - 6/17/24 14:18:46
          You are the poster child for gullible…RUSSIA! (nm) - Outsider MU - 6/17/24 13:26:06
               Russia was proven ya dipsht(nm) - raskolnikov MU - 6/17/24 14:19:28
                    Hahaha! You are one pathetically dumb human. (nm) - Outsider MU - 6/17/24 14:22:29
                         Facts on my side. Blither away all you want. (nm) - raskolnikov MU - 6/17/24 14:24:06
                              What exactly was proven? This should be easy. (nm) - Outsider MU - 6/17/24 14:24:47
          You typed that? - RHAYWORTH MU - 6/17/24 13:25:37
     Dems HATE this trick!(nm) - CulturedDan KC - 6/17/24 13:02:40
          Yes(nm) - Wildcat KSU - 6/17/24 13:15:47
          lol - pickle MU - 6/17/24 13:04:46
     Sounds like political targeting to me (nm) - Sal CMSU - 6/17/24 13:21:15
          Yes it was - JG A - 6/17/24 13:24:37
               lol hold up is this the video you're referring to? - Sal CMSU - 6/17/24 13:59:40
     Loud noises(nm) - AWOLTiger KC - 6/17/24 13:11:58
     lol definitely something a "conservative" would be defending - Th8tnTiger MU - 6/17/24 12:58:52
          My post wasn't about the case really - JG A - 6/17/24 13:09:19
               then why did you post that specific article? (nm) - Sal CMSU - 6/17/24 13:21:33
                    I believe I explained that all quite clearly - JG A - 6/17/24 13:23:42
                         show the video then of this vicious attack - Sal CMSU - 6/17/24 13:57:27
                              LOL soon as you show where I called it a vicious attack - JG A - 6/17/24 14:50:19
                                   I found the video - Sal CMSU - 6/17/24 14:59:59
                                        There are many videos - JG A - 6/17/24 16:31:31
               It's crazy how often you make the case that you and Trump - MIZ45 MU - 6/17/24 13:14:45
     I'm sorry your liberal democrat friends were offended - mizzouSECedes STL - 6/17/24 12:58:12
     Muh Dems!(nm) - Wildcat KSU - 6/17/24 12:56:12
     Why do you keep talking about someone you vowed to not - MIZ45 MU - 6/17/24 12:51:40
     You talking about truth and facts is very funny. (nm) - Outsider MU - 6/17/24 12:51:12
          none better - JG A - 6/17/24 12:56:24
               You're the ENTIRE board's unanimous pick for top liar - MIZ45 MU - 6/17/24 13:17:12
When the dems dump joe will they keep kamala? - Th8tnTiger MU - 6/17/24 11:08:18
     They will keep Joe and celebrate the 1st Black female - Spanky KU - 6/17/24 11:41:26
          wait, Joe is alive? - Coors4bob STL - 6/17/24 12:53:52
          Yup, she never won any primary & end up being POTUS - MU-TULSA MU - 6/17/24 12:43:02
               She finished damned near last in the primaries. (nm) - Tigrrrr! MU - 6/17/24 12:51:46
          Joe may be going somewhere before Nov and it won’t - Outsider MU - 6/17/24 11:44:27
               He is diminished, not dying(nm) - Spanky KU - 6/17/24 11:55:20
                    If he were to die before the election would that - Outsider MU - 6/17/24 12:05:40
                         Yes.(nm) - Spanky KU - 6/17/24 12:06:04
                              Well, let the Biden watch begin. (nm) - Outsider MU - 6/17/24 12:07:54
                                   We need a lottery.... - Tigrrrr! MU - 6/17/24 12:42:52
     They will be absolute racists if they dump her… - Outsider MU - 6/17/24 11:33:51
          She ain't black. She's Indian (dot) and Jamaican. - Tigrrrr! MU - 6/17/24 12:20:30
               TIL Jamaican can’t be black (nm) - haeffb MU - 6/17/24 12:34:07
                    Her Irish great grandpa diddled the help. (nm) - Tigrrrr! MU - 6/17/24 12:50:55
               You know that and I know that but the dims don’t. (nm) - Outsider MU - 6/17/24 12:24:56
                    She's better qualified to run the Slurpee machine at 7-11 (nm) - Tigrrrr! MU - 6/17/24 12:35:24
                         Haha! Remember when Joe said you can’t go into - Outsider MU - 6/17/24 12:46:53
     You need some attention, huh?(nm) - raskolnikov MU - 6/17/24 11:16:30
          What do you think raskolnikov, will they keep kamala? - Th8tnTiger MU - 6/17/24 11:28:19
               You are so gullible. - raskolnikov MU - 6/17/24 13:22:48
                    Hahaha! He’s fine? He might still be able to bounce - Outsider MU - 6/17/24 13:29:53
               When his staff talks about no one being able to keep up - 4TigersinMichigan MU - 6/17/24 11:30:57
                    lol(nm) - Th8tnTiger MU - 6/17/24 11:34:53
          You are a dishonest pos partisan hack (nm) - hefeweizen MU - 6/17/24 11:22:54
Trash removal needed in Nashville... - Gyro STL - 6/17/24 11:05:07
     because you're too cowardly to answer a simple question? - Fire Marshall Bill MU - 6/17/24 11:52:06
Morality is an individual matter - pickle MU - 6/17/24 10:58:30
     We are missing part of this thread - mizzouSECedes STL - 6/17/24 14:07:40
     Sure killing babies is moral. cutting off dicks is moral. - Coors4bob STL - 6/17/24 12:55:43
     I am with Kant on that not you(nm) - raskolnikov MU - 6/17/24 11:18:02
          you completely lack morals - pickle MU - 6/17/24 13:48:33
     Where are the quotes? - Gyro STL - 6/17/24 11:04:13
          why would anyone think it is or needs to be? (nm) - 90Tiger STL - 6/17/24 12:04:42
               Because they’re lazy and can’t address content - pickle MU - 6/17/24 12:44:23
                    that was the implication I was going for, yes (nm) - 90Tiger STL - 6/17/24 13:50:07
     Take it to the NAMBLA forum - Columbian Gold MU - 6/17/24 11:04:01
there’s bout to be a whole lot less black people - Fire Marshall Bill MU - 6/17/24 10:57:10
For the people who steadfastly wore masks and stood 6' - 4TigersinMichigan MU - 6/17/24 10:37:00
     RE: For the people who steadfastly wore masks and stood 6' - BH O'bonga MU - 6/17/24 10:56:29
          My Dr told me this 2 years ago. Said dont take a vacccine. - Coors4bob STL - 6/17/24 13:01:55
     same question can be asked of voters (nm) - pickle MU - 6/17/24 10:49:01
Honest queston for Trump supporters... - Gyro STL - 6/17/24 10:32:45
     If he loses in November he is losing to a guy that is not - Iron DUKE - 6/17/24 11:09:10
          You obviously do not pay attention to very much - raskolnikov MU - 6/17/24 11:19:50
               I pay attention to enough to know we have a puppet as our - Iron DUKE - 6/17/24 13:52:24
               You is dumb - Spanky KU - 6/17/24 12:05:49
               You have been showed many videos of him - GODZILLA MU - 6/17/24 11:22:06
                    No sir - raskolnikov MU - 6/17/24 11:54:06
                         You is dumb..... - Spanky KU - 6/17/24 12:43:02
                              Not what happened, but you are EASILY conned(nm) - raskolnikov MU - 6/17/24 13:29:07
     If he loses in November, might as well pack it in - Th8tnTiger MU - 6/17/24 10:56:13
          LOL, okay... - Gyro STL - 6/17/24 11:00:39
               answer the question, coward - Fire Marshall Bill MU - 6/17/24 11:51:32
     what is a “Trump supporter”, Gyro?(nm) - Fire Marshall Bill MU - 6/17/24 10:55:19
     He’s only had one loss: 2020 - pickle MU - 6/17/24 10:48:21
     20 may have been stolen, 22 was baby killers victory. - Coors4bob STL - 6/17/24 10:36:29
          Here is all the evidence that 2020 was stolen - raskolnikov MU - 6/17/24 11:21:33
          ^^^^^^^^ - El Zorro MU - 6/17/24 11:21:05
     Well, he won't run again - 4TigersinMichigan MU - 6/17/24 10:34:23
     If Trump wins, will the left accept the results? (nm) - mizzouSECedes STL - 6/17/24 10:33:49
          RE: If Trump wins, will the left accept the results? (nm) - patriot MU - 6/17/24 12:04:03
Why can't we hear the tapes? - alzoo MU - 6/17/24 10:03:54
     Dunno. Try the volume control. Nm - hokie VT - 6/17/24 10:40:36
     Biden Admin must be claiming that Biden received - Spanky KU - 6/17/24 10:39:01
     You know the scene in Dances With Wolves where - Tigrrrr! MU - 6/17/24 10:25:14
     So this is election interference, right? - TGR84 MU - 6/17/24 10:20:37
          Are you trying to compare this to the Trump NY case? (nm) - Sal CMSU - 6/17/24 10:21:26
               Applying the intent of the election interference law - TGR84 MU - 6/17/24 10:24:30
                    Just making sure - Sal CMSU - 6/17/24 10:25:41
     GOP Shame - cling to power, serve the master, rob the - raskolnikov MU - 6/17/24 10:18:07
          Yes, exactly what you people do. Correct? (nm) - Outsider MU - 6/17/24 11:37:53
          Don't forget to polish the bright shiny social issues... - Gyro STL - 6/17/24 10:25:35
          No charges were recommended against Biden - Sal CMSU - 6/17/24 10:19:57
               You are incorrect as usual - raskolnikov MU - 6/17/24 10:57:16
                    Haha! So if Joe says “my name is …” - Outsider MU - 6/17/24 11:47:57
                         How pathetic re you? Wow . And you are proving my point(nm) - raskolnikov MU - 6/17/24 11:55:16
                              Remind us all again, what is your point? (nm) - Outsider MU - 6/17/24 12:08:56
                    That isn’t what Hurr said in his report - Sal CMSU - 6/17/24 11:07:30
                         WHAT is not what Hurr said ?(nm) - raskolnikov MU - 6/17/24 11:15:33
               basically biden it too inept to face charges - TGR84 MU - 6/17/24 10:25:24
                    The manner with which you brownshirts fall in line - raskolnikov MU - 6/17/24 10:58:40
                         bumper meet Rask, Rask mee...........nevermind - TGR84 MU - 6/17/24 11:50:30
                    It's called "mentally incapable of assisting in his defense" - Tigrrrr! MU - 6/17/24 10:26:57
                         So basically bidens mental capacity declined significantly - TGR84 MU - 6/17/24 10:31:35
                              You brown shirt you.(nm) - raskolnikov MU - 6/17/24 10:59:10
                                   Why do you hate UPS drivers so much? (nm) - Outsider MU - 6/17/24 12:10:39
                              Correct - mizzouSECedes STL - 6/17/24 10:32:35
     The optics would be horrible for Biden (nm) - Sal CMSU - 6/17/24 10:04:40
          So this is election interference, right? - TGR84 MU - 6/17/24 10:18:49
               No **** - the only reason the Gop wants those tapes is - tigerdb MU - 6/17/24 10:32:45
                    So exposing a candidats mental decline is interference, - TGR84 MU - 6/17/24 10:41:11
                         They're both in advancing stages of mental decline. - tigerdb MU - 6/17/24 11:09:34
                              Who is both? is kamala also in decline? - TGR84 MU - 6/17/24 11:53:42
                                   lol, your old guy is nearly 80 and his dementia is advancing - tigerdb MU - 6/17/24 12:13:07
                                        so you have proof of that? please share. - TGR84 MU - 6/17/24 12:38:38
                                        Nearly 80? Biden is older than 80 - mizzouSECedes STL - 6/17/24 12:15:46
                                             A winner between the two, would be the oldest person - tigerdb MU - 6/17/24 12:19:46
                              What is the purpose of hiding the tape? (nm) - Sal CMSU - 6/17/24 11:38:07
                    That is some backwards logic there (nm) - Sal CMSU - 6/17/24 10:34:24
                         Why is the house requesting the video? - tigerdb MU - 6/17/24 10:35:39
                              What's there to hide? (nm) - mizzouSECedes STL - 6/17/24 12:11:10
                              Releasing a tape of the POTUS isn't election interference - Sal CMSU - 6/17/24 10:40:05
Why shouldn't Garland have to go to jail - Sal CMSU - 6/17/24 09:33:53
     Almost no one is above the law. Nm - hokie VT - 6/17/24 10:07:21
     Because it isn't a crime. (nm) - ummmm MU - 6/17/24 09:51:05
     Because it would be immoral - pickle MU - 6/17/24 09:38:00
          What do you know about morals? - Logan BAMA - 6/17/24 09:57:32
               you have got to be kidding me (nm) - pickle MU - 6/17/24 10:17:10
     Because, this is so different - 4TigersinMichigan MU - 6/17/24 09:37:41
          true - it's far more comparable to Bill Barr, a sitting AG - tigerdb MU - 6/17/24 09:47:54
               Was Barr held in contempt of Congress? - 4TigersinMichigan MU - 6/17/24 09:52:06
                    Yes - he was - tigerdb MU - 6/17/24 09:56:19
                         You are spot on - I didn't recall that - 4TigersinMichigan MU - 6/17/24 10:20:40
               When was Barr held in contempt of Congress? - Sal CMSU - 6/17/24 09:50:39
                    7/17/2019. - tigerdb MU - 6/17/24 09:53:45
                         It’s ok to admit these are all political prosecutions - pickle MU - 6/17/24 09:56:57
                              ok, and?(nm) - tigerdb MU - 6/17/24 09:58:38
                                   and you don’t seem to be able to do that (nm) - pickle MU - 6/17/24 10:16:37
                                        I believe that "ok" acknowledged that, dumbphuck. - tigerdb MU - 6/17/24 10:44:33
                                             oh my (nm) - pickle MU - 6/17/24 10:46:52
                                             and yet you're defending your side constantly in this thread - Sal CMSU - 6/17/24 10:45:14
                                   Do you think Navarro and Bannon - Sal CMSU - 6/17/24 09:59:57
                         Do you think Barr should have gone to jail? - Sal CMSU - 6/17/24 09:56:40
                              I'm not defending Garland - I'm pointing out that you have - tigerdb MU - 6/17/24 10:00:28
                                   Garland's DOJ broke precedent by sending former - Sal CMSU - 6/17/24 10:02:20
                                        what precedent did they break? that would be a better - tigerdb MU - 6/17/24 10:11:01
                                             Navarro was the first former WH official to go to jail - Sal CMSU - 6/17/24 10:13:49
                                                  Which former WH officials where held in contempt of congress - tigerdb MU - 6/17/24 10:16:01
                                                       Lois Lerner is the first one that comes to mind - Sal CMSU - 6/17/24 10:17:57
                                                            She plead the 5th - Navarro could have appeared - tigerdb MU - 6/17/24 10:24:09
                                                                 lol she was held in contempt of Congress - Sal CMSU - 6/17/24 10:25:12
                                                                      obviously your team held her in contempt - do you think that - tigerdb MU - 6/17/24 10:31:27
                                                                           That's the entire point of this being a bogus crime - Sal CMSU - 6/17/24 10:35:13
                                                                                What should the ramificantions be for simply ignoring a - tigerdb MU - 6/17/24 10:41:59
                                                                                     There should be no penalty for ignoring a Congressional - Sal CMSU - 6/17/24 10:43:52
                                                                                          So congress should not have the power to subpoena - tigerdb MU - 6/17/24 10:52:09
                                                                                               Garland is the one who broke precedent - Sal CMSU - 6/17/24 11:22:51
     And the Libs double down by claiming Trump “ grips railing - Spanky KU - 6/17/24 09:40:22
          I think the general point is that you guys... - Gyro STL - 6/17/24 10:30:20
               The main point is that you guys are grasping at straws - Spanky KU - 6/17/24 10:41:52
     It is like them saying behind closed doors he drives every - 4TigersinMichigan MU - 6/17/24 09:36:39
     Hey Pete ... people have seen the video - Sal CMSU - 6/17/24 09:35:12
If the LBGTQ-EIEIO lifestyle is so random and strictly a - 4TigersinMichigan MU - 6/17/24 09:28:11
Biden’s responses to any & all debate questions - El Zorro MU - 6/17/24 09:02:45
     "Now look...." "Here's the deal....." - Tigrrrr! MU - 6/17/24 09:10:56
          My favorite is when he tells his outright lies… - El Zorro MU - 6/17/24 09:59:28
               LMAO.....Like when he grew up with Mother Teresa (nm) - Tigrrrr! MU - 6/17/24 10:29:04
                    Arrested with Nelson Mandela; inflation at 9% took office - El Zorro MU - 6/17/24 11:23:08
     Speaking of questions - pickle MU - 6/17/24 09:04:34



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